
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 18

When they got into the station they found out that Daphne was already being interrogated. Mira immediately called one of the lawyers they consulted at the Cy family's company. She stepped outside immediately he answered her call.

"Oscar, can you come to the police station right, I need you ASAP", she said.

"This late. Which one", he responded.

"The one near Park Ridge. Thank you so much", she said ending the call.

She walked back into the station to see Daphne being taken to another room, probably where she was going to be detained. Mira wanted to talk to Daphne but couldn't because the visitation period was over.

Mira had no choice but to yell loudly.

"I've arranged an attorney for you, it's going to be ok Daph, be strong"

And not surprisingly she was kicked out of the station. Mira left with her heart heavy, her best friend was going to be locked up all alone like some criminal, the thought of Daphne having to spend the night in a cell broke Mira's heart but what could she do?

She then received a call from Oscars, after answering the call his deep voice sounded through the phone.

"I don't think I'll be of any use at the station because it's already late, they won't let me in", he said. "Should I come over to the mansion instead"

"It's no use, Oscar, I don't even know what she got arrested for", Mira said.

Oscar sighed deeply and said, I'll come over tomorrow and we'll go together, I just hope she didn't answer any of the questions the police asked her because if she did then things would be more complicated"

"See you tomorrow", Mira said ending the call. Mira stared at the sky as tears fell from her eyes, she dropped to the floor and started sobbing softly, she then felt an arm around her, and she looked up to see her brother Damien staring down at her.

She was shocked but couldn't react much as she just kept crying. Eventually, she calmed down and turned to her brother.

"What are you doing here? You said you were coming back tomorrow", she said smiling slightly.

"I wanted to give my little sister a surprise to cheer her up but when I got home Mum said you went to the station because Daphne got arrested. How is she by the way?", he asked.

"I don't know because they won't let me see her, I don't even know what she's getting charged for but I think it has to do with Ethan", she said.

She then proceeded to tell Damien about her family and Ethan's betrayal and their breakup.

"I knew she was going to have an emotional breakdown and I wanted to be with her but I got the news of Ethan's disappearance and I forgot about her, I left her all alone in that condition when she needed me, and in less than twenty-four hours she was arrested".

"If I had just given her a call telling her what happened and that I might not come or If I hadn't forgotten her maybe she wouldn't have been arrested Damien", she said.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Let's go home we'll talk tomorrow and also mum is going to be worried if we don't get home soon", he said helping her up.

As they walked away Mira looked back at the station one more time before finally getting into the car and driving off.

When they got home Mira went to her room while Damien went to study with their father to discuss Quinn's disappearance. Mira couldn't get a wink of sleep, she kept tossing and turning on her bed.

Tonight her usually soft bed felt as hard as a boulder and eventually Mira couldn't take it anymore, so she got off her bed and went for a stroll around the house which eventually led her to the garden at the back.

She sat on the swing as she stared at the starry sky with a heavy heart and remained there for a while before going back into her room.

She laid on the bed and was in deep thought until she eventually fell asleep, tomorrow was going to be a long day.