
Starting as a Jumper on Marvel Multiverse

After watching the film "Jumper," Leo developed the ability to teleport. It was, unbeknownst to him, simply the beginning of a much bigger adventure. He traveled to the Marvel Multiverse, where the Avengers exist, after his power grew out of control. But the Avengers were merely the beginning of his journey through the MCU's Multiverses.

AurelionSoul · Movies
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74 Chs

Captain America Is Still Alive!

"Avengers? What is that, a band?"

Tony had always been like this.

"I have always been committed to gathering some people on earth with extraordinary abilities. When the earth meets a strong enemy that it cannot resist, they are the last line of defense. I call them 'Avengers'!"

Fury said solemnly. He couldn't help but think of that powerful figure. It was she who defeated the alien fleet that wanted to invade the earth. It was also because of her that he knew that the earthlings were not alone. There were countless powerful aliens in the universe who were all eyeing the earth. That was why he wanted to form the Avengers.

'So, how many people have this 'super boy' organization you have recruited?'

Tony asked curiously after hearing Fury's introduction.

"Well, because the plan has not yet been officially approved, there are only two people now."

Speaking of Fury, it's a little awkward. After all, this plan has just been implemented. Technically speaking, Tony was the first person he officially invited to join, because one of the other two is Black Widow Natasha Romanov and the other is Hawkeye Barton. They are all SHIELD agents, and belong to the internal staff.

'Two? Is it just two people to protect the earth? I might as well do it alone. I think I can protect the world by myself. So, I'm not interested in your 'super boy ' plan.'

Seeing Tony's relentless rejection, Nick Fury didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Leo, who had never spoken.

"Mr. Leo, are you interested in joining us?"

"I think I'll pass. You should know that my superpower is not suitable for fighting. However, I think we can make a deal." Leo also refused Fury's invitation.

However, he felt that he could reveal the future to Fury in exchange for something useful to him. After careful consideration, he still felt that only the Tesseract was useful to him, or the space stone in the Tesseract to be exact

Because Leo had acquired spatial powers, he felt that the space stone was undoubtedly the best choice if he wanted to improve his ability.

He still didn't know how he got his powers. He didn't think that he really got this ability after watching a movie. There must be some things that he didn't know. He was in the Marvel Universe now. He didn't know when he would be killed by the villains with his current ability. Even if he could avoid all the villains, he still had to fight for that 50% chance of disintegrating.

However, Leo's first thought was to first, fool Nick Fury and let him take him to see the Tesseract. He would also try to see if the Space Stone one of Marvel Universe's six Infinity Stones could enhance his strength.

"I believe that both Tony and your SHIELD are very curious about my origin. Indeed, I am not from this world!"

"So you came from another planet? Are you an alien? How did you come to earth?" Before Leo could continue, Tony couldn't wait to ask. He had long wanted to know Leo's situation, but if Leo didn't take the initiative to say it, he couldn't ask directly.

"Tony, don't interrupt me, okay? Let me finish first. I'm not from this world. I'm not saying that I'm from an alien planet. And I'm also from Earth, but I'm from another universe, Earth. You should know about the multiverse theory."

Seeing that Tony couldn't wait to interrupt him before he finished, Li Yue felt a little helpless.

"So you're from Earth in a multiversal universe. That's what it means, right? But it's really unbelievable. You know, the multiverse is just a theory, and no one has ever confirmed that there really is a multiverse. I have to say that this really makes it feel a little… absurd."

As a scientist, although he wasn't a professional in this area, he knew a lot about multiversal theory, but he had never heard of anyone who had proven that the multiverse was real. This was the first time he had heard of it, and he couldn't help but find it unbelievable.

"Regardless of whether you are really from a multiverse, I'm afraid you have to explain how you came to our earth, and what your purpose is in coming here!"

Nick Fury, on the other hand, didn't dwell on the existence of the multiverse. Instead, he directly asked Leo's purpose in coming to Earth.

Fury had always regarded protecting the safety of the earth as his most important responsibility. In fact, when he first discovered Leo, he had wanted to send someone to catch him and interrogate him, but he wasn't confident he could control Leo. If Leo wanted to run, no one could stop him.

"Where should we start… Let's start with the situation on the earth in my universe. What is different from this earth is that there are not only humans on the earth in our universe, but there are also special humans called Mutants. Like me, Mutants have one or more superpowers."

"For example, there are those who can read and control people's minds, those who can change their physical appearance, those who can shoot lasers out of their eyes, those who can recover instantly from any injury… etc. By the way, there is another who is Tony's nemesis, someone who can control metal and magnetic fields."

Looking at Tony, who turned pale instantly after he finished speaking, Leo continued, "Mutants have countless abilities, some of them are relatively useless, some of them are very powerful, so powerful that they can destroy the earth. It was because a powerful Mutant lost control and destroyed all the creatures on the earth. Under the threat of death, I forcibly used my ability to shuttle through space, and finally lost consciousness. When I woke up again, I was on this version of earth."

Nick Fury and Tony listened to Leo's words and couldn't help but fall into silence. After a while, Nick Fury spoke first.

"I don't know if what you said is true, but I have no way to verify it. For the time being, I will take it that what you said is true, but if you want to live on the earth for a while, you must follow the law here. Our SHIELD has the right to monitor you and prevent you from doing anything that will harm the interests of the earth."

'Fine, fine. Aren't you saying that we have to listen to you since I'm in your territory? I agree.' Leo now felt that he was still too weak. If he had superhuman strength, he wouldn't be wasting time talking nonsense with this guy. He would've done whatever he wanted.

After Leo agreed, Nick Fury continued, "Since you agreed, let's talk about the deal you just mentioned."

"I will trade some important information with SHIELD, and exchange something for it." Leo replied to Nick Fury.

"Information? What information? I don't suppose you know that our SHIELD's intelligence department is the best in the world, it's easy to find something. What information do you want to trade with us? Bullsh*t." Fury listened to Leo's words and felt a little unbelievable. Does our SHIELD need you to provide information? You were monitored by us for so many days without finding anything about us, and you still have the cheek to mention information to me?

Of course, Nick Fury didn't say that out loud. He only thought about it in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't say it out loud. If Leo had known what Nick Fury was thinking, he might have punched him hard in the face right now to vent his anger.

'For example, if Captain America is still alive, how does that sound?' Leo directly released a piece of shocking news.

Ohhh... A new Arc is about to start... Guess what universe would our MC jump into?

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