
Star Wars Twists of Fate

Honest, enduring. Introverted, yearning. Talented, sly. The world wasn't fair to him. His sister, one year junior to him, socially outcasted him. Brutally bullied by his peers. Left to rot, by a world of sinners. Dying from shock, he catches the attention of a passing god. This passing god offers him a new life. A life in a universe he is often too familiar with. He is granted three wishes: One Change. One Unique Ability. One Passive Element. 1. Palpatine's Yacht is destroyed in hyperspace during his mission to kill his family given by Darth Plagueis. 2. Indoctrination Force Technique 3. Game Element ( System/Hub ) [ Tags: Action, Adventure, Brutality, Contentious Content, Espionage, Game Elements, Gore, Harem, Important Character Deaths, Kingdom Building, Mature, Reincarnation, Smart MC, Strategic Minded MC, System, Timeline Divergence, Transmigration. ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

InkSavant · Others
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56 Chs

Nal Raka Criminal Empire II

The people on the ground were two groups. One group was arming themselves with weaponry, while another group was trying to store as much artillery and contraband into the transports they had available. They were planning on running for it.

Flying low Panaka and Valad opened fire on the men and women who were coming out with blasters blazing. Colorful bolts of light narrowly missing on all sides, the fighters swayed side to side and continued to fire unimpeded.

"We can't let them get away!" Panaka shouted as he reared off, flying higher into the air.

Watching as his wingman and supposed superior had pulled up and began to fire bombs down towards the transports. Valad would fire a handful of torpedoes into the ground amidst the masses of armed thugs.

Body parts few everywhere, bits and pieces landing on his hull as he spun around for another run.

"Shit, shit shit!" One of the Weequay footmen growled and cursed as he was crawling along the ground towards a nearby warehouse. He was missing a leg, his blaster was overheated. He was going to die.

Standing up and opening the canopy, Valad drew a pistol from the holster next to his seat and began firing at the Weequay. The first few shots missed until he began to use the force to focus on his prey. A seconds later, as a bolt singed a strand of his short hair, he tugged the trigger.

"N–" A bolt scorched the Weequay's brain, silencing and stopping him on the spot.

"R2, circle the encampment. If those transports start taking off, shoot them down." Valad ordered and hopped out of the open cockpit, allowing the Canopy to close and watched the fighter take off without him.

With just a pistol, he started making his way towards the men and women who lay scattered about the base as if the place had been massacred.

He picked up a E-Web Blaster which was of crude quality, he started tossing these weapons into his inventory. Within minutes he had cleared most of the corpses of usable weapons and then opened the shop. He had enough money to buy quite a few blaster rifles, but he chose one which would stand out.

Purchasing the F-11D blaster rifle, he would load it with a cartridge and prime it. This was a weapon from an alternate timeline created by Disney. He mostly preferred the Legends, it was what he was used to and what he had always known. However he did enjoy the looks of the new technologies the First Order had, but disliked their changes to the Imperial Uniform.

With pistol in one hand and rifle in the other, he collapsed the stock of the rifle and began to walk towards the transport ships. Anyone who popped out, he would sense mere moments before they did due to his core force abilities.

A young looking woman came rolling out onto a knee and opened fire on him. He picked up a wall of bodies with the force and put them in the way, absorbing the shots.

"Going to have to try harder than–" Valad was cut off by the sudden thermal detonator which went off few meters away from him, which made him instinctively duck down.

From the distraction he dropped the bodies, but as she was taking aim, he shot her in the shoulders; firing both of his weapons in unison.

The girl was thrown back, and groaned in pain as the smell of burning flesh and ozone reached her nostrils; clearing away the shock. "Son of a bitch…"

Walking towards the woman, he stood over her and stared. She was of Asian descendance from what he could see, had short light brown hair and dark chocolate eyes.

"…" Aiming his weapon towards her face, she blankly stared back at him with a grimacing expression. "What are you waiting for?" She asked as she slowly began to sit up.

Placing a foot on her chest, he pinned her back down to the ground, he then knelt down upon her. "I can heal you if you want," Valad stated with an obvious grin across his lips. The girl was wearing a tight vest, it appeared she had small breasts, but he couldn't actually tell. That wasn't the point though, she had a pleasant face and other than the scent of burnt flesh, she smelled rather nice.

"What are you getting at?" Her eyes flickered to the side slightly, as if notifying someone was behind him. There was actually two people watching from around a corner, ready to ambush him.

Increasing the pressure on her chest, she let out a light scream and she couldn't use her arms to get him off.

"Work for me. I'll take control of the Underworld in this sector. I'll need a secretary," Valad put on a tough face, before turning on his heel and letting out a volley of bolts against the corner the two underworld soldiers were hiding behind.

"How the fuck did he notice us?" This man was armed with a bowcaster, a Wookie weapon.

Shaking his head slightly, "Didn't you see him earlier?" The other man was wielding two ugly blaster pistols in either hand. "This guy… He's a Jedi."

