
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 15

On the other side of the building Daphne was still tied to the chair and had completely given up hope, sh had been staring at all the array of weapons laid out in front her. At a point she got so bored that she started guessing the names of the weapon and it turns out she knew alot about weapons.

  Being the favourite grandchild of Arthur Ross had alot of perks, he introduced to his powerful friends, and got her familiarize her with the business world and also the underworld were the Ross family had some businesses.

   She had visited the underworld and knew alot about weapons, she had never used this knowledge in the past and now the first time she applied her knowledge on weaponry was when she was kidnapped and identifying her prospective torture weapons.

After she finished identifying all the weapons, she got bored again and started  observing the room she was locked in, taking in each minor and major detail of the room, she saw a large pile of wooden boxes at the other side of the room and concluded that the weapons must have come in those crates.

After sometime the door to the room opened then Ethan and Imogen walked in with Nicolas and Morice. They asked the two men to untie her and after hours of being tied to a wooden chair she felt her entire body ache as she stood up and subtly stretched.

Then Imogen walked towards the weapon table put on some gloves and picked up a dagger, she threw it at Daphne and luckily she reacted quickly and caught the dagger by the handle.

"I'm doing this because of the blood relationship we share Daphne, I'll give you a chance to fight back", Imogen said as her hands ran through the weapons on the table, then finally settled for s pink hatchet on the table, she then turned to Daphne and said,

"If you can stab me just once, I'll let you go, if not your not going anywhere"

Daphne was stunned and couldn't speak for a while before finally composing herself.

"Are you crazy, why would you want me to stab you", Daphne said perplexed.

"Oh please, your acting like you could even get a scratch on me", Imogen retorted.

"This is sickening, you all are sick in the head, asking me to stab you, are you mad, you even claim that you are pregnant yet you want to do this", Daphne said turning to Ethan who had been quiet.

"Can you hear what she's saying,  she's carrying your child and you'll let her do this? ",  Daphne asked.

"Stop acting like you care about my child Daphne, you're heart broken and angry that i'm carrying Ethans baby and not you, I'm sure deep down you do want to play this game and the only reason you are complaining is because it's a dagger against a hatchet. Just know the weapons and rules will stay the same and nothing you do or say will change that", Imogen said as she grabbed Daphne by her shoulder and turned her to the opposite direction so she would be facing her not Ethan.

"I'm hurt, i'm heartbroken, I feel betrayed and i'm angry, i'm aware but I'm angry with the both of you not your child, I'm not mentally ill like you both,I won't do it", Daphne said ready to drop the dagger on the floor but was stopped by Imogen's threatening words.

"If you dare drop that dagger I swear I will kill Mira", she threatened.

"Why do you hate me so much,", Daphne screamed suddenly. I don't believe that you hate me so much because I took dad's attention, there's something else, Daphne said sounding very sure.

There was a change in Imogen expression but it went as quickly as it came and Daphne saw it.

"Tell me Imogen did I hurt you before, if I did I had no idea and I'm sorry but please don't make me hurt you", Daphne said.

But Imogen had an indifferent look on her face and said,  "Are you doing it or should I give orders to end Mira's life"

"You're really not going to change your mind Imogen", Daphne asked looking down at the dagger in her hand,but was met with silence. When she looked up she saw that Daphne was already in a fighting stance and reluctantly she followed suite.

Imogen charged at her swinging the hatchet at her head but each time she swung it Daphne skillfully avoided it. At that point Daphne knew she had to fight back because Imogen clearly had the intention to hurt her but decided not too harm her but just tire her out before trying to escape but it was getting harder and harder not to attack Imogen because when she remembered all the horrible things Imogen did to her she felt her blood boil but she knew she had to control herself.

She was also shocked because her sister was skillfully using the hatchet, she didn't know Imogen could fight like that but eventually Imogen strikes were slower and not as aggressive, she was getting tired and her swings were predictable.

Daphne saw the opportunity and started attacking with her free hand, legs and entire body trying to avoid using the dagger but it was inevitable because no matter how tired Imogen had become she wasn't backing down.

Daphne started gain the upper hand in the match and had only left some shallow scratch marks from the dagge on Imogen.

Imogen was at the brink of falling down and Daphne was looking to give the final blow when she felt something tightly grip her should and before she could look back she suddenly was flying backwards.

She fell into the pile of wooden crates and destroyed most of the crates. As she looked up she realized it was Ethan who had attacked her, she watched him run to Imogen side checking If she was ok and Daphne felt her heart clench in pain so she looked away.

After sometime Ethan finally left Imogen side and picked up Daphne's dagger, Daphne watched as he gave it to a still panting Imogen who smiled at him and takes the dagger, Daphne noticed he was also wearing gloves and found it strange.

Imogen then turned to Daphne who was struggling to get up from the floor as her entire body was in pain and said, "This is the best part"

She then turned to Ethan who had a look of worry marred all over his face, he then asked.

"Are you sure"

"Yes, more than sure", she responded while staring at the dagger.

She nodded reassuringly at Ethan trying to calm him down, while Daphne who was finally on her feet was staring at them confused. She knew something crazy was about to happen.

"What's going o-", she said but couldn't complete her sentence as Imogen did the unthinkable.