
Starting as a Jumper on Marvel Multiverse

After watching the film "Jumper," Leo developed the ability to teleport. It was, unbeknownst to him, simply the beginning of a much bigger adventure. He traveled to the Marvel Multiverse, where the Avengers exist, after his power grew out of control. But the Avengers were merely the beginning of his journey through the MCU's Multiverses.

AurelionSoul · Movies
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Powers: Better Late than Never

At this time, Leo was sitting in a room with a few young men and women. These people are the Mutants team that Charles and Erik recruited. They are the same people as in the movie, but now there is Leo

After Charles and Erik gathered them together, they left them alone and went to work.

"Hey, since we're going to fight side by side in the future, I think we should give each other a codename and introduce our abilities," Raven suggested.

"I want to be called Mystique!" Raven took the lead in saying her nickname.

"Damn, I want to be called Mystique," said the long-haired young man. Leo remembered that he could produce ultrasound and glide with the recoil of the sonic waves.

"Hopes up I called it and I'm way more mysterious than you." Mystique directly used her ability, and her skin changed into the appearance of the long-haired young man at a visible speed, and even the voice was the same.


Both the young man and woman were shocked by her."Darwin what about you? Mystique asked the black driver, who was sitting next to Leo.

"Well, Darwin is already a nickname, you know kind of fits. Adapt to survive and all"

After saying that, the driver stood up and walked to an aquarium on the side. He stuck his head into the water, and after he entered, gills started to grow on both sides of his face.

Everybody on the couch applauded, and the driver returned to his seat next to Leo.

"I want to be called Banshee. Everybody better cover your ears." The long-haired young man stood up and couldn't wait to perform his ability.

He was half-kneeling and facing the cup on the table. Just when everyone thought that he was going to show off his abilities to the cup, he aimed at the window glass and activated his superpower. The window glass was shattered by his ultrasound.

This caused the young men and women to cry out in alarm. Leo felt a little helpless; this guy really liked to show off.

'I want to be called Angel, because…' At that moment, the woman next to Leo also stood up. She was a hooker before she came here, and later joined the villain faction.

With her back to everybody, she took off her coat to reveal what looked like a tattoo on her back. Suddenly, her tattoo seemed to come alive, turning into a pair of transparent insect wings that vibrated rapidly, and she left the ground and flew up.

'You can fly! Cool.'

"Uhuh, and this." he spat thick phlegm through the broken window, which burned on the top of the statue's head.

Looking at her ability, Leo couldn't help but think, Even if you can't kill people with this ability, you can still make them sick.

'Hey, Leo, what's your ability?' the woman suddenly asked Leo.

"This is my ability!"

Leo put his hand on Darwin and instantly disappeared.

"What the? Where are they? How did they vanish?" The people in the room exclaimed.

"Over here!" Darwin felt the scene change, and he was outside the room. Seeing that the people in the room were looking for him, he shouted at them.

At this time, Leo felt that the moment he activated his ability, it was a little different from before. At the moment of transmission, he seemed to have returned to that unknown starry sky. At some point, a big hand formed by blue energy appeared on the ball in the middle. It directly grabbed at the second light dot, then seemed to grab onto something, and then pulled back. The blue hand also disappeared and everything returned to normal.

Leo's consciousness returned to his body. He felt that his body had changed, and couldn't be bothered to play with these immature kids.

Leo took Darwin back to where he was sitting and sat down to feel the changes in his body.

"Wow, Leo, your ability is really cool. How did you do it? Is it teleportation?"

"I think Leo should be called Speed," said the long-haired young man. Leo couldn't help but cursed him in his mind.

"It's not like Leo is fast. I think we should call him Blink." The woman continued.

"Leo, which one do you want to be your codename? You can choose between the two.' The woman asked for Leo's opinion.

"I won't choose any of them. You can call me the Jumper. Also, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable. I'll go back to my room first.' Leo stood up and walked to his room. He felt that he couldn't calm down at all when he was with these people and experience the changes in his body.

"Hey, you should stay. Please?"

Ignoring them, Leo went straight to his room without hesitation.

"Alex, it's your turn…"

Back in the room, Leo carefully felt the changes in his body, and felt that there seemed to be something unusual in his cells.

Leo picked up the fruit knife on the table and slashed at his arm. Just as the blade was about to touch his skin, Leo's powerful mental strength felt an indescribable change in his mind. Leo's hand, on the skin on his other hand, quickly turned into a rock-like texture. The fruit knife made a "clink" sound when it hit it, but it didn't damage Leo's hand.

"Sure enough, I acquired Darwin's mutation." Leo had already reached a conclusion when he saw his body's reaction.

However, Leo was a little worried about his gains and losses. It wasn't easy for him to have an additional ability, but it was copied from the black driver who would be dying in a short while. If he copied Professor X's telepathy, or Magneto's magnetokinesis should be fine.

At the very least, he could duplicate Mystique or Havok's laser disks. Leo, who had only seen the movie, felt that this reactive adaptability was somewhat weak. Otherwise, how could Darwin not be able to withstand a single energy ball from Sebastian Shaw and be reduced to ashes.

The disappointed Leo silently made a decision in his heart. He would definitely use Magneto to test if he could copy other's powers again.

At that moment, the young men and women downstairs were already having fun. They let themselves go and displayed their abilities to their heart's content.

However, Charles, Magneto, and the female agent from the CIA happened to return, and they saw the group of men and women who were enjoying themselves.

'What are you doing?' The female agent used a 'loud roar' to interrupt the young man who was letting go, and they were so frightened that they didn't know what to do.

'Who did this?' the female agent asked.

"It was Alex!" Beast mercilessly sold out the person who had mocked him so many times.

"You are really too unruly!"

"We think we should have our own code names. Charles, you'll be called Professor X. Erik, you'll be called Magneto." Mystique wasn't frightened by the female agent. She pointed at them and introduced them to each other, before she gave Charles and Erik their code names.

'It's not bad!' said Erik.

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to Erik. Erik was frightened and almost punched him.

It was Leo, who had heard the noise upstairs. He couldn't wait to use his ability to arrive on Erik's side and directly touch Erik, taking him away from where he had disappeared.

After he appeared not far away, Leo tried to sense it carefully, but didn't feel the same feeling as last time. He couldn't help but feel a little regret. It seemed that he couldn't do it again. However, Leo didn't show it on the surface, but directly brought Erik back to where they were.

After regaining his senses, Erik couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at Leo. He attaches great importance to Leo's ability.

"He is Leo, codename Jumper. What he just showed us is his ability." Seeing that Charles and Erik were a little confused, Mystique introduced Leo's ability.