
Start from the golden desert

Haotian set foot on the sacred continent filled with swords and magic, and awakened the lord system there. Although his territory was located in the barren Karar Desert, he nevertheless obtained the super god-level lord talent - a random military building every week. The "Elf Mother Tree" of the natural elves. And the "Dragon's Nest" of the dragon clan.

NightwindLoong · Fantasy
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141 Chs

The Army Sets Out!

Early the next morning, the Royal Griffin Knight Army of the Golden Oasis set out. In less than half an hour, over 35,000 Royal Griffin Knights had arrived above the ruins of the Anelbi Mines, their sheer numbers filling the sky. It was a sight to terrify even dragons.

The army boasted over 300 extraordinary knights and more than 5,000 king-level knights, with the rest being high-ranking professionals. Alongside the Royal Griffin Knights, the bone dragon Charles and the zombie dragon Charles also appeared. These two were the trump cards for breaching the defenses of the Gray Dwarf Kingdom.

The entrance to the Gray Dwarf Kingdom was a narrow passage only ten meters in diameter, impassable for the Golden Griffins. Both the Gray Dwarf King and the Royal Knights knew this. However, what the Gray Dwarf King didn't realize was that the Royal Knights wouldn't be foolish enough to assault the passage directly. A collapse would mean heavy losses.

Knowing this, the Royal Griffin Knight Army brought in the two Charles brothers. With nothing else to do in the Golden Oasis since they weren't dispatched to Dragonfall Canyon, they might as well clear the way here.

"There, that's the entrance to the Gray Dwarf Kingdom!" one Royal Sacred Judgement Knight pointed out.

"I see it!" the bone dragon Charles nodded, then swooped down toward the enclosed valley below, followed closely by the zombie dragon Charles.

Meanwhile, a squad of elite gray dwarves stationed in the valley fled in terror, scurrying back through small side tunnels to their kingdom's heart.

"The Griffin army from the Golden Oasis is attacking!" they screamed. "Dragons… there are dragons too!!"

The alarm spread quickly through the underground realm, stirring countless gray dwarves. Hearing the news, they were nearly scared out of their wits.

"A sky darkened by Golden Griffins…"

"An army tens of thousands strong…"

"Even bone dragons and zombie dragons are here??"

As more reports came in, the unease within the dwarf city grew. Their kingdom was strong but not strong enough to fend off such a massive force, especially with undead dragons involved.


Meanwhile, in the palace hall, the Gray Dwarf King received the alarming news and convened an emergency meeting with his top advisors. All the high-ranking dwarves gathered.

"Your Majesty, as dwarves bearing the proud bloodline of the Titans, your subjects have never feared war!" one advisor declared. "If the Golden Griffins dare invade our stronghold, we will fight them to the end!"

"Dragons? What of them!"

"Our ancestors have slain dragons before!"

"King Saxton, who once ruled all dwarves, was a great warrior equal to any dragon lord!"

"Two undead dragons cannot scare our brave warriors!"

The hall was filled with impassioned cries, leaving the Gray Dwarf King struggling to interject. He wanted to point out that they were merely gray dwarves, their glorious past with the true dwarf lineage unrelated to their current plight. They shared in the legendary King Saxton's honor, but that was it. They were refugees from a century ago who had fortunately established a small kingdom here. They lacked the foundation to wage war against dragons, let alone an army of Golden Griffins.

Seeing his king's unease, one advisor suggested, "Your Majesty, we should immediately mobilize our army and capture the Rat King Aubrey. If handing him over can end this war, it's worth it. If not, we must prepare for a fight!"

"Aubrey is a friend of our people…" the Gray Dwarf King frowned. "He came seeking our protection."

"But the war horns have sounded," another advisor countered. "It's either battle or submission. We have few choices!"

Another voice added, "Our defenses at the passage entrance might buy us some time. Can we use it to evacuate our people through other routes?"

"With over 300,000 citizens, how many can we evacuate quickly?" another retorted. "And those are Golden Griffins! They rule the skies and will find us even if we flee miles away, leaving us more vulnerable."


The hall didn't stay silent for long. The voices advocating for battle quickly regained prominence. With a heavy sigh, the Gray Dwarf King said, "Then hand over the Rat King Aubrey. For the kingdom's sake, I will forgo my dignity and bow to the human lord."

"Also, mobilize the army. If war is inevitable, we'll fight to the end!"

"By your command, Your Majesty!" 

Soon, Aubrey and the high-ranking members of the Rat Kingdom were captured. Before being seized, Aubrey had also heard about the approaching Griffin army and tried to escape, only to be caught and bound, carried toward the passage while pleading for mercy, receiving no sympathy from the dwarf soldiers who blamed him for bringing war upon their kingdom.


Under the Gray Dwarf King's call, elite dwarf units began to gather. Some took positions on the city walls, others manned fortresses and strongholds. Non-military gray dwarves armed themselves, their quality weapons surpassing the standard gear of the Rat Kingdom.

Dwarven households, each with their own blacksmiths, ensured no shortage of arms. It was their heritage.

"Fight for the honor and beliefs of the dwarves!"

"Fight for the kingdom!!"

On the towering city walls, the crowned Gray Dwarf King raised his scepter, roaring his battle cry. The kingdom echoed with the dwarves' shouts, their fighting spirit ignited.