
Starvoid [Haitus]

An author finds himself being forced by gods to reincarnate into the Star Wars Universe. Forced for time and resources can he build up his own empire for his people and survive through the events that would happen to the universe? (Inspiration for my novel taken from [The Wound In The Stars] by jkjkodath) It has a similar overall plot as his novel but I decided to go with a different approach. Tech-wise still a WIP and I will do my best to stick with Canon. For those harem lovers, this story is not for you. NOVEL IS STILL A DRAFT (Still in the works and will not be updated until I finish my other novel first) (2nd fanfic I wrote)

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27 Chs

012 Message

As Yandi was busy with his work and fleet creation, Selena was busy with her Padawan.

"Yes, there you go Sona" She nodded as she deflected a lightsaber strike coming for her.

After she deflected around 25 strikes she warned Sona "Watch out for my attacks now"

After 10 strikes, her Padawan, Sona, fell to the ground "You did well, Sona" Selena helped her up from the ground.

"Master, go easy on me next time" Sona begged

Selena sighed "I'm already going easy on you. My master wouldn't go easy on me at all"

She froze after saying that. She began to think about her adventured with Yandi and couldn't help but feel happy yet sad at the same time.

"Master? What's wrong?" Sona asked seeing her master's expressions constantly changing

"Oh nothing" She said as she got called back to reality "Just some old matters related to me and my master" She smiled bitterly

"Oh" Noticing her master's mood she didn't say anything more

"Alright, lets go again" Selena pushed her thoughts behind her head and smiled

They began training again. This lasted for the entire week until she wanted to teach her something else.

"Sona, want to learn about the galaxy?" She asked

"Uh huh" Sona quickly nodded as she have never really learned about the other planets other than the one she was born with.

Unfortunately for poor Selena, she spent the next four months teaching Sona about every planet and moon in the galaxy. Sona even went and asked about their cultures and food there, as well as animals and species.

"Master Just where are you?" Selena sighed as she looked into the night sky.

After half a year of teaching Sona, she finally got a message from Yandi.

To Selena

Happy Birthday Selena, I could not be there for this year for you. Like every year, I have left a gift for you in a hanger where you could pick up. I sent the location to you on tour map. Sera would bring you there. Also I updated Sera with the information on the ship. I designed it to exactly how you would like it. You do not have to worry about no being able to leave it there. I transferred the hanger under your name so you are now the owner of it. Don't come to Mandalore, I have set down plans for the entire planet. You will hear no news from there for a while as the entire system went into a lockdown phase. No one else outside will know of this information except you. Do not worry, I will be constantly contacting you to update you.


She gave a bitter smile as she read the message "I will be waiting for you" She whispered to herself

The next morning, she left the Temple to the hanger. Sona wanted to go with her but she asked Qiu-Gon to look after Sona for her.

[Turn right]

She followed Sera's instructions and soon came to a large shipyard.

[Walk to the man in the counter]

She did that

[Now say the passcode S-Y-F-E-6-0-0-4]

She spoke the passcode and the man greeted her respectfully to her confusion. He led her to a hanger and opened the door.

"Miss, your ship is here. The lord informed me that you would come by"

"He did?" She asked

"Yes" he nodded

She didn't ask for Yandi's location since she knew he would never let her find him. She walked inside and saw a beautiful ship painted red.

[Miss Selena, the Lord has told me that he has made the interior more comfortable and has the proper technology to keep you warm and alive in space for half a year]

"Really?" she asked in surprise

[Yes, This is an AA Clacker Class Corvette, you can name it anything and it's name will be labeled on the ships data]

"Name it.... Rose"


"What's an AA Clacker Class Corvette?" she asked

[It is a ship that my Lord and several others have produced secretly. You are one of the first to receive them, It comes with a Class 1A Hyperdrive and a turbo laser battery turret on the front. It can take a heavy beating with the increased armor and is modified to be faster than your average spaceship]

"Secretly?" She asked in confusion

[I cannot leak my Lord's plans. He has been planning for several years already I cannot interrupt his plans]

"If you cannot leak it then why are you telling me this?"

[My lord allows you to have certain access to certain information]

"What is master hiding?" She muttered

[Miss Selena, I can only tell you so much. The rest is up to the lord to inform you. Our job is to protect you from danger]



"Who is our?" she asked

[Miss Selena, I cannot tell you until you find out by yourself or they expose themselves, but please believe in us and the Lord, he does not wish for you to be in harm's way]

"Then why?" She hands tightened "I want to ask him why"


[Updating Permissions]

[Incoming Message]

A voice message was quickly sent over. "Selena" Yandi's voice was heard

"Master?" she asked

"Sera has told me that you are upset, I'm sorry I cannot tell you anything. But, please Selena I really want to go over and explain myself but I am in a crucial step of my plans I cannot be distracted. I'm taking some time to talk to you because I know you are hurt. I know you are upset. I know you are angry. But please, just give me some time I will come for you eventually" He paused for a second "I know you have your feelings for me. I do too"

She was stunned.

"Although I- I didn't say anything, 5 years was enough for things to happen" he could be heard sighing "My plans would not allow any distractions so I have no choice but to give up. If... if you still love me by the time we meet again, I will allow for it to happen between us"

She gently said "I can wait"

"I will have some people guard you during this time you are alone in the Temple" He continued "I do not wish for you to be harmed by those people. When the time comes, you should be able to find out the truth gradually. I have left hints of things in my previous messages to you and Yoda. I hope you will be able to figure some things out before it's too late. Our time is up, Good bye Selena, stay safe until I can see you again"

The message stopped there but she was happy that Yandi had admitted that he liked her too. She spent the rest of the year slowly with his words repeating in her heart.