
Starting as a Jumper on Marvel Multiverse

After watching the film "Jumper," Leo developed the ability to teleport. It was, unbeknownst to him, simply the beginning of a much bigger adventure. He traveled to the Marvel Multiverse, where the Avengers exist, after his power grew out of control. But the Avengers were merely the beginning of his journey through the MCU's Multiverses.

AurelionSoul · Movies
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74 Chs

Leo in Love!

"What did you say? Captain America is still alive? How did you know that?" Fury stood up directly in shock and stared at Leo with his one eye, eager to know the precise information.

Tony was also shocked. He naturally knew that the shield of the Captain America was made by his father. But didn't Captain America go missing in World War II? It's been almost 70 years now. How can he still be alive?

"Yes, Captain America is still alive. As for how, I don't know. Maybe when I crossed over into the universe, I entered the river of space and time. After I woke up, I had a lot of strange information in my mind, including my previous Earth-616, and now this Earth's version is 199999. And there I was imprinted with the knowledge of some things that happened before and in the future of this universe."

Leo had shamelessly stolen the script of Mysterio from Spiderman: Far from Home, where Mysterio would deceive the naïve Spiderman and Nick Fury. But now that Leo had arrived into this Marvel Universe, the future Mysterio should no longer appear or at least use the same script..

At this point, Fury had finally recovered. Hearing Leo's words, he couldn't help but ask directly, "You can see the future?"

"It's not predicting the future, its knowing what will happen in the future. Some things may be changed, but some things are still inevitable. For example, Captain America will be found by you two years from now, but by telling you now, you can dig him out earlier."

"What do you want in exchange for this information, Mr. Leo?" Fury couldn't help but ask Leo after listening to his words. If what Leo said is true, then I can get future information from him, so that I can take precautions as soon as possible.

"Nothing much. I just want to see the Tesseract and study it. I sense that its energy is similar to mine." Leo told Nick Fury honestly. He wasn't afraid that Nick Fury would disagree. Even if he disagreed this time, he still had many chances to come into contact with the Tesseract in the future."

"Okay, it's a deal, but Mr. Leo, I need to first determine if the information you provided is accurate." Nick Fury thought about it and promised Leo. SHIELD is also studying the Tesseract, but there is not much progress till now. Maybe if Leo comes into contact with it, there will be new progress.

"Seeing that you are straightforward, I will give you another piece of information for free. If a hammer falls from the sky in New Mexico, you can come to me and you'll understand the situation." Leo originally wanted to tell Fury that SHIELD has been secretly infiltrated by Hydra, but in the end, he thought about it and let it go. If he does that, there will be too many variables.

"Okay, then we has reached a deal. After we verify that your information is true, I will send someone to contact you." Nick Fury left this sentence before he left. After asking Leo for detailed information about Captain America, he couldn't wait to go back to SHIELD.

After Nick Fury left, Tony stared at Leo and hesitated.

"Tony, I know what you want to ask. The answer you want is in the items your father left you."

Back at SHIELD's Triskelion headquarters, Nick Fury was on the phone.

"Coulson, I have a mission for you."

"Director, I have just finished dealing with Tony Stark's matter and have applied for a vacation. I think you should look for others." Coulson said reluctantly, he had not rested for months because of of the Tony Stark's rescue mission.

"Coulson, Captain America is still alive!" Fury said directly into the phone.

"Director, please leave this mission to me." In fact, no one can escape the power of truth.

"Director, what about Stark?" Coulson asked after Nick Fury gave the order.

"Call Natasha Romanov back." Fury thought for a moment and said directly.

"Right, send some people to New Mexico. Report to me immediately if anything unusual happens," Nick Fury added.

"Director, what do you mean by unusual circumstances?" Coulson couldn't help but ask.

"Like a hammer of unknown origin."

Coulson almost spat out a mouthful of blood when he heard Fury's words. You actually want our most elite agents to find a hammer? Then what are you playing it with?!

In the blink of an eye, several months had passed.

Leo realized that he was in love with the reporter, Louis Lane. Leo asked what the name of the company where she worked was. Thankfully, it wasn't the Daily Planet, and he didn't know a man called Kent.

Ever since Leo saved Louis that night, they had a meal together after that. It was indeed just a meal, and they didn't do anything extreme.

During dinner, Louis asked Leo how he had done it, and unexpectedly disappeared right before her eyes.

Leo didn't hide it and told her about his superpower. Although he swore to hide his superpower in front of ordinary people. Leo has thought if he was given a question, whether a girl was important or a hiding his powers important. Leo undoubtedly chose the former.

"I apologize to have kept you waiting." Louis apologized to Leo.

'It doesn't matter. It's still early. Besides, I'm willing to wait a long time for such a beautiful woman like you Louis.' Leo flattered her.

Although Leo had never had a girlfriend in his previous life, he had heard that women needed to put on makeup when they went out in the morning, and it might take a long time. Leo said that he could accept it, but he was only told to wait less than twenty minutes by Louis.

"Thank you for the praise, Leo. Where are we hanging out today?" Louis calmly accepted Leo's praise and asked.

It was the weekend, and Louis didn't have to go to work. What? Going to work? Was it edible? Louis wasn't short of money now. After she got rich interviewing Tony, she could have as much money as she wanted.

Today was Leo and Louis's first official date. That's right; it's been a few months before Leo finally sent out a date invitation to Louis at Tony's urging. It couldn't be helped. After all, Leo had never had a girlfriend in his previous life.

"Louis, I guarantee that today will be the most unforgettable day of your entire life!" Leo said confidently.

'I'm looking forward to it!' said Louis with a smile.

'May I have the honor of holding your hand?' Leo stretched out his right hand and asked Louis.

"Leo, I used to think that you were a little reserved. You didn't even ask me out for a few months. I didn't expect you to suddenly be progressive today." Louis teased Leo, but still directly and generously reached out to hold her hand.

"Are you ready? Here we go!" Leo smiled. Without waiting for her reply, he directly activated his superpower and the two of them disappeared.

"The higher-ups want us to monitor him. How are we supposed to do that?" Not far away, two agents in civilian clothes spoke to the other.

"Be content with what we have. That's not bad. Another colleague was actually sent to New Mexico to look for a hammer. What a joke," another agent replied.

At this time, in a SHIELD base in New York, Nick Fury's eyes were staring at the surveillance screen. The room in the surveillance camera was a little retro, and there was a sleeping man on the bed.

Coulson's eyes were full of eagerness as he looked at the sleeping figure, as if a fan had seen his idol, and from time to time he touched a prototype shield with a blue star pattern on it.