
Starvoid [Haitus]

An author finds himself being forced by gods to reincarnate into the Star Wars Universe. Forced for time and resources can he build up his own empire for his people and survive through the events that would happen to the universe? (Inspiration for my novel taken from [The Wound In The Stars] by jkjkodath) It has a similar overall plot as his novel but I decided to go with a different approach. Tech-wise still a WIP and I will do my best to stick with Canon. For those harem lovers, this story is not for you. NOVEL IS STILL A DRAFT (Still in the works and will not be updated until I finish my other novel first) (2nd fanfic I wrote)

Suuper · TV
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27 Chs

013 Mass Migration

An entire year has passed by quickly. I admitted my feelings for Selena after her AI Sera told me that she was upset with me. I somehow feel some regret for leaving her on Corusant but it have already happened so I can't go back and change my decisions. I can only send people to watch over and protect her secretly, I'm currently at the crucial step of my plans. All the work is for this. I want to build an empire. An empire to protect us from Sidious's plans.

A month before I arrive on Mandalore to announce my title, I set up KT20 space stations in every system. Major systems would have 4-6 spread around while other systems would have 2-3 stations. A New Fleet was created. This fleet was to be the supreme fleet of our empire. There would only be one such fleet and is to be stationed in the Core System. The core system would consist of Yansil and Mandalore. I planned on putting them in the same system to ensure their safety.

The Supreme Fleet would consist of a Quentin Class Super Dreadnaught, 2 integrated Major Home Defense fleets, 2 IGN01 Class Super Star Destroyers, 2 IGN02 Class Super Star Destroyers, 2 AL21 Class Super Star Star Destroyers, and 4 GBD06 Class Destroyers. They will be done by the time the Clone Wars begin. With the large amount of ships being built, The amount of Droids I have is running low.

Our first batch of a 200,000 Clones have been finished. I didn't change their DNA so they would grow normally. One thing I have learned in my past life is that, their fast aging caused many problems in the republic. Each batch of clones would have 200,000 soldiers. When we have enough Clones for army, I will slow down the assimilation process. and have the batches come in when they reach the age of 18.

I had blueprints of old republic trooper armor. They were more practical and more armored than regular clone and storm trooper armor. Some troopers were even given special combat or defense courses where they would learn how to use a more heavier suit. They were called the juggernauts. Juggernauts would have an integrated hand cannon or heavy machinegun under their arms. They were modified to gather energy from an arc reactor core I bought from the shop to power them.

After making sure I had everything ready and things could run perfectly without me, I took my current Fleet to Mandalore. They would keep any and all news of me inside Mandalore. I got onto an AA Clacker Class Corvette and arrived on the planet soon after. There, I would announce my title as the new Mand'alor.

I arrived at Mandalore and asked Satine "Is everything ready?"

"Yes" She nodded

"Good" I nodded "Let's Start"

Soon, across the entire planet a holographic video was played to the world. It was the video of me killing Pre Vizsla. At first people was horrified thinking that there was going to be an even more ruthless man who is going to take over Deathwatch.

Soon Satine appeared in the video.

"To the Mandalorians of Mandalore" She spoke "What you just saw was the birth of a new Mand'alor"

Panic began to spread.

"But, fear not" She continued "We will have our peace. Our new Mand'alor will protect us from the darkness and help us rise as an empire"

The people began to chatter among themselves.

"Let me introduce you to the new Mand'alor" She said as she stepped away

Soon everyone could see a man taking off his helmet. "To everyone in Mandalore" He begun "My name is Yandi Eldar, the New Mand'alor"

Everyone held their breaths

"I have come to bring us of some disturbing news" Yandi Continued "The Jedi and Republic has fallen into darkness. They themselves has not realized what had happened, but I do. I have done my own investigation and found that the very Senate that rules over the Republic and Jedi, has fallen to the Dark Side"

People began to chatter even more.

"You may believe that I am trying to deceive you but, one this is for certain. A Sith lord is in control and War is Coming" Yandi continued to present a few videos of senators answering to a man called Darth Sidious. "Now, you may ask why I haven't told this to the republic. The Senate is in control and the Senators themselves are in support of this Darth Sidious. If tell this to the republic, the Senate would call us liars and place blame on our heads"

The entire world was in an uproar.

"Fear not, as your new Mand'alor, I have already planned for our people's salvation" Yandi threw in some good news "I have an army and fleets that have been taking over several star systems in the Unknown Regions. But, I promise you all this, I will NOT replace your Duchess and rule Mandalore. Many think we are warmongers and such but I promise you until the day I die, I will not allow for our army to rule the universe. I only wish for our protection and preservation. Hear me now, On my name and honor as the Mand'alor I will be the first to protect our brother and sisters. I will be the first to stand up against and face the people who will destroy our peace. Let this be my conviction to my people."

Yandi ended his speech there, but the people of Mandalore was riled up by his speech. Everyone rooted for him. No one went opposed him. All Mandalorians on that day, ceased any conflicts they ever had and celebrated for the new arrival of their new Mand'alor.

The day after that, Mandalorians were told to get onto ships according to their number ID to be transported. Cities have already been constructed on the planets along with outposts and military compounds the past year. As people were getting ready to be transferred, they couldn't help but to look at their homes one last time.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am an E3N bot, you may call me Ethan. I will be here to help you" Ethan told them "Do not worry, we are creating planetary transfer nodes to transport Mandalore and the other planets along with their moons to the new Star System you will be living in"

This caused everyone to leave behind their worries about leaving their homes and followed Ethan and the other E3N bots to their respective ships for transport.

KT20- Stations


Quentin Class Super Dreadnaught-


IGN01 Class Super Destroyers


IGN02 Class Super Destroyer


AL21 Class Super Destroyers


GBD06 Class Destroyer


Mandalorian Clone Armor


Suupercreators' thoughts