
Star Wars: A Single Wish

I don't own Star Wars. Disney owns Star Wars. This Fanfiction is something I have played around with for a very long time. In my head at least and I want to write some stuff about star wars. This is a wish fulfillment and I don't expect that to get through some of the thick skulls of readers. I won't be updating this regularly, and I wont be giving it a schedule. It's just something I'll write and update when I feel like it. This story isn't set in the skywalker saga, I don't want to get within a light year of that radioactive waste dump. While the original trilogy, clone wars, and mandolorian were excellent that's where the list ends. I don't want people writing reviews for this story, but I won't say you cant. I just want people to read a star wars fanfiction that is better then most out there. I wont lie I'm inspired by A New Player In The Force. However, my story wont be anything like that fanfiction though I really suggest you people read it. Its actually written by an educated teacher whos fighting leukemia. I won't bore you guys with anymore talk so I'll get right into the synopsis now. ------------------- A young boy, no older then 15 lies dying in his hospital bed. The reason he is here is because of the illness he inherited from his mother. He doesn't resent anything about his mother or what he got from her, only that his death be as quick. Before he rested his diseased body on this bed, he would comfort his mother while he could still be considered healthy. His mother passed fast compared to the rate he is going. The Opal family dies with him, and nothing can stop that. One of the things the two did was watch movies and T.V. shows, and their favorite was everything star wars. With Nathan Opal on his last day he is happy that his painful torment shall end. This is where the story begins.

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{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Nathen Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Outside Near Dawnrider, Dagobah)~~~


Nella struggles behind me as she uses The Force to lift another artifact from Dawnrider. She's been at it for a few hours now, and she's starting the heavy objects. A chuckle escapes my lips as I see the redness in her cheeks and her jaw clenching.

I did tell her if she wanted the artifacts, she'd be the one to move them. The lure of billions of Credits is irresistible to my young cousin.

Jedi teachings say we're not supposed to have possessions such as Credits. I've never been a firm believer in such teachings. Nella is a hormonal teenage girl and one that wants things. She has feelings. Desires. Goals.

To deny those is something counterproductive to her gaining strength. I'm teaching her to channel it in the proper ways.

Since she's busy with that, I think it's time I find out why The Force sent me to Dagobah. If this is the next step in my journey to finding Abeloth, I don't see the connection. All I remember from the lore is The Force Caves here.

They have a special connection and strange properties when in regards to The Force. A deep breath enters my lungs, and I sit on the ground. Crossing my legs and closing my eyes. I rarely dive into The Force like this.

The times I do, I end up being in a trance for days at a time, but it only feels like a few minutes for me. Not to mention I damage the surroundings.

Doing this close to The Dawnrider and Nella could prove dangerous, but I must practice. I'm not perfect at everything I do. Perhaps knowing someone important to me is nearby will heed the damage. But there are no guarantees.


She hears me call out to her and sets down the objects she's lifting out of Dawnrider. Making her way over to me.

"I'm going to be connecting with The Force. When I dive deep like this, there are usually repercussions. Especially around the environment. So, if things get crazy, get to the ship, and get off the world. I'll call you back down when things are good."

I can sense she's upset she can't move any more artifacts now, but that's alright. I'm sure that whatever haul she's loaded already is good enough.

"Fine, but at least let me get in the ship before you start anything."

That's reasonable enough. It doesn't take her long to make it to our ship. Now that she's ready to bolt in case anything happens, I close my eyes and let myself go.

I stop holding back.

~~~(POV: Nella Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: The Opal Ship, Dagobah)~~~

I watch from the Command Decks window, and Nate closes his eyes. Taking a deep breath and slowly releasing. A moment later, I feel the entire planet shake. That's my queue to get off this planet. I power up the ship and start the launch sequence.

As I do, I look out the window again, and Nate is already tearing massive trees out of the ground. Before they can hit me, I launch into the sky and orbit.

It's safe up here, I think.

Nate said he'll be getting ahold of me once he's done. But I don't know how long that'll be. So, that leaves the ship all to myself.

"This is a rare opportunity..."

There are some erotic films on the Holonet I saw advertising... Since I'm alone, I might as well check it out.

~~~(POV: Marisa Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Coruscant, Senate Building)~~~

"Don't worry, Marisa. Nate and Nella will be fine. Nate is the strongest Force User in the galaxy, which comes with protection. You must return to Alderaan and prepare for the next Senate meeting in two months."

Satele has been doing her best to assure me nothing is wrong with my kids. Nate and Nella are the only family I have left. Any close family.

She sees my worried face as I think about losing both of them and walks over. Placing a hand on my shoulder and sitting me in the chair.

"You remember the first time Nate was on Alderaan, right?"

How could I not... His power was incredible even then... But it drew the attention of The Emporer. Soon, Alderaan was invaded.

She's right. As long as Nate is there, she'll always be safe.