
Star Wars Twists of Fate

Honest, enduring. Introverted, yearning. Talented, sly. The world wasn't fair to him. His sister, one year junior to him, socially outcasted him. Brutally bullied by his peers. Left to rot, by a world of sinners. Dying from shock, he catches the attention of a passing god. This passing god offers him a new life. A life in a universe he is often too familiar with. He is granted three wishes: One Change. One Unique Ability. One Passive Element. 1. Palpatine's Yacht is destroyed in hyperspace during his mission to kill his family given by Darth Plagueis. 2. Indoctrination Force Technique 3. Game Element ( System/Hub ) [ Tags: Action, Adventure, Brutality, Contentious Content, Espionage, Game Elements, Gore, Harem, Important Character Deaths, Kingdom Building, Mature, Reincarnation, Smart MC, Strategic Minded MC, System, Timeline Divergence, Transmigration. ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

InkSavant · Others
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56 Chs

Nal Raka Criminal Empire I

His eyes rested on the top of Queen Amidala's head, his right hand began to gently stroke her soft brown hair. Trying to comfort the girl who was never supposed to have such a vision. Was the world that he an entered trying to resist the change?

Was the timeline trying to repair himself from his sudden intrusion? Trying to mend his changes? He wasn't going to allow that to happen. If he is able to avoid the Trade Federation from trying to legalize the invasion and chase them off, he could avoid her going to Tatooine. Effectively keeping her out of the hands of Anakin Skywalker, at least keeping her from meeting him.

However he was very much interested in meeting Qui Gon Jin, one of his favorite characters and actors in the movie. He smiled softly at the idea of having a philosophical talk with the man.

He was a man who disobeyed the Jedi Code many times on a whim. Despite being reprimanded as a result, he still attained the rank of Jedi Master in the Order. It was the only reason why he wasn't on the High Council.

Obiwan was another person he had some interest, but not as much since Obiwan had a very great present throughout the clone wars and even in the original series. The man was a Jedi through and through, but he could always send Obiwan back to Mandalore.

His thoughts went to Count Dooku and wondered if Plageuis was actually capable of attracting the man. It was quite possible, since Dooku was disillusioned with the Galactic Republic's Senate as well as the Jedi Order after he faced the True Mandalorians.

About an hour of standing there and counseling the notably startled and somewhat depressed Queen of Naboo, he was able to lure her to bed and gently rest her down beneath the many fluffed quilts and pillows.

Despite being an introvert, he was forcing himself to be outgoing. Began caressing her cheek softly as a lover would do as he watched her from the side of the bed. Her brown eyes watched him drowsily as she began to succumb to the weighing exhaustion.

She could barely reach her hand up to brush his hand away from her face. She was forever determined, yet he had found her weak to her own emotion. Something he would be able to manipulate easily.

That's when she suddenly let her hand trail up his arm and grasp at his tunic's sleeve. He felt the light pinch against his skin by the cloth and immediately eyed her face. Her eyes were closed, she was breathing softly though her nose. Her mouth was partially agape.

A few seconds later, she turned over and legitimately pulled him down on top of her, diagonally across the bed. He let himself be pulled, as he didn't want to wake her. He kept himself from straight up falling on top of her, and simply watched.

So as he laid on top of her as she laid beneath the cushions which shielded her, he began to go back into his realm of thoughts.

Since Palpatine was dead, there was no presence of the house on Naboo. He found that odd and disturbing. According to an old news courier service, the main family of the House ended up dying tragically during a Hyperdrive malfunction. The entire Yacht had been destroyed in subspace. The cause of the malfunction was unknown and the investigation was halted.

That means that either Plagueis was going to run a different scheme to get control of the Republic, or he took on another apprentice since 65 BBY. Which meant he probably went for someone who was politically inclined. However he knew no one of the sort when it came to the senators or their children.

At the same time he began to think aback towards Anakin Skywalker. Should Plagueis get a hold of the child, he could very much change a lot of things. He could even plant the child in the Jedi Order as a sleeper.

Tapping his chin, he glanced over the sleeping Queen and chuckled lightly as his own eyes began to grow heavy. 'Damn the softness of these blankets…' He muttered quietly to himself in the back of his mind before closing his eyes slowly.

