
Start from the golden desert

Haotian set foot on the sacred continent filled with swords and magic, and awakened the lord system there. Although his territory was located in the barren Karar Desert, he nevertheless obtained the super god-level lord talent - a random military building every week. The "Elf Mother Tree" of the natural elves. And the "Dragon's Nest" of the dragon clan.

NightwindLoong · Fantasy
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141 Chs

The Necromancer’s Fury: Dragons Must Die!

In the subterranean world beneath the Karal Desert, a colossal beast suddenly convulsed violently. A harrowing scream echoed through the underground caverns. This creature, with a body rivaling even the mightiest dragons, stretched over 200 meters, coiled like a massive serpent. The most terrifying aspect, however, was its nine heads, making it resemble a monstrous hydra.

Each of its nine heads howled in agony, the enormous body thrashing on the ground, smashing countless stalactites. After a prolonged period of anguish, the creature's screams ceased, though its body continued to twitch uncontrollably. Its massive form was a dried corpse, with black-scaled snake skin clinging to its bones, three of its heads shriveled, while the other six had sprouted new flesh, creating a grotesque and eerie appearance.

"Damn it! Who destroyed a fragment of my soul consciousness?" the hydra roared. "Three thousand bottles of Elven Spring Water, wasted!"

The furious voice of the nine-headed serpent reverberated through the subterranean realm. Soon, a group of black-robed humans hurried to its presence, trembling as they knelt before the hydra.

"Master, please calm your anger!" they pleaded.

The hydra reared its terrifying form, its cold snake eyes glaring at the human followers. Using its central head, it demanded, "Who did you sell those dragon corpses to?!"

"Ah?!" an elderly man in a black robe gasped. "We sold them to the Crystal Guild, a minor trading organization. They get their Elven Spring Water from a lord who rules the Golden Oasis. Until recently, this lord was completely unknown."

"Golden Oasis?"

"Yes, Master, a very small oasis."


The hydra hissed coldly, "So you're telling me a minor oasis lord destroyed a fragment of my soul consciousness?"

"This… how could the Master's soul fragment be on the dragon corpses?"


The hydra slowly brought its head closer, and the elder hurriedly explained, "Master, we are investigating the Golden Oasis. We should have more information soon."

"Investigate? What nonsense!" the hydra snapped. "Recall our people. Do not complicate matters now."

Originally, it had planned to double-cross the Crystal Guild, raiding their backers to get both the dragon corpses and a large quantity of Elven Spring Water, possibly even some Water of Life, hoping to achieve its rebirth in one stroke. Now it found that the faction had a strong guardian. Not having succeeded in its rebirth yet, it needed to be more cautious.

"Yes, Master!" the elder replied. "Shall we continue our transactions with the Crystal Guild?"

"Of course, I need more Elven Spring Water!" the hydra responded. "Also, ask if they need demi-god level non-dragon corpses. Offer them at a lower price."

Finishing this, the hydra felt a pang of self-pity. It, the great Titan Devourer Serpent, had been reduced to negotiating with humans. How would other necromancers view it?

The real issue was the dwindling supply of dragon corpses. After thousands of years, most had either become undead creatures on their own or decayed, with only a few preserved.

The elder hesitated before adding, "The Crystal Guild's chairwoman mentioned that if we provide fresh dragon corpses, the price can increase by fifty percent!"

The hydra trembled slightly at this. "Find out where there are small groups of dragons. I will hunt them myself!"

"Understood, Master!"

As the elder was about to leave, he paused. "Master, Dragonfall Canyon has been unusually active lately, with many high-level undead awakening."

"Ignore it. That's not my territory," the hydra said dismissively.

"Understood, Master." The black-robed humans quickly left the underground space, leaving the hydra coiled on the ground, occasionally sipping from bottles of Elven Spring Water. For a necromancer like it, the life energy in the water was more valuable than a semi-divine artifact, aiding its transformation into a lich, if only there were enough.

"For my rebirth… the dragons must die!" it vowed. The Golden Oasis was too mysterious and powerful to challenge, but it could handle dragons, as long as it avoided the Dragon Island.


In the Dragon Tomb, Haotian received a sudden notification, catching him off guard.

He asked the [Lord System], "Where did that soul fragment come from?"

[The soul fragment belonged to a half-dead necromancer. Do not worry, the fragment has been destroyed by the power of the Dragon Tomb. It will not affect your summoning of undead dragons.]

"A necromancer?" Haotian pondered. "So, the necromancer behind the masked man is indeed trying to use my Elven Spring Water to transform into a lich. This is good news; it means it's a necromancer's rebirth, not an old lich's resurgence. Still, that necromancer had the gall to attack me. Fortunately, I have the system! When I catch it, I'll make it pay."

With this in mind, Haotian began his summoning. As the tombs trembled, one by one, enormous undead dragons emerged. All ten were zombie dragons, their preserved flesh offering better protection than skeletal dragons.

A notification appeared:

[Congratulations, Lord. You have activated the Lord's talent: Awakening of the Ancient Bloodline. Three of your summoned zombie dragons have undergone bloodline evolution.]

Three out of ten evolved—a remarkably high rate. Of these, two had been high-saint rank in life and retained this rank after their transformation, growing larger to about 140 meters and possessing demi-god potential, on par with the Eternal Treant Guards.

The real surprise was the third dragon. Larger than the Zombie Dragon King at 180 meters, it radiated an unparalleled dragon aura, far exceeding the saint rank.

To Haotian's astonishment, it had ten heads.

No mistake: one dragon head and nine snake heads, each with a long neck connected to the dragon's body, forming a bizarre and intimidating sight.


**[Zombie Devourer Serpent Dragon King·Delk]**

**[Level: Demi-God Initial Stage]**

**[Growth Potential: Lesser Deity]**

**[Summon Information: This is a Zombie Dragon King fused with the soul essence of a Titan Devourer Serpent. Its power, defense, and combat abilities are extraordinary. With further nurturing, it has the potential to ascend to godhood.]**