
Stargate: Harry Potter and Merlin's Legacy

In the grip of haunting dreams that gradually unveil the secrets surrounding the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter finds himself thrust into an extraordinary cosmic odyssey that surpasses even his most vivid imaginings. Armed with the formidable Legacy of Merlin, Harry embarks on a journey through the Stargate. His path is fraught with challenges, from confronting Alien Parasites burdened with an overwhelming ego to dealing with Space Vampires oblivious to the concept of regulating their food supply. Or an entire galaxy inhabited by fervently religious Humans who worship a race of ascended geniuses convinced of their superiority over humanity. As Harry delves deeper into the cosmos, he contemplates the limitless possibilities awaiting him—more galaxies to explore, an entire universe to unravel, and the tantalizing prospect of venturing beyond the cosmic edge into the uncharted realms of the multiverse. What other enigmas and marvels lie in wait for the young wizard in this vast and unexplored expanse? ————————————— For 20+ more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Lemons (18+) for this Story on www.subscr*ibestar.com/ashmodai Thank you for your continuous Support! ————————————— Disclaimer: The Wizarding World, the Stargate Universe, and any other fictional works featured in this story are the intellectual property of their respective creators. I solely possess ownership rights over my original plots and characters.

Ashmodai · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 1: Deathly Hollows

An ancient man, possessing an uncanny resemblance to Dumbledore but with far more practical, simple grey and white robes, carefully picked up a cloak made of a silvery gray material and placed it on a table. Next, he laid a stone atop the cloak on the table before picking up the wand and tapping the stone with it. Next, the same thing happened again, as the elderly man was shown from the beginning…

Waking with a groan, Harry grabbed the glass of Firewhisky from the table beside him, taking a sip of it as he stared out of the window of the Library of Grimmauld Place Number 12.

These dreams had been plaguing him for the last three months since the Battle of Hogwarts. First, he believed they were symptoms of his death before the final battle, but they kept recurring even months later and clearly were related to the Hallows. After all, he could recognize his cloak anywhere.

But when the Elder Wand, which he had placed back in the Tomb of Professor Dumbledore to finally break its power, appeared on his nightstand alongside the Resurrection Stone, which he clearly had lost in the Forbidden Forest to never be found again, it was clear that his dreams were not just dreams. There was more to the story of the Master of Death than he first believed.

Right now, all three of the Hallows were at Grimmauld Place, and he knew he had to protect them.

The aftermath of the battle had been a very busy period. Currently, there were a few decisions for him to make; most importantly, it was in the midst of August, and the ministry had offered him and his friends on the Horcrux hunt acceptable NEWTs, or they could redo their seventh year, this time at Hogwarts.

For Hermione, the choice had been obvious; an acceptable was no option for her. She was resolved to finish her seventh year and accomplish outstanding scores, so she decided to return after she had located her parents and restored their memories. Ron, on the other hand, had chosen the easy way out and taken the acceptable score in all his classes.

After all, this meant less studying for him and was most likely a bit better than anything he would have accomplished by himself either way. This resulted in a major quarrel between the newly-formed couple, ending their relationship quite early.

Harry, on the other hand, felt that he could accomplish better grades since the Horcrux had been removed from his head; his mind was far clearer, and his ability to think and memorize improved drastically.

But at the same time, he was feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. Hogwarts just wasn't the same for him, and the loss of life there was weighing down on his consciousness. Tonks, Remus, Fred, Colin, and even Snape, who had always been a git towards him but revealed what a great man he truly had been, had died there, with many other innocent lives lost in that battle.

The list of deaths was simply too long for Harry to feel like returning to Hogwarts and just continuing to study there. After all, he felt like they were his responsibility; if he had just studied more, worked harder, or simply done something more, he could have saved them.

Ron and Hermione both told him he was being stupid, that he did the best he could and shouldn't blame himself, but it was simply how he felt.

It wasn't like he needed to redo his NEWTs; there were plenty of job offers for him. The public was calling him the Man Who Conquered and haunting his every step with the press. He also had a Wizengamot seat; if he felt like politics, the current Proxy was scared he would lose the seat he had been appointed to by Dumbledore. A big part of the public wanted him to become the next leader of the Light and the next Dumbledore.