Hours later he found himself waking up and coming face to face with two brown eyes which reflected his face in them. There was an unamused expression on the moist soft lips of Padme who looked about ready to cleave his head off his shoulders.

His eye twitched slightly seeing this expression.

"Bodyguard." She spoke in a Pristine tone, hiding what seemed to be a combination of anger and embarrassment. "Shouldn't I be the one with the eye twitching? What do you thin–" She was cut off by the door beginning to open.

She went to shove him off the bed without looking at him, except that's when she felt the weight of his body across her vanish and her hand not make contact. She glanced around as if not understanding what had happened. That's when she heard the soft thud beneath the bed.

Peering off the side of her bed, opposite from the door, she watched as his head popped out from beneath. His eyes stared up at the Queen who was bewildered, as she had no idea a person had such an ability as to phase through solid objects.

Though there were legends about force users being able to travel from planet to planet using the force alone. It was legendary force techniques such as teleportation and force travel which had either been lost or deemed forbidden due to their corrupting from tearing apart space-time for execution.

"Mi'Lady," a group of voices erupted from behind the Queen. Her handmaidens began to flood into the room, looking around before narrowing their eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Eirtaé was the one to ask, she had a confused expression. Why was their Queen staring off the side of the bed? They didn't walk around immediately to investigate.

"It's… Nothing," Padme shook her head a bit and sat up on her bed with an erect posture.

"…" Sabé tilted her body to the side and bent her knees to help her look beneath the bed. She immediately noticed a man dressed in a militant uniform. She recognized him and shook her head and stood straight up as she rolled her eyes.

Blinking a few times at her reaction, Rabé walked around the bed and froze seeing the head of the bodyguard peeking out from beneath the bed. Shaking her head lightly, she walked towards the side of the bed with a stern march. As if she was going to pull him out by his ear.

"You can't be under there." She moved onto her knees and grasped at his shoulders to pull him out. As she did so however, he raised a hand up. Though she flinched, she ignored it as she felt the side of his hand against the side of her hood. A tingling feeling could be felt going through her head. Though she was temporarily stunned form the feeling, she dragged him out from the bed and returned to her feet.

Shaking her head slightly to get rid of the feeling, she looked at his hand which was held out like a cup for her hand to grasp. Staring down at him for a few seconds, she reached over and yanked him to his feet.

"Thank you, Rabé." He was able to easily tell her apart from the others, and he could tell the others apart as well. He knew all their names without introduction. This would make Panaka even more suspicious.

However since the girls didn't know whether or not the Queen had informed him or not, they weren't suspicious at all.

[ Indoctrination of Handmaidens Progress: 1/7 Indoctrinated. ]

As he was now standing he felt the eyes of the Queen burning into the side of his head. His eyes caught a glance of her face and she gestured towards the door.

Opening his mouth slightly, he closed it. "Of course, Your Highness." He bowed his head slightly in respect and walked towards the door. He knew she had to get dressed and the reason for the Maidens for entering were generally to wake her up.

Once the door slid closed behind himself, he would come face to face with Panaka who was eying him. "Took you long enough," the man pointed out as he would begin walking down the hall towards the hangar. "You know how to fly?"

"I've read the manual."

With this response, he only got a troubled glance from Panaka.

The two of them would make their appearance into the Hangar which had several N-1 Naboo Starfighters. It was one of Valad's favorite fighters, though he wished they had hyperdrive capabilities. Though it was possible with some modifications.

"I see that you like you see?" Panaka saw the sparks and glistening expression within the man he had met, he could only help but chuckle at Valad's infatuation with the fighters. "I am going to assume you're going to want one for yourself?"

"Can I get it in blue or black?" Obviously he had something against the shiny mustard yellow.

Panaka just shook his head and gave a brief snicker, "I'll think about it."

With that the two of them walked over to where a pair of fighters were being prepped by some maintenance members of the Royal Security Force. "Captain and…" The maintenance officer pursed his lips and furrowed his brow at the new comer.

"Valad. Just Valad." He waved off any sort of title.

"He's the Lord of House Katsure," Panaka seemed to proudly announce, "Acting Bodyguard of our Highness. He has asked to be trained to pilot an N-1 Fighter to be of further use to the Royal Forces during his Stay."

