
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 22

Daphne stared at the wall in her cell replaying the words of David in her head over and over again, she tried making a phone call after she left the visiting area but was denied.

She couldn't even get herself a new lawyer, she knew there was no use because her father would bribe the judge.

The thought of her family made her blood boil and as the days passed the hurt Daphne felt turned to rage she had only one wish as she was locked away in the cell and that was to destroy her entire family.

But she knew it wasn't possible anymore, her family's involvement with her lawyer had completely shattered any chance of her receiving justice.

She hated to admit it but with how things were going she would have to take David's advice but how could she plead guilty to a crime that was committed against her, she was the victim and wasn't supposed to be clad in orange scrubs and handcuffs Imogen was.

Her eyes felt heavy as tears threatened to spill from them, all through her stay in prison she hadn't shed a single tear, she tried to be strong and had hope because Mira was on her side.

But now she had no one on her side now, no friend, no family, and no hope. So what was the point of being strong when her entire life was going to end?

Tears spilled from her eyes uncontrollably as she sobbed quietly but not too quietly as very audible sniffles came from her.

She cried throughout the night barely getting any rest that night. She looked raddled and her frail body made her look more haggard, she continued crying every night until the day of her hearing when she was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment.

As expected Mr. David Gosling made sure to do a lousy job defending Daphne but she didn't care.

The night before her hearing Daphne promised herself that she would never depend on anyone because everyone she relied on betrayed her. She promised herself that she wouldn't rely on anyone else in the future and from that day she never did.

In court Daphne did all she could to defend herself but as expected all her efforts didn't yield any tangible result.

She also made sure to prepare herself for the worst outcome and when she was declared guilty there wasn't a change in her expression for she had accepted her faith.

Sorry for the short chapter............,,.

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