The man with the bowcaster gulped hard. "Just our luck… But since when did Jedi attack first?" Squinting skeptically, he listened to the silence which surrounded them except for the distant explosion from the sinking main body of their late bosses transport.

Turning his head to peer out around the corner, he heard a sudden 'WRRRRRR BAH BAH' highly heated blue energy pierced through his chest and exited through his back. The bolt flying passed his fellow man as his body crumpled to the ground.

"JOHN!" Raising his two pistols, the gunman was met with a series of 'WRRRRRRR BAH BAH BAH BAH,' as the F-11D continue to let out volleys of blue energy bolts. He was thrown onto his back, mortally wounded. His weapons resting on the ground at either side, too far away for his hand to reach. "…Oi…"

Valad grinned lightly and used the force to levitate the man from the ground. "Too slow."

Choking on his blood, the man managed to glare at Valad. As he was about to raise his middle finger at the man, he felt something wrapping around his throat. Noticing the gesture the presumed Jedi was making with his hand, his eyes widened as his tracheae was crushed before crumbling to the ground like his friend.

Turning his attention to the girl who was moving along the ground like a worm, he made his way over to her and stared down at her. "You're really trying to get away?" He asked as he watched her rear end wiggle in the air with each movement.

"What's it to ya!?" She shouted back in pain, before his armored boot came in contact with her stomach and bluntly landed her on her back, knocking the air out of her lungs.

Valad shook his head slightly, "Join me, or you will be crippled for the rest of your… Relatively short lifespan." His face went from serious to happy go lucky as he was implying he'd kill her should she refuse. He had no choice but to take her in if he let her live. Though if she refused, she could essentially ruin his future plans. So if she refused, she needed to be terminated.

Cough, cough. "… What do I get out of it?" Her eyes narrowed at the man standing over her with a smoking barrel aimed at her face.

"One standards months paid vacation per standard year. Healthcare benefits and free dentistry. Oh… And not dying by me." He stated with a more serious face, he knew he couldn't just win someone over by saying they'd spare their lives.

That was already better than working for Borvo and the Empire. On top of that she was a low-rate mercenary. Being paid for pushing papers and holding calls, while it was boring, she wouldn't have to be selling her services anymore.

Wearing a bleak smile, the girl nodded to him then widened her eyes just as he whipped his pistol with enough force behind it to knock her unconscious. Standing up, he would walk towards the transports which people were hurriedly putting contraband into.

Shaking his head slightly he raised his hand and sent two of them flying into the air, before coming back down screaming. The awkward splat upon the ground made a few people freeze just in time to be wiped out by a strafing run. The people who idiotically remained out in the open were torn apart by the blaster cannons.

He then used the force to increase his speed as he clipped his pistol onto his belt and ran towards the transport where a few people were taking cover within.

As they noticed him running towards them, they went to close the doors. Only for him to open fire, shooting one of the men dead and maiming the other.

"Shit, someone get in the pilot's seat and take off!" The mercenary laying on his back yelled to the others inside the transport. However, right as he turned his attention back to what was coming towards them, he stared at the Silhouette which was now standing over him.

"Ah… shi–" before he could finish swearing there was a loud snapping sound and the man ceased to exist, letting his weapon roll out of his hand.

Valad shook his head slightly and look towards the teenager which was running for the cockpit of the transport. She was wearing half overalls which were like shorts and headgear and goggles. She kind of looked like a tomboy mechanic.

Firing a warning shot at the nearby wall beside the door to the cockpit, she immediately froze, put her hands up and slowly turned around. She was visibly trembling.

Smiling softly towards her, Valad switched his rifle to stun and fired it. Knocking her back onto the ground. Jogging over, he took in her physique before entering the cockpit and pressing the communications.

"This is Valad, I took care of the occupied transport. I stunned two individuals. One of them seems to be a child though," His eyes glanced back towards the kid wearing goggles.

"Roger that! I'll call back and begin making preparations to bring it all back to the palace."

Nodding at his response, he would cut transmission and exited the transport after tying the pilot up and removing the bodies. He went from transport to transport, looking over datapads from the fallen to make inventory.

It seemed they had been very close to getting away with their entire stock. At least he was able to put a stop to them. As he entered each transport, he enslaved each of their navigation systems to that of his N-1 Starfighter's mainframe so that R2 could remotely control the transports.

Once he was done with that, he was able to get a hold of his unconscious 'secretary' and made his way over towards the transport and laid her out on a weapon box. With all the artillery available, it seems that the Naboo would be able to put up a better fight against the Federation.

[ You gave a means for the Security Forces to be comparable to a small world army. You hereby pass the criteria for making an Army. Quest complete. You have been rewarded 500 renown, which will make people more compliant when joining you and more willing to follow your orders. People will feel compelled to follow you, and you will be talked positively about to spread your fame from your deeds. ]

Nodding lightly as if he like the sound of this announcement, he made his way out of the transports as R2 came about and landed for him to enter the fighter. The Canopy drew open and he hopped inside.