
Star Wars -Lucky For The Life

Like any reincarnated person, he dies and goes to other universes, one of them is Star Wars, discover what will happen to him and enjoy the characters and the evolution from a compassionate character to a cold-blooded killer. It is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it and if you don't like how the story progresses, leave it, because I have already thought about how it will progress, don't be annoying

Rockeryord1 · Movies
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First order from Celestial Being

After getting several galactic credits, which is the currency of the Star Wars galaxy, Demetrios ordered ES-01 Ebbe to leave the credits with the man who gave him the information at the entrance, he passed a small bag to ES-01 Ebbe and headed to Leave the bag with the man they found at the entrance.

Demetrios took half of the credits and told his soldiers to buy what they needed, such as supplies and maps of trade routes in the galaxy, while he headed to the second floor to search for information.

Demetrios asked the castle stonemason for a liquid similar to beer, they served it to him and he took his glass to the 2nd floor, he saw a hallway with several tables, he chose an empty table and began to drink, while listening to the different conversations.

He learned that although it had been 31 years before the Clone Wars began and 23 years before Qui-Gon Jinn discovered Anakin, there were already signs of war, the corruption of the galactic senate was visible to all smugglers and bounty hunters. , they only thought about how to survive and make money.

He heard many requests for bodyguards, robberies on trade routes and murders, one of them caught his attention, which was the kidnapping of Senator Kelair Cedeo, the representative of Onderon who was going to travel to Malastare for political reasons.

Demetrios approached where he heard the request and told the person to consult him and the person told him that if he wanted to accept the request he has to go to the west hallway, camera 24, ring 3 times and he will find someone who will give him an intercom and there they will give you more instructions.

"I appreciate it," Demetrios said, leaving some credits and turning around as he had a smile, "I'll buy you some drinks for that reason."

-Do you know who he is? -Said the person who told him the request.

"No, I have no idea," said the person accompanying him as he drank.

-They don't last long, someone will kill him- I grab the credits to buy more drink.

Demetrios went to chamber 24 of the west hallway, knocked 3 times as instructed, opened the door, in chamber 24 there was only someone with a black hood and in front of the person a table, with nothing else inside.

The hooded person looked up, his eyes are yellow, he took out something he had kept and put it on the table.

With a deep voice he told her - Take this Hologram with you, when you are in a protected room you turn it on and you will communicate with the requester of the order, you can go now.

Demetrios looked at him out of the corner of his eye and took the hologram and went to where his men were, he told them to return to the ships.

They arrived at the ships, the soldiers began to pack and manage the supplies they bought, ES-00 Viggo gave Demetrios all the trade route maps they could get on takodana and also obtained the known hyperspace routes of the galaxy.

"Let's go to Malastare," Demetrios ordered.

-From what I see on the maps we have to head to the Hydiana Road and we will quickly enter the Dustig sector, and the Malastare system- said Viggo and ordered his men- Locate it on the radars and locators! We're heading to Malastare!

"Yes sir!" the soldiers said.

The ships took 3 hours to reach Malastare, they landed in a secluded place, Demetrios got up from his seat and went to an isolated room, he put on his Darth Raven helmet, which changed its silver color to black and where he had a russet. color. It was changed to navy blue, with the Celestial Being logo in the corner, the hologram on.

From the hologram an image appeared with a subject with a black hood, his face was hidden by the hood, Demetrios identified the other party, it was Darth Sidious and his identity before the public was the kind Senator Sheev Palpatine.

Demetrios looked down and then thought that the other one in the hood was Darth Maul but it cannot be Darth Maul, he has not been born yet, he enters the year 55 BBY, Maul is born in 54 BBY, there is still a year left, it is impossible for him to be He, if so, then Sidious didn't have a few apprentices, apparently he had several but not all of them survived, Demetrios looked up.

-Your objective, Senator Kelair Cedeo, will travel to verify and carry out a fuel contract with the Dug council, you will have to kidnap and threaten so that the contract does not take place, and if they cannot carry out the kidnapping or the contract. It's cancelled, KILL IT!! - said Darth Sidious in a sinister and cruel way.

"Understood," Demetrios said monotonously.

-Senator Kelair Cedeo will arrive in Malastare in 1 month, I hope it goes well for you, Bounty Hunter!!- Sidious said rudely and angrily.

"Don't worry, we are a paramilitary mercenary organization called Celestial Being, we do the job well," Demetrios said, standing up and bowing politely.

-I hope so! - said Sidious - if you succeed you will be able to have more fame and I will recommend you to more of my associates, when you complete the application you will notify me through this hologram, and if you do If you do not succeed, I will not "Contact us," Sidious said seriously and turned off the hologram.

He left the room, went to the command room, the ships took 3 hours to reach Malastare, they landed in a secluded place.

–I need all the soldiers to go verify where Senator Kelair Cedeo's contract with the Dug council will be carried out, to investigate the ship in which he will travel to this planet, with everything that entails such as his accommodations, etc., I need to find out and become familiar with the environment.

-ES-00 Viggo, you will be in charge of plan A and B, plan A is to kidnap the senator, and plan B, in case he could not be kidnapped, to be able to kill him without anyone finding out, ES-10 Finis, you will be in charge charge of infiltrating the facilities, with ES-11 Maxir and ES-12 Ronis, they will be wearing camouflage suits to avoid attracting attention, ES-01 Ebbe you will be in the Havoc ship to search for possible escape routes and threats for the request, you will be with ES-02 Modi and ES-03 Arus, ES-04 Crik you will be in charge of supplies and supply, ES-18 Vario and ES-19 Bartars will be with me on the ship, Viggo you will be in charge of the rest of the soldiers.

-Understood, Sir!! -said the elite soldiers

ES-01 Ebbe, ES-02 Modi and ES-03 Arus went to the Havoc and made it take off and began to study the planet Malastare, while ES-00 Viggo with several soldiers left the CSS-1 ship to explore the planet and take carry out the orders of his Admiral Demetrios.

While he was in Malastare for the month, Demetrios stayed in one