
Start from the golden desert

Haotian set foot on the sacred continent filled with swords and magic, and awakened the lord system there. Although his territory was located in the barren Karar Desert, he nevertheless obtained the super god-level lord talent - a random military building every week. The "Elf Mother Tree" of the natural elves. And the "Dragon's Nest" of the dragon clan.

NightwindLoong · Fantasy
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138 Chs

The Epic Talent—Divine Envoy of Light

"Lord Haotian, those undead dragons just now… What are they?" Sofia finally couldn't contain her curiosity and asked after dinner.

"They are zombie dragons I summoned," Haotian replied.

Sofia was stunned. Ten undead zombie dragons, matching the ten dragon corpses she had brought. It was unbelievable. The old mage Simon's casual remark turned out to be true: Lord Haotian had indeed bought the dragon corpses to summon undead dragons, and he did it with astonishing speed. 

Although she had never met a necromancer, Sofia had heard tales about them, knowing that the higher the undead creature, the more difficult it was to summon. Usually, bodies required special necromantic rituals to transform into undead beings, especially those without flesh or souls. Mere bones wrapped in dry skin, without even soul fragments, would be a headache for any necromancer, needing special refinement.

But Haotian, in just an afternoon, had transformed ten dry dragon corpses into living zombie dragons. His methods were terrifyingly powerful!

"No wonder Lord Haotian needs dragon corpses…" Sofia mused. "With your abilities, it wouldn't be difficult to create an army of undead dragons, given enough corpses."

Haotian nodded slightly. Not difficult? It was straightforward, easier than eating. Eating required chewing, but summoning undead dragons needed just two commands: bury the dragon corpses in the Dragon Tomb and summon the undead dragons from the graves. Simple and direct!

Haotian smiled. "That's why I need more dragon corpses. This task falls on you. Not just from that masked man, but any channel that sells dragon corpses must be explored."

"Don't worry about Elven Spring Water," he added. "Our territory lacks many things, but not that."

"I understand, my lord!" Sofia responded seriously. "I'll return to Forest City tomorrow and find ways to expand the channels for acquiring dragon corpses."

Her role had changed. She was no longer just a partner but one of Haotian's people. She aimed to become a high-ranking figure in the future Oasis Kingdom, thus she had to prove her worth beyond her physical appearance.

Haotian nodded. "You can return tomorrow evening. During the day, we're hosting a Harvest Festival to improve the meals and cheer up the citizens."

"Yes, my lord." Sofia agreed readily. If not for the urgency of dragon corpses, she wouldn't leave so soon. She wanted to stay longer in the beautiful Golden Oasis, a place more enchanting than Forest City.


In the moonlit courtyard, Sofia chatted with Haotian for a long time, mostly talking about the customs of the [Ays Free Alliance], her homeland where her family still lived. She had come to Forest City seeking to achieve something significant.

The [Ays Free Alliance] lay northeast of the Forest of Life, bordering the northernmost Ice Wasteland, with legends of frost giants, ice elves, and even the Ice Queen. Haotian was particularly interested, as his [Titan King] talent needed giant troops. If he couldn't randomly get giant troop buildings, he'd have to conquer local giants. The frost giants Sofia mentioned became one of his targets.

They talked until late at night. Sofia finally went to sleep, while Haotian stayed up, recruiting the new day's Royal Griffin Knights and Ancient Treants at midnight. 

Out of 3,000 Royal Griffin Knights, nearly 600 evolved into Royal Sacred Judgement Griffin Knights. Among 1,000 Ancient Treants, over 100 became stronger Eternal Treant Guards.

Currently, Haotian commanded over 35,000 Royal Griffin Knights and nearly 4,000 Ancient Treants. The strength of the Golden Oasis was growing at an astonishing rate.

Before sleeping, Haotian checked his lord talent, [Divine Envoy of Light].


**[Lord Talent—Divine Envoy of Light]**

**[Level: Epic (Upgradeable)]**

**[Talent Information: Your affinity with Light elements is perfect. You are a natural genius of the Light faction. Your troops (excluding undead, dark, or evil faction troops) deal 150% more damage to evil faction creatures.]**

**[Next Level: Divine Talent]**

**[Upgrade Requirement: Kill 100 million evil faction creatures.]**

**[Current Progress: 1,792,000]**


"Killing 100 million is a bit challenging," Haotian mused. "But it's normal for advancing to a divine talent level." His [Titan King] was a divine talent, with overwhelmingly powerful effects. Once [Divine Envoy of Light] reached that level, it might not match [Titan King], but its effects would still be formidable.

Even now, it was incredible, giving a 150% damage boost against evil creatures. His Royal Griffin Knights and Ancient Treants would decimate undead foes like swatting flies. Unfortunately, this couldn't be applied to his undead dragons; otherwise, the undead in Dragonfall Canyon would suffer even more.


After recruiting, Haotian returned to his bedroom to sleep, holding his maid Sally. The soundproofing was excellent, ensuring no sound escaped, no matter how much noise he made. Yet, Sofia in the next room couldn't sleep, her mind filled with uncontrollable thoughts of Haotian and Sally.

Feeling her body heat up, her heart racing, Sofia's legs tangled together as images filled her mind. She let out a soft moan, her eyes fluttering open, her face beaded with sweat.


Sofia wiped her hands, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I guess I really do need to leave tomorrow!"