
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 19

Early the next day, Mira and Oscar were on their way to the station to request bail.

Damien wanted to accompany his sister but he had other pressing matters to attend to at the company.

When they got to the station Oscar went with the officer to finalize some legal procedures while Mira was finally allowed to meet Daphne.

Immediately Mira saw Daphne, she threw herself at her and hugged her tightly. "I was so worried about you", she said.

"I'm fine, so don't worry", she replied with a small smile. Mira's heart broke as she saw the condition of her friend, she looked like she didn't get any sleep but instead cried the whole night as her eyes were red, puffy, and looked bloodshot. There were also very pronounced dark circles under her eyes.

Her fair wrists were bruised with painful-looking red lines, which made Mira wonder what exactly happened to her friend yesterday. But before Mira could ask her what happened Daphne started talking.

"They accused me of attempted murder Mira", Daphne said.

Mira's entire face turned pale, she was so cut up in coming to visit her friend that she didn't listen to the details of the case.

"Attempted murder on who", Mira asked exasperated.

"On Daphne and her unborn child", she responded.

"CHILD! What child", she said with her voice slightly raised up.

"I found out she was pregnant with Ethan's child yesterday", she said.

At the exact same moment she finished her statement Oscar walked into the room with a panicked look on his face.

"Miss Mira your father just called he needs you at home right now in regards to your brother's kidnap, he sounded very worried on the phone", Oscar said hurriedly. Mira immediately got up and gave Daphne an apologetic look.

"If Dad is calling me home it must be urgent, I'll come by as soon as I can and please don't worry, I'll get you out of here", she said.

"Mira I have something to tell you, it's about Q.....", Daphne said but was rudely interrupted by Oscar who gave her a stern look.

"The world doesn't revolve around you miss, Madam came here to see you even though the entire Cy family is in chaos because of Mr Cy's disappearance. Her brother needs her too. You----", Oscar wass saying but got interrupted by Mira.

"Did I bring you here to lecture her?", Mira asked irritated.

"No ma'am", Oscar said schooling his expression.

"Mira you have to listen to me", Daphne said. But Mira turned her back and was already leaving not before mouthing "We'll talk later" to Daohne as her phone kept on vibrating.

"It was Matt who took your brother", she yelled out but Mira was long gone.

Daphne was frustrated that she couldn't tell Mira what she found out but soon consoled herself because that would be the first thing she would tell Mira when she comes to visit. Then a female officer came into the room and escorted Daphne back to her cell.

Meanwhile, Mira had finally gotten home and was currently in a heated argument with her Dad.

"You will not see that Daphne girl again", her father said.

"What do you mean Dad, my friend is facing serious charges and you want me to abandon her", Mira asked in shock.

"Mira, a lot of our investors are pulling out and we are facing a crisis, the media isn't making the situation better they're speculating that there are internal disputes in tthe family and our business isn't stable. A lot of companies have ended their collaborations with us because they're afraid of incurring losses", he said.

"And how does that have anything to do with helping Daphne", she asked.

"Have you seen the news Mira", he asked.

"What news", she responded and her Dad turned on the news.

The news of Daphne's attempted murder was being discussed on the news. Mira immediately checked her phone and saw that overnight Daphne was trending on the Internet and even overshadowed Quinn's the news of Quinn's disappearance. Many articles, pictures, and videos were under Daphne's name.

"Mira there is footage of her driving Imogen to the abandoned school at the end of town, and there is another footage of her attacking a man at the bar a day before, and also her DNA was found the murder weapon. The netizens are against her and she's receiving a lot of backlash, her sister's fan base are tearing her down and dragging her name through the mud on the internet right now as we speak"

"If we get involved we will face severe backlash and right now we don't need any problems. If we help her the public's eye will shift back to us with intense negativity", he said to his daughter who was just staring at her phone stunned.

Imogen released a statement saying that her sister always tried to come between she and her boyfriend but never succeeded. Imogen went on to say that she thinks Daphne finally lost her mind when she found out that she was pregnant, so she lured her to a secluded area and tried to take her life.

The netizens we're clearly on Imogen's side

as they sympathized with her and cursed Daphne.

Mira knew that a part of Imogen's story was a lie but also wondered if a part of it might be true because when Daphne lost her mother she almost killed the man who caused the accident in a fit of rage.

She knew that Daphne had a temper but would she try to kill her sister and an innocent baby, Mira doubted it.

"Didn't you tell Damien that you were about to visit Daphne and stay with her before the news of Quinn because you knew how she reacted when she was emotional, don't you think she might have done this in anger", her father said.

"No Dad she wouldn't do something this extreme", she responded.

"I don't care what you think, the allegation leveled against her is hefty and besides if her own family hasn't stepped up to defend her, who are you to get involved?", he asked his daughter.

"I'm her family and she is not just a friend but my sis...."

"Enough! You're brother is missing and all you're talking about is some murderer. You will do as I say and if you get involved in any way, I will ship you off to another continent. I PROMISE YOU MIRA!", he said in an authoritative voice and walked out of the room, leaving Mira.

She eventually went to her room and decided to ask Damien for help when he came back.