
Star Wars Twists of Fate

Honest, enduring. Introverted, yearning. Talented, sly. The world wasn't fair to him. His sister, one year junior to him, socially outcasted him. Brutally bullied by his peers. Left to rot, by a world of sinners. Dying from shock, he catches the attention of a passing god. This passing god offers him a new life. A life in a universe he is often too familiar with. He is granted three wishes: One Change. One Unique Ability. One Passive Element. 1. Palpatine's Yacht is destroyed in hyperspace during his mission to kill his family given by Darth Plagueis. 2. Indoctrination Force Technique 3. Game Element ( System/Hub ) [ Tags: Action, Adventure, Brutality, Contentious Content, Espionage, Game Elements, Gore, Harem, Important Character Deaths, Kingdom Building, Mature, Reincarnation, Smart MC, Strategic Minded MC, System, Timeline Divergence, Transmigration. ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

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Aside from the fact that Valad knew of most events pertaining to the Star Wars Universe, he never suspected that his one wish changed the way of Dooku's fall to the Dark Side. Though at the same time due to his lack of knowledge pertaining to the order of these events, he was able to assume a large portion of it.

Like before when he tried getting a hold of information through the Dark Lord of the Sith. According to what he learned, Count Dooku had long since joined the Order of Sith Lords. It seemed the Magister was able to peddle his words just right.

Dooku no longer needed Qui Gon Jin to die for him to become completely disillusioned with the Jedi Order. Though now that he was free of the Jedi's shambles and in his rightful place as Count of Serreno, what were his plans?

Was the Dark Lord going to have him follow the same plot? Dooku used a competition just like before in order to seek out the most brilliant warriors to fight his former Padawan Learner. The very source of Asajj Ventresses' curved lightsabers.

Was Dooku going to become the head of the Separatists? Or was he going to become the next Supreme Chancellor? He would easily be able to sway the Jedi Order, manipulate them into feeling secure.

Dooku and his Master could very well recreate the Clone Wars, using different heads of state for the Separatists. On the other hand, the Magister of the InterGalactic Banking Clan could put a different puppet as the Chancellor, a new apprentice.

Dooku had persuaded his old friend, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, ahead of time to create the Clone Army for the Republic in secret. Much like Sidious had done in the original version of the timeline. Of course, Sifo-Dyas didn't see Dooku's betrayal until it was too late.

Jango Fett had succeeded, just like before. Earned five million credits and agreed to be cloned at the condition that he would be given the first untempered clone as his son.

Valad however knew Hego Damask II's ambitions. It wasn't the same as Palpatine's, but it was similar in the regard that he wanted the Jedi eliminated. In truth, he wouldn't have minded, but at the same time he didn't want Hego to have the ability to wipe out prospective targets.

Hego Damask II's ambition was to transcend death, to not have death and to ascend past the need of ascension through killing one's master. His goal was eternal life, nothing more. With his ability to see the future gone however due to the infection permanently removing the function, he was forever vulnerable despite knowing of the infection caused by his master.

Valad however wanted to have one secret in which Hego held in his arsenal of powers. The ability to resurrect dead sentient beings and regenerate damaged parts of the body from old age and decay.

Opening his eyes as he had finally fell asleep on the large bed in the middle of the conference room, he stared forward as he felt an extra pair of arms around him. There was a soft feeling against his back, and there was another pair of legs intertwined with his and his Apprentice.

Smirking to himself, he phased through the bed's mattress and came crawling out from beneath the bed and stood up. Looking at the two girls sleeping soundly. Though Princess Leia immediately stirred when she felt that the larger body was gone.

Both of the girls opened their eyes and stared at one another before both sitting up and looking over towards Valad who was standing over by the door at this point.

"When did you...?" Their voices overlapped as he walked out of the room, wondering how in the world he had gotten out of their hold. Especially that of the Princess, who had been clinging to him like a Koala.

"We've arrived at the planet of Faa in the Kamino System," He stated with a light wave over his shoulder as he picked up his clothes he left thrown around the bridge. He was clothed within minutes, wearing black trousers, polyester turtleneck and an armored chassis. He slipped on some socks and boots, then walked towards the turbo-lift in order to get to the parameter ring hangars. He made it to the zone three of the non-residential side of the ship and entered his Scimitar Replica.

A dozen of the commando droids followed him in after a few seconds and made a circular formation in the ready room.

Riané took several minutes, almost a half hour to catch up with Valad. She was wearing the same outfit he had her wear when they had taken over the Vutuun Palaa. Except with the addition of a black poncho, she knew that the planet of Kamino was an ocean planet covered in storms from the Encyclopedia of planets available on the HoloNet.