It was as if bringing some merit to himself, privately training a personal Bodyguard of the Queen. Since it was technically his role in the first place to train her protectors, most of them simply accepted the explanation they didn't ask for. Though what made them furrow their brows was the fact that he was being a little bit more social-able than ever before.

Two N-1 Naboo Star Fighters were loaded with munitions, Astromech Droids being installed in the back. Standing beside his fighter he stared at the silver and blue dome which was whistling about, as if scolding Valad for taking so long to get into the pilot.

With a soft chuckle, Valad climbed the ladder and into the cockpit and closed it shut with a push of a button. Hearing a few chirps, his eyes rolled slightly hearing the R2 unit speak.

"You know the plan." A commlink spoke from the dashboard, it was Panaka's voice.

"Intercept Borvos at the Hill. Take'em out." Flicking multiple switches, the fighter's engines would begin to prime. The satisfying hum reached his ears and Valad's grin grew ear to ear as he switched off autopilot, much to R2's disapproving screams.

Almost like a car doing a burn out, the backside of his fighter swerved as he got into position and accelerated out of the hangar and towards the sky. He was soon followed by Panaka who was quickly catching up to his 'student.'

Opening navigation, he stared at the GPS mini-map in the corner of his eye. He was going directly for Borvos' actual location which was mid-way to the island.

He was flying low abnormally low, avoiding any form of radar which would pick him up. He wanted to avoid getting caught before he wanted to be seen. On the other hand Panaka was flying a few meters above him a few paces back.

They'd be flying for about thirt minutes at high speed until they came up on a vessel which had been avoiding the security net across the planet. It was Borvos and his ship.

Staring out the portside, the Hutt's eyes narrowed on the two yellow and silver fighters coming towards them. One of his aides walked over and whispered into his ear, causing the Hutt to bellow.

The ship had tried to contact the incoming security forces, yet they weren't returning their hails, if anything they just started approaching faster.

"They can't possibly think they're any ma–" He was caught off guard by the sudden sound of proton torpedoes being launched towards the bridge. "SHIELDS SHIE–Æ!" A barrage torpedoes smashed against the lightly shielded craft as the shields hadn't fully raised yet.

A cascade reaction occurred, damaging many of the internal tools for navigating the vessel. "We've lost navigation! We're unable to control the landing!" One of the pilots shouted.

"Shields are full, we'll–" The sound of the starfighters could be heard opening fire. Green bolts of energy rippled across the bridge's shielding. Concentrated in two single areas as they were approaching.

"Return fire!" Borvo Screamed at his underlings.

"We can't! They knocked out the weapons array with their proton torpedoes!" The weapons officer exclaimed in dismay, attempting to leave the bridge to bail out of the vessel, but was shot immediately for leaving his post.

"Tyché! I need you to get us out of here!" He yelled at his pilot, who looked over at him with a puzzled expression. What in the hell did he expect her to do? They lost control of the ship!

If they were to eject the cockpit module they'd be leaving themselves open for attack and possible elimination. Especially since the star fighters were focusing on the cockpit itself.

The blast slugg's arm stretched past and smacked down the ejection button. Suddenly the module would escape from the rest of the vessel and smash into the nearby island which was his hidden base.

They watched as the two starfighters flew low overhead as they fled from the module. They could see the two of them peal apart in the air and come back towards them readying for a strafing run.

"…" The Hutt simply stared, they were too far away from the buildings to get into cover and the module was definitely not going to withstand more than a few runs. "We're finished…" His stubby hands held onto the edges of his mouth as if he were going to eat his fingers.

Tyché however slowly began to back away from the hutt before running towards the module to take cover once she was out of his range of grasp.

"H-hey!" The Hutt noticed her running away, reached out, but couldn't catch up to her. That's when he heard the screeching of the blaster cannons of the fighters. The Crime Lord's eyes closed on instinct moments before he was torn apart by the green blasts of energy.

"Preparing for Bombing ru–"

Valad cut him off when Panaka was about to say he was going to bombard the base. Though there were plenty of thugs there, there was also plenty of weapons and slaves. "You wanted a military, right?"

Panaka paused as he thought about what he was suggesting and nodded lightly. "Lets pick'em off as they come out!" As a pair of fighters, they moved together, leveling themselves out as they flew only meters off the ground; ready to open fire on the thugs that began firing at them during their approach.

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