
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

As Imogen filled Ethan in on her great idea in another room, Daphne was vigorously struggling to untie herself but the only issue was that the more she tried to break free the tighter the knot became. She eventually stopped because she knew it was of no use.

She felt a sting on her wrist and ankle because of how tight the knots had become. She continuously cursed Imogen and Ethan in her heart, she was at least relieved that Mira was safe at home but she also felt bad that she couldn't be there for her best friend in these tough times and she had a lead that might help them in the case but she was here tied to a very uncomfortable chair.

Daphne never really understood discomfort, she was the daughter of one of the most influential families in the city. Steel City had many influential families but there were four major families, the Cy family, the Sawyer family, the Ross family, and the Baldwin family. They were highly respected in Steel City not only because of their wealth but also their vast connections.

Although they were the Big Four, there would always be number one and that was the Cy family. The net worth of the Cy family superseded that of the other families.

This naturally led to competition between the families because everyone wanted to take the place of the Cy family as the number one in Steel City.

When the patriarch of the Ross family Arthur Ross was about to retire he gifted all his shares to his favorite granddaughter Daphne, this made the entire Ross family envious of her. She wasn't an active member of the board and would only show up when she needed to vote on an issue or give her opinion. The current CEO Tom Ross, is Daohne's dad.

So when Ethan showed his interest in Daphne, Tom was over the moon because an alliance between two families as big as theirs would remove the Cy family from the top of the list, it didn't matter to him who Ethan eventually chose as long as it was one of his daughters. If Ethan and Imogen weren't together, he was planning to set her up with one of the young masters from the Baldwin family he tried using Daphne to set Imogen up with someone from the Cy family, Quinn Cy in particular because of Daphne's relationship with Mira but Daphne refused saying she wouldn't take advantage of her friendship.

Daphne just continued to stare at the wall for a long time and then suddenly started wiggling her body again. She was hungry, uncomfortable, and in pain. She still felt the stings from the slaps she received from the evil couple and her head also hurt because of how hard Ethan pulled on her.

She felt very pathetic at the moment, then suddenly remembered that they hadn't taken her phone, those two morons couldn't even abduct a person properly. She soon realized that she couldn't reach her phone and for the first time, she was glad she had a virtual assistant called.

"Bixby call Mira", she said as quietly as possible because she didn't want anyone to hear her but unfortunately it didn't work, so she tried a few more times but Bixby apparently couldn't hear her Then it suddenly clicked what if Bixby wasn't responding because there was no reception and not because she couldn't hear her.

She couldn't give up easily so she decided to try one last time but the only difference from the other tries was that her voice was going to be a little higher. But before she could say anything her phone started to ring loudly. She shrieked as she was startled by the sudden loud noise.

The ruckus attracted the two blurry men who had been standing at her door. They burst into the room and fished out Daphne's phone from her pocket. Daphne had a swift glimpse at the caller's name before the two men walked out of the room with her phone.

It was Mira. "She must be worried sick right now", Daphne thought to herself but there wasn't anything she could do.

She just stared at the back of the men who were taking her phone with them and for the first time, Daphne Ross felt defeated and confused. She had always been a quick thinker and tried to be positive but right now she felt hopeless and strangely scared. She didn't know why she had a feeling that a terrible thing was about to happen, she had the same feeling on her way here and got kidnapped. What would happen now what she's feeling now is way more intense. She knew she had to escape because those two might eventually kidnap her and she needed to help her friend.