
Starting with 100 Trillion Points

Daniel was born without a family and his only friend was Lily and in a world where Monsters roamed, how would Daniel survive? (This novel contains Yandere and lots of manipulation towards MC)

ADboy245 · Action
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15 Chs

The Mansion

[: Congratulations, you have received Hell Flames :]

[: Hell Flames :]

- Burns anything in its way without leaving anything behind :]

As the notification appeared before him, Daniel's eyes widened in astonishment.

His jaw figuratively dropped as he stared at the words on the screen.

It was almost too unbelievable to be true.

He had obtained an ability known as Hell Flames, a power that seemed almost nonsensical in its description.

'This is good!' 

A smile of sheer disbelief crept onto his face as he contemplated the immense potential of this newfound ability.

The possibilities were staggering, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through him.

'First, it was a fist that could obliterate anything in its path, and now it's flames that can burn down anything,'

Daniel mused with a mix of fascination and caution.

The idea of possessing such formidable powers intrigued him, and he couldn't help but imagine the potential applications of Hell Flames.

However, his excitement was tempered by a sense of responsibility.

He understood the dangers of testing these powers in his current surroundings.

'If I accidentally burn down this place, I wouldn't be able to serve Lily any longer, and that's my worst nightmare!'' he declared with conviction.

The thought of failing to fulfil his newfound role and being dismissed before he could even begin was a prospect he wanted to avoid at all costs.

''Well, it seems like you've awakened much earlier than I expected,''

All of a sudden, as Daniel basked in the excitement of his newfound abilities, Jin entered the cabin.

''Butler Jin!'' Daniel exclaimed with eager anticipation. He couldn't contain his enthusiasm for the upcoming training. '

'Are we starting the training already?'' he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

''That's correct, Daniel. But before we begin, you should change into these clothes,'' J

in instructed, presenting a set of attire to Daniel.

As Daniel examined the clothes with curiosity, Jin provided an explanation.

''These are the clothes that a servant should wear for a better image and a more respectable appearance.''

As Daniel changed into the clothes provided by Jin, he found that they fit him perfectly, as if they had been tailored specifically for him.

His new attire gave him the appearance of a butler, characterized by a distinctive combination of black and white.

With his silvery white hair and striking violet eyes, he exuded a certain charm that would undoubtedly make him popular among the young ladies from the human side.

''Now, you look more like a butler than before,''

Jin remarked as he observed Daniel's transformation.

The change in attire had indeed altered Daniel's appearance significantly.

''With that, follow me. I'll take you to the mansion,''

Jin urged, prompting Daniel to respond with a simple nod.

However, Jin's demeanour grew serious, and he fixed his gaze intensely on Daniel.

His words carried a weight of importance as he issued a stern set of instructions.

''But please,'' he emphasized, ''do not ever talk to the young lady unless you are told to do so. Do not touch her at any point in time. Do not wander around, and do not handle any objects within the mansion unless you wish to lose your life.''

''Unless you wish to lose your life, please follow my instructions strictly. Do you understand?''

Jin reiterated, making sure the gravity of the situation was fully grasped.

''Yes, I understand,''

Daniel replied with a resolute and understanding tone.

He was fully aware that, as a servant and soon-to-be slave serving Lady Lily, strict boundaries and rules needed to be adhered to.

His overwhelming desire to serve her overshadowed any reservations he might have had about the rules, and he was determined to excel in his role.

''Alright, now follow me,'' Jin instructed, and with that, he led the way toward the mansion.

Daniel followed closely behind, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity as he ventured further.

As they left the cabin behind, Daniel couldn't help but be struck by the peculiarity and wonder of his surroundings.

Everything felt both different and oddly familiar as if he had entered a realm where reality itself was slightly altered.

The sky above them wasn't the usual shade of blue; instead, it seemed to have been dyed with a crimson hue.

After about ten minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the entrance of the grand mansion, a place that held the promise of new experiences and a life of servitude to Lady Lily.

''We have arrived here, Daniel, and this is where Lady Lily, Madam Minerva, and the Demon Lord Psyche live,''

Jin explained, offering a reminder of the place Daniel had entered.

Daniel took in the grandeur of the mansion before him, marvelling at its immense size and opulence.

If he had to describe it, he would say the mansion was adorned with gold.

Every hue, every statue, and every artefact seemed to shimmer with the precious metal.

Although not everything was entirely gold—there was a mix of black—it all contributed to a breathtaking aesthetic that captivated Daniel's eyes.

The mansion's beauty left a profound impression on him, and he couldn't help but be entranced by its grandeur.

''Daniel, remember all of the rules that I just mentioned earlier,''

Jin warned once more, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the established guidelines.

Daniel nodded in response, his expression optimistic and determined.

''I understand, Butler Jin, and you don't have to worry about it,'' he assured with confidence.

''I hope so,'' Jin replied, maintaining a watchful eye on Daniel's commitment to the rules.

As they entered the mansion, Daniel found the interior to be equally as stunning as the exterior.

With Butler Jin as his guide, Daniel was given a comprehensive tour of the mansion.

Jin introduced him to the various rooms where Lady Lily, Madam Minerva, and Demon Lord Psyche resided.

Simultaneously, he delved into the history, family trees, and legends that were deeply woven into the fabric of this illustrious household.

Daniel soaked in the rich tapestry of information, eager to learn more about his new environment and the individuals he would serve.