
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 16

Daphne screamed in shock as Imogen plunged the knife into her arm, she screamed in pained as she pulled out the knife. Daphne almost passed out at the sight, she then turned to Ethan in shock and yelled,

"Why are you just standing there stop her", she looked at him like he was crazy but Ethan didn't move a muscle he just stared at Imogen with a painful expression and turn to Daphne in an angry expression.

"Look what you've done to your own sister, do you feel proud of yourself", Ethan asked.

Daphne took a step back and held her head between her palms as she stared at the scene in front of her.

"I didn't do anything to her, you watched her stab herself and did nothing now you're blaming me, are you crazy", Daphne said as she stared at the two people in front of her.

"First you kidnap me then you attempt to kill me and now she's committing suicide, while you stood at side letting the love of your life and mother of your child do all the dirty work, are you really that weak. You know what I realized today I realized that you are a weak man with no back bone, you're as disgusting as a dog eating it's on vomit", Daphne yelled then turned to Imogen to tell her off too.

"You are a snake, a wolf in sheep clothing and you know what I hope you die of your injuries because I hate you both from the depth of my heart and you both deserve eachother"

Daphne knew she couldn't look at the scene in front anymore so she decided to escape this mad house.

She gave on last look to the two people who were on the floor, Imogen was holding her injured arm and moaning in pain while Ethan tried to comfort her, Daphne stared at them longer than she should have before stepping out completely forgetting about the blury men stationed in front of the room but when she realized that she was already out the door and was about run back inside when she realized no one was outside the door.

Daphne didn't have time to ponder on it as she sprinted down the stairs and then out the exit. She saw Imogen's car was still parked outside so she subconsciously reached for the keys and surprisingly the key was in her pocket. She realized that they didn't search her when she was kidnapped.

She got into the car and started driving away, her mind was in chaos as she drove away. Whatever happened today was not normal and she knew this wasn't the end of it.

By the time she got home the sun had already set, she stopped at her building and walked into the elevator, she was so occupied by her thoughts that she didn't realize when she reach her floor.

She finally got out of the elevator and walked to her door, she typed in the wrong passcode twice before she could unlock her door when she finally got in she slumped on the floor and stared blankly in space, after sometime she chuckled as she realized she did that alot today.

All the incidents that occurred today where so overwhelming and Daphne knew that something else was going to happen but she couldn't predict their next move. She finally stood up after sometime and decided to call Mira, she reached into her pocket and then remembered that she didn't have her phone on her.

She was about to reach for the land line but was stopped in her track by a loud bang on the door. Daphne rushed to the door and looked at the doorbell camera, her heart shook as she saw who was behind the door.

"This is the police open up", a loud voice thundered from the other side.

Daphne's first thought was to escape but she quickly dismissed the thought, why would she run away when she was the one who was wronged but then why would the police come to her house when she hadn't reported her kidnap to the police.

Unfortunately, there was not enough time to ponder on the thought as there was another loud bang at the door, Daphne jerked as she was startled and then reached for the handle to open the door but stopped mid way as a thought came to mind.

What if they're not real police men but just Ethan and Imogen's lackies. So she decide to confirm the identity of the men on the other side of her door by saying,

"How do I know you're real police men", she asked and they all brought out their ID and flashed it to the camera.

"What if they're fake", she countered.

"Ma'am we don't have time for this, open the door or we will let our self in", one of the policemen threatened.

Reluctantly, Daphne opened the door and  as soon as it was opened one of the policemen grabbed her hands, put it behind her and then hand cuffed her.

Daphne was momentarily dazed but got her composure back immediately. "What are you doing ? Why are you arresting me, I'm innocent, I was kidnapped", Daphne said but didn't struggle with the police men because she knew it was of no use.

"Miss Daphne Ross you are under arrest for the kidnap and attempted murder of Imogen Ross", the policeman man said.