As she entered the ship, she stared at the mandalorian armor that the droids were wearing before moving onto the lift and getting to the upper level where Valad was waiting. He was wearing a black poncho as well, it made them look like a pair.

Riané had her helmet tucked under her arm. Moments later, they heard someone enter out of breath. It was Princess Leia, who they both just turned to look at, snickering to themselves.

"You don't have to push yourself," Valad said as he was practically saying she didn't have to come with. She just shook her head at him and made a fierce face of defiance. "Fine," he smirked at her as he sat down in the pilots seat. "Get dressed for the Occassion," He said as he pointed towards the footlocker.

Leia stared at him for a few moments, he wanted her to change? Here? Now? In front of them? She sucked on her teeth slightly before walking over to the footlocker and glancing inside after prying it open.

Inside was a pair of black cargo pants with soft inner lining, combat boots and a turtlenecked leotard similar to that of Riané's outfit. There was also a chromium lightweight chassis and a black poncho.

It was as if he had it all prepared for her.

"Precognition..." Riané almost chuckled seeing the Princesses priceless surprised looking face.

Leia let out a light sigh and shook her head before looking out the viewport as the engines came to life. "Do I have t–" She was cut off as the ship began to move forward, sending her onto her rear end.

"Sorry, didn't turn the inertia dampeners off." Valad apologized sheepishly before looking over at Riané whom had sat down right before he had gotten them to take off. A grin forming over his lips slightly as he saw a white dress go flying passed his peripheral vision.

Once they were clear of the ship, the Scimitar would jump into hyperspace for a few seconds before coming back out over the planet of Kamino. There was barely any traffic as the Galaxy's many public maps had been tempered with, the planet deleted off the galactic map.

Breaking through the storm clouds, they began their descent towards the planet of Kamino's capital Tipoca City. With heavy winds and harsh storming conditions, the Scimitar almost effortlessly touched down on one of the many platforms and locked itself down.

Once landed, Valad was comfortable enough to put on some shinguards and knee pads which matched his armor chassis and battle boots. He had Leia do the same as Riané was already wearing some.

Riané put her helmet and lowered her range finder, pointing it infront of herself. She proceeded to pull her poncho's hood over her helmet.

Valad armed the three of them with F-11D carbine rifles, the two force sensitives hiding their lightsabers in their gauntlets. If they looked like Jedi to Jango Fett, it would tip Dooku off should he knew of the plot.

Entering the lower deck, the airlock would open and the scent of salt would fill the air. Lightning and thunder which had once been muffled by the hull of the ship, sounded fluid and real.

The three began to step out as the loading ramp lowered and they found themselves on the soaking world. Looking one way and the other, they would smirk lightly as they saw a Kimanoan standing at the door.

The three Mandalorian armor wearing people began their trek across the platform and towards the entrance of the city. Half of the Droids forming a Semi-circle around the ship, to guard it from intruders. Not that there would be many on this water filled planet.

"Greetings Mandalorian Warriors, what brings you here?" Lama Su, the Prime Minister asked as he invited them inside. Though once they were in, they lowered their ponchos and looked at the Kaminoan.

"We're interested in ordering several batches of force sensitive clones, spliced from my companions' DNA," Valad was aware that there had been force sensitive Kaminoans and that the Kaminoan population could only breed through the use of cloning. The irony of that was rather terrible.

Blinking a few times as this Minister heard that these individuals were force sensitive, they slowly nodded. "Would you like them tampered with accelerated growth?" The man asked, staring down at them as he was much taller than the young humans before him.

"Accelerated growth until they have the biological age of ten years old. Gender doesn't matter. Three batches of ten is what we're looking for." It appeared Valad liked the number ten. He was just waiting for the Kaminoan to ask 'cash or credit' though doubted he would.

Valad was mainly doing this as a distraction. At the same time, he knew that within three months, he'd have three more batches of force sensitive children at his disposal.

"You're going to use me as a partial template?" Leia asked as she looked over at Valad with a brow raised. She was rather curious about this and only winced from the sudden pricking of her skin by the Kaminoan.

Riané giggled at her, before wincing herself when she was pricked by the device which took in her genetic template.

"Please, follow me." The Minister would lead them through the facility, revealing the cloning tanks and various other areas within the vacinity.

Valad had his head lowered, his face obscured by the hood of his poncho. His eyes were closed and he was reaching out. Trying to figure out the place he needed to go. His idea was obviously to learn where they were making the inhibitor chips which would be used to indoctrinate the Clone Army into exterminating the Jedi Order.