
Starvoid [Haitus]

An author finds himself being forced by gods to reincarnate into the Star Wars Universe. Forced for time and resources can he build up his own empire for his people and survive through the events that would happen to the universe? (Inspiration for my novel taken from [The Wound In The Stars] by jkjkodath) It has a similar overall plot as his novel but I decided to go with a different approach. Tech-wise still a WIP and I will do my best to stick with Canon. For those harem lovers, this story is not for you. NOVEL IS STILL A DRAFT (Still in the works and will not be updated until I finish my other novel first) (2nd fanfic I wrote)

Suuper · TV
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27 Chs

011 Star Forge

I became the Mand'alor of our people, although they haven't publicly stated it. To everyone else in the galaxy, Mandalore was completely peaceful, but we are secretly making plans for a mass migration. All Mandalorians were to sign up for a numerical tag on them. These numerical tags would symbolize their citizenship. This would take some time as we would also need to secretly tell this to all Mandalorians that were spread across the galaxy.

While this was happening in Mandalore, I went back to Yansil and planned to make big moves. First, I contacted the rulers of the two nations on the inhabited planets to join us. One of them joined but the other refused and even attacked us. A couple of them surrendered and followed us with their tribes and clans. A month later, I ordered my fleet to take out their ships and stations before moving ground troops in. I spent that time to gather the E3N bots, OMAR Type 6 robots and the assassin droids. I upped the creation of ground vehicles and fighters.

I created dropships for quick troop deployment called Raven and then proceeded to create rail gun tanks and Siege tanks. The railgun takes were named the M46A3 but also called the Ravager. The other tank which is meant for siege warfare are called Dominators. They have two missile rocket pods that holds 12 rockets each and a mass driver cannon that would be used on ATTEs. The Dominators would be able to transform into walkers.

Along with these, there are MMS-APCs which used heavy duty wheels and are coated with a special liquid to be able to take blaster fire. There are also ZKFCC vehicles which are also forward command centers which could carry supplies and become the command center to a battalion. As we blasted their fleet into nothingness and had squadrons of Xeno Class Fighters flying in the skies to destroy any enemy aircraft, we sent down 14 Deviant Class Carriers and 12 of our Heavy Carriers.

In just half a month we destroyed their empire and killed everyone mercilessly and sent the children we spared to the clans that surrendered for adoption. After creating several outposts and leaving some of our droids behind to take watch over it we went out of the system with 90% of the troops. We left 100,000 droids to watch the planet in case of any survivors.

We had our fleet enter and occupy the systems surrounding the Star Forge. All resistance we met was quickly erased and assimilated by sparing their children. 12 planets were found to have inhabitants and all have resisted so we killed them all. Half a year has passed and I have finally taken over another 16 systems. During this time, there were 4 planets who joined us and 7 who resisted. Of course all those who had surrendered had their governments abolished and was sent into Mandalorian rule. We taught them our culture and code of honor. I took some time but soon they fully embraced the feeling of being a Mandalorian.

We approached the star forge. I have forgotten the most crucial aspect of the Star Forge, it was a sentient being that could warp even the Sith to go from the Worst to Unbound Evil. The system quickly gave a notification.

[Sentient Being Detected: Star Forge]

[Permission to erase the sentient being and cleanse the dark force controlling it?]

I quickly said yes

[Warning: Not enough System Points]

"Transfer all my Credits into System Points" I shouted as the Star Forge began to infiltrate into my mind


[Beginning Cleanse and Extermination process 1%]

I was slow and I backed off with the fleet. Good thing the entire fleet was maintained by droids and bots not humans.

A month later, the process was finally finished

[Process 100%]

[Cleanse and Extermination Process has been finished]

[Warning: Current Balance has reached 1sp]

"There goes my entire life savings" I sighed

I sent my Droids and Bots inside for a cleanup mission. We are to kill anything living inside the Star Forge.

[Mission Completed]

[Obtain Star Forge]

[Primary Objective(Completed)]

[Reward: 100,00sp]

[Hidden Objective: Resist the corruption of the Star Forge(Completed)]

[Reward: Star Forge operation instruction manual, repair manual, and System Control AI(Skynet)]

"System, the AI won't be like the ones in the movie right?" I asked skeptically


"Good" I breathed in relief

[Control over Star Forge will be regulated by the System AI, Under no circumstances will it go rogue]

"That makes me feel better" I relaxed "So other than me, no one unless I gave them permission to can use them right?"


This made me happy and I quickly activated the Forge to create more ships. Hundreds of Deviant Class Carriers were made in a few days. I also began to create Star Defense Platforms for the 16 systems I have control over. I created two to just to protect the Star Forge. This was a month worth of waiting. During this wait, I have created bases on all worlds and moons along with 100,000 droids to protect them. I also created more factories to pump out more droids and weapons.

By the end of the month, all systems are properly defended and I would have all major systems to contain a fleet of one OMPD3 Class Dreadnaught, 4 Harrower Class Dreadnaughts, 12 AA Clacker Class Corvettes, 8 JE01 Frigates and 8 AS21 Destroyers. These would be home defense fleets while other systems would only have 3 fleets that contain of 2 Harrower Class Dreadnaughts, 10 AA Clacker Class Corvettes, 6 JE01 Frigates, and 4 AS21 Destroyers. Major Worlds or locations like Yansil, Mandalore, and the Star Forge would contain 2 home defense fleets. With there being only 10 major systems, we decided to create 13 Home Defense Fleets and 36 of the smaller fleets to protect the other systems. We almost used up the entire last couple months of the year to produce them, including 40 AA Clacker Class Corvettes and 10 JE01 Frigates as patrol for each system.

The Dominator-


The Raven-


The Ravager-






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