
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 21

"Miss Ross come in, please have a seat," one of the men said. Daphne slowly took a sit, her eyes not leaving the two men in front of her.

"I'm Caleb and this is Mr. Gosling," the man who spoke earlier said and the next words that came out of his mouth left Daphne confused.

"Your father hired him to be your lawyer," he said. Daphne stared at the two people in front of her blankly

"But I already have a lawyer" she responded.

"Ah yes, I should have told you this first. Mr Oscar has decided to drop your case" Caleb said.

"What is that supposed to mean, does Mira know about this" Daphne asked feeling panicked.

"I don't have that information Miss" he responded.

"This can't happen," Daphne said panicking. She knew if her family took up this case everything would be in favour of Imogen.

She suddenly remembers Ethan's words when they kidnapped her,

"Either way Daphne just know you're going away for a long time"

This was their plan to make sure I don't expose them but what Daphne didn't understand was how they convinced Mira to drop her case.

"But that isn't possible, Mira loves me a lot so she would just abandon me but then again the last time we met she walked out like she was angry with me," Daphne thought to herself.

The whole thing was so confusing and complicated, that she was starting to get a headache.

"Miss Daphne, I'll leave now so you and Me Gosling can discuss," Caleb said leaving Daphne alone with her new lawyer.

"I'm Mr. David Gosling your new lawyer," he said stretching his hand for a handshake but got no reply as Daphne just stared at him in disgust.

He eventually retracted his hands with a smile on his face.

"You are a lawyer, you are meant to defend the innocent" Daphne said with a voice laced with contempt.

"I defend my clients, not the innocent and in this case, your father Mr Tom Ross is my client," David said.

"How do you sleep at night" Daphne asked in anger.

"With air conditioning and on stacks of money," David replied.

"So what's the point of coming here when you're not going to help me" She asked.

"For formality Daphne. Now enough about that, tell me what happened on that fateful day" David asked chuckling.

"I'm done here," Daphne said getting up but was stopped midway by David's voice.

"Your DNA was found on the weapon used for the crime, there's CCTV footage of you willingly entering Imogen's car so you can't claim you were kidnapped, there is also another footage of you exchanging seats with Imogen and driving yourself to the abandoned school and the netizens are tearing you apart online," David said then paused for a while and then continued.

"No one will believe you no matter what you say, I know you're innocent, I don't believe the cock and bull story Impgen told the police but with the evidence piled up against you, I'm even starting to doubt you. Maybe that's why your friend dropped your case. Your best bet is to plead guilty in court, you're a smart woman I know you'll do the right thing" he said waiting for a response.

But Daphne didn't turn back, she just walked away leaving David staring at the door with a smile.


Meanwhile, in the Ross Mansion Agatha and Tom Ross were in the living room with their daughter Imogen.

"I've sent the lawyer to help your sister, Imogen," Tom said.

"Now the media won't dare say the Ross family didn't try to help one of their own," Agatha said smiling at her daughter.

"I have done what you suggested Imogen, now will you tell us what happened in the abandoned building?" Tom asked.

"What type of question is that honey, our daughter survived something so traumatic, yet all you worried about is what happened in that building. You should be concerned for her and your grandchild and besides she already told us what happened, are you suggesting that she is lying" Agatha asked coming to her daughter's aid.

"That's not what I'm saying darling, it's just that her story was very vague and I still don't understand some parts of the story" he responded.

"And like I said before she experienced something traumatic and is probably still shaken up by it, plus she's pregnant and it's messing with her emotions, just give her some time," Agatha said.

"I understand I just wanted to.....Aaah" Edward was interrupted by a shriek from his daughter.

"Aaaah", Imogen shrieked again.

"Are you ok?" her father asked worriedly as he rushed to her side with her mother behind him.

"Yes, I just need some rest" Imogen replied as she stood up.

Her mother came to her side and escorted her upstairs not before glaring at her husband blaming him for what happened.

it's her story was very vague and I still don't understand some parts of the story" he responded.

"And like I said before she experienced something traumatic and is probably still shaken up by it, plus she's pregnant and it's messing with her emotions, just give her some time," Agatha said.

"I understand I just wanted to.....Aaah" Edward was interrupted by a shriek from his daughter.

"Aaaah", Imogen shrieked again.

"Are you ok?" her father asked worriedly as he rushed to her side with her mother behind him.

"Yes, I just need some rest" Imogen replied as she stood up.

Her mother came to her side and escorted her upstairs not before glaring at her husband blaming him for what happened.