
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 11

After a while, Imogen stopped the car saying she was feeling sick, and asked Daphne to switch with her.

"What, I'm pregnant it's normal to feel weak, besides if you want your dear friend to be safe as soon as possible start driving," Imogen said.

Daphne had no choice but to switch seats with her, she found the exchange suspicious but had bigger things to worry about.

Finally, Imogen stopped the car in front of an abandoned school building.

A few years ago there was a terrorist attack in Steel City that claimed the lives of all the students and staff of the school. Ever since then the school has been abandoned, and all surrounding residents moved away, it was a dark day in Steel City.

    People also believed that the ghosts of the deceased were still lurking around the building and the entire neighborhood because of some paranormal occurrences, UFOs, and strange noises. This is why many residents moved away and since then it has been an abandoned neighborhood.

    As they alighted the car, Daphne stared at the tall and imposing building in front of her and felt her blood boil. For as long as she could remember Mira was scared of every little thing, she couldn't watch horror movies, didn't celebrate Halloween, was very scared of this neighborhood and she knew her friend would be shaking in her boots.

     Her blood boiled as she turned to Imogen and started making her way toward her like she was going to pounce on her Imogen reflput up and took a few steps back.

What did I ever do to you, what did Mira do to you, Daphne asked almost yelling.

I have loved you like my sister, took care of you, I've covered for you multiple times which made me earn the title "black sheep", Daphne continued.

I hate you, Daphne, more than you know, my life's mission is to destroy you, Imogen said also raising her voice.

"Daphne Ross, a rising actress in Steel City, has amazing singing talent, is a genius on the keyboard, and is an excellent violinist, and a pageant Queen. You had it all Daphne and you were going to add Ethan Sawyer to your list of accomplishments, how could I allow it so I convinced you to keep your relationship with him a secret".

You have money, beauty, fame, and the biggest shares in Ross enterprise, and me do you know what they referred to me as, they called me "Daphne's sister" Most of them didn't know my name because of the thick dark shadow you cast over me forcing me to live in it, Imogen spat with her eyes filled with hatred.

But I fought hard and finally got out of your shadow, you think you are better than me right? I'm slowly surpassing you and you're scared, aren't you?

Well, that's how I felt every day, because of how insecure you made me feel, I constantly fought for people's attention, I even had to fight for my dad's attention because he was so focused on boot-licking you to give him grandfather's shares, so I seduced Ethan and came up with a plan to take your shares without dad having to fawn over you and that's when I got the attention you deprived me of.

My so-called big sister refused to introduce me to the entertainment industry and kept me away because she was insecure. You stole the love of my life, I stole him back, you stole Daddy's attention, I took it back. I'm only taking back what you took from me Daphne, no hard feelings except Hatred.

I didn't introduce you to the entertainment industry because it was a messy place, a dog-eat-dog world, and you were my naive little sister, well that's what you pretended to be but even though I thought you were too innocent to go into that world. My point is I wanted to protect you Imogen because one slip up and your entire career will be ruined, one scandal and your entire life is ruined, the pressure gets so much that people end their lives. As for Ethan, you said you were over him and you didn't care that I dated him because you were over him, you even bad-mouthed him. You liked him when you were in middle school, how was I meant to know, you encouraged me to go out with him. I love you sis so much and I never meant to hurt you, Daphne responded

But you're taking things too far, kidnapping is illegal you could get into so much trouble for this. Is it worth it Imogen? Daphne asked

Your explanation came a tad late Daphne, so I don't care about your reason and It's funny that no matter how many lead roles I take from you, you still end up being the center of attention, and those lousy directors won't cast me in the drama series or movies if you're not in it. Is that how cheap you are Daphne, sleeping around for roles, is disgusting, you say you love me yet you would sleep around to get cast in all of my plays, to steal the spotlight. So yes Daphne, it is worth it, Imogen sneered and was met with silence.

After 5 minutes of silence. Daphne finally opened her mouth. Where is Mira, she asked.

She's in the building, follow me, Imogen said already walking ahead while Daphe followed quietly behind her. She stared at Imogen's familiar back and it wasn't so familiar anymore.

For all these years she thought she was the best sister in the world when actually her sister resented her so much.

As they got deeper into the school, Daphne's voice suddenly echoed in the empty building startling Imogen.

What does Mira, have to do with all this? You have a problem with me, right why drag her into all this? Daphne asked.

She's here because she's involved with you and everyone involved with you will suffer, Imogen said and walked into a room.

Daphne walked in afterward and the sight she witnessed made a pause involuntarily.