
Starting as a Jumper on Marvel Multiverse

After watching the film "Jumper," Leo developed the ability to teleport. It was, unbeknownst to him, simply the beginning of a much bigger adventure. He traveled to the Marvel Multiverse, where the Avengers exist, after his power grew out of control. But the Avengers were merely the beginning of his journey through the MCU's Multiverses.

AurelionSoul · Movies
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74 Chs

The Meeting at the Bar

This time, Leo didn't remain unconscious for too long before he slowly woke up. He looked around in confusion, not knowing what was going on with him. Had he transmigrated again?

Leo looked at himself and found that he wasn't sleeping naked on the street again. His clothes were actually not destroyed by the huge energy explosion of the Cosmic Cube. Only the sleeve on his right arm was missing. It was the hand that had touched the Tesseract. However, he could still wear it like a sleeve.

Like when he first arrived in Marvel Universe, Leo found himself somewhat depressed. He raised his head and happened to see the bar in front of him. Then, he walked in.

This was a very old bar, and it seemed that there were some regular customers inside. Leo, this new face, had just entered and was already being watched. However, seeing a thin and weak Asian face, those who were drinking no longer paid attention to Leo and turned their heads to continue drinking.

Leo didn't pay too much attention to these people. He went straight to the counter a few steps away from the door and ordered a few glasses of wine. He paid for it. This money was brought by Leo from Marvel Universe. He didn't expect to be able to use it. Leo also wanted to order a drink, but it wasn't available here.

Leo sat down in a corner and began to carefully recall what happened today. If his guess was correct, he was basically sure that he was no longer in Marvel Universe because when he had tried using his superpower to jump into Tony's villa at the door. There had been no reaction. After several more tests, there had been no reaction. Leo was certain that he was no longer in Marvel Universe.

However, confirming that he wasn't in Marvel Universe wasn't Leo's ultimate goal. He had to first determine which world he had come to, but he didn't have any leads right now.

After Leo came to this world, he found that the first thing he missed was unexpectedly Louis and not Tony. Was he someone who valued her lover over her friend? (Author: Yes!)

Who was talking? Forget it, let's not think about that for now. The most important thing now is to figure out if the world he is in. Is the one he is familiar with? How can he return to Marvel Universe?

While Leo was letting his mind run wild, he didn't notice that after he left the bar counter, another man entered. The man had a beard and looked very fierce. His hair stood on end like needles, and the muscles under his clothes bulged. He was clearly a very strong man.

The man sat on a stool in front of the counter and took out some money. He slammed it on the counter and ordered the strongest drink.

A moment later, two more handsome men came through the door. They were dressed magnificently and looked out of place with the people who had come to this bar, but one had a receding hairline.

They headed straight for the brawny man who was drinking at the counter.

"Excuse me, I'm Erik Lehnsherr!" The man on the right introduced himself.

"I'm Charles X Xavier." The man on the left also introduced himself.

"Go fuck yourself…" The man said bluntly.

After being mercilessly rejected, Charles and Erik could only helplessly walk out.

Charles, who had reached the door, suddenly stopped and sensed carefully.

Seeing Charles like this, Erik stopped and waited quietly.

"No, I sense that there's another mutant here. Let's go back!" Charles said to Erik after sensing for a while, and immediately returned to the bar.

At that moment, Leo was stupefied. After resting for a while, he finally felt that his head was much better. He couldn't help but sense his mental strength to see if there was any change. This time, he almost paid with his life and crossed over to an unknown world. If he didn't have any more gains, that would be a huge loss.

Then, Leo was surprised to find that after he focused,


A rumble rang out in his head, and Leo almost fainted from the shock.

Then, Leo found that he had inexplicably appeared in another starry sky. Then, Leo realized that something was wrong. He actually didn't have a body right now!

"What's going on?" Leo was a little scared. What's going on with me? Why am I here? And I can only think, I can't feel my body.

Leo suddenly felt a huge suction force. Although he didn't have a body, he could still feel it, and he couldn't resist it, so he was directly sucked away by this suction force.

Leo only felt that the starry sky was getting closer. In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in the middle of the starry sky.

Only then did he discover that there was a spherical object in the middle of the starry sky, with countless blue lights flowing over it. At first glance, it looked extremely messy, but after a closer look, he felt that there was some sort of pattern in it that made him involuntarily lose himself in it.

Countless light spots were all over the place, and two of them were especially clear and bright. Leo couldn't help but focus on the two light spots, but he suddenly felt that the second light spot was getting brighter…

Then, Leo realized that his mind had somehow returned to her body, and a layer of cold sweat covered his forehead.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Leo couldn't help but wonder if what he had just experienced was real. If it was, then why was he in such a situation?

At that moment, Leo felt two people sitting opposite him. He couldn't help but look up, only to see two handsome faces. And Leo felt very familiar with these two faces. Could it be that he had come to…

"Hello, I'm Charles."

"I'm Erik. We need to talk to you about something."

Sure enough, their next words confirmed Leo's speculations!

"Hello, I'm Li Yue but you can call me on my English name Leo. What do you want to talk to me about?" Leo suppressed his thoughts and looked at the two people opposite to him, pretending to be puzzled.

"Li Yue, right? It's kind of hard to pronounce your name so, I'll stick to calling you Leo. Actually, you are not alone. We are the same kind of people!" After answering Leo, Erik opened his right hand, and in the center of his palm was a coin, which slowly floated up, as if there was an invisible energy dragging it.

"So, do you want to join us?" Charles looked at Leo's surprised expression and asked pretentiously.

In the end, Leo agreed to Charles and Erik's invitation, and he also learned that the world he was in was the world of X-Men: First Class.