But he didn't really feel like that either; he had known Dumbledore well enough to know how tiring of a job this was and that it wasn't the right path for the Wizarding World. It would simply be a repeat of history until the next Dark Lord appeared. Maybe Hermione will take the seat and do some good with it.

Kingsley wanted him for the Aurors, but he really couldn't see himself really doing that job anymore either. When the threat of Voldemort was present, he felt that becoming an auror and getting the necessary training to fight him was the right path. But now that he's gone, he simply doesn't feel like spending his days and nights hunting down criminals, Dark Wizards, and Voldemort wannabes all over the country.

Not everything went as smoothly with everyone; the goblins were a completely different matter. To not be hunted down by them or start another rebellion, they had to explain the matter of Horcruxes behind closed doors.

This calmed things down a bit, but they were still considered thieves by the Goblin Nation, and the greedy buggers put much higher fees on any transactions they would perform. Harry had regained access to all the Potter and Black wealth, including the Main Vaults, but now had to constantly pay a fee of 10 percent on any action the three of them performed, including changing to Muggle currency.

Neither his relationship with Ginny was going well; after dumping her for her own protection, she wouldn't even speak with him. And he could see her point; with all the attention on him right now and his famous luck, he could never give her the normal and stable relationship she wished for.

And the feelings weren't deep enough for him to feel any true, deep pain since their relationship had only been in the beginning stages.

Once again, he stared at the Hallows sitting on the desk in front of him, well distanced from each other. He had been scouring his library, consisting of the books of the original Black Library and the books from the Potter Vault, for an answer to what was going on.

After the decision of the Goblins to put high fees on his monetary transactions, he removed any physical items from his vaults to hinder them from coming up with a way to steal them.

But after reading for the last few months through the books, there was simply nothing he found that could give him a satisfactory answer. In all honesty, besides different versions of the original story of the Hollows and some historic mentions of them, with a few vague legends mixed in, there had not been much detailed information on the Hollows.

The most accurate information was the different descriptions and observations of the different Potter ancestors about the Cloak of Invisibility passed down from generation to generation in their family.

But it wasn't much more than how its invisibility ability hadn't deteriorated at all, or that it would sometimes look like the night sky, even portraying some stellar constellation for a few moments. One ancestor once even saw a myriad of multi-colored lights shining from it.

Unfortunately, as fascinating as the observations of his ancestors were, nothing of that told him what was going on with him right now. There had simply been no one who unified all three Hollows at the same time before.

Having made up his mind, he once again observed the three Hollows on the desk in front of him, putting the book he had checked just now away. Harry nervously fidgeted with his glasses before he finally found the determination to go through with his decision.

First, he picked up the cloak and unfolded it onto the desk, only to notice that today was such a day where it looked like the night sky, although he couldn't make out any familiar constellations that he observed during the last six years of astronomy classes.

After watching it in awe for a minute, he picked up the stone and placed it atop the cloth before he picked the elder into his hand. A short moment of hesitation later, he finally tapped the stone with the tip of the wand.

There was a small flash of light, and the hollows began to glow in a dark and dim light as they moved, and their shape began to change. The Cloak began to reshape around the Stone while the Elder Wand was glowing and emitting energy into the object that was forming, slowly dissipating.

More and more, the cloth formed into a dark metallic device around the stone, while the stone also began to extend, forming a window. Once the Wand had stopped emitting the glow, it had vanished from Harry's hand into the device.

In front of him now rested some kind of foreign device, not resembling any kind of Muggle technology that Harry had ever seen. He figured it had to be magical in its origin since it was formed out of the three Deathly Hallows.

It was a dark metallic circle with a glowing window in the center of it. The window had a myriad of different colored lights in it.

Seeing that nothing was happening anymore, Harry carefully approached the device, his own good old Phoenix Wand ready in his hand. He carefully stared into the window, watching the lights in it. They eerily reminded him of the description from one of his ancestors that he had seen in the Cloak.

For a moment, nothing happened, but suddenly, faster than he could react, the device had extended and encompassed his head as the lights shone brightly into his eyes. No matter how he struggled, he was deeply in the grasp of the device, as his head hurt.

This only lasted for a few seconds before he was released by it and dropped onto the floor of the library, the world around him turning black as he lost consciousness.


AN: My other Story will continue as normally, including advanced Chapters on Pa*treon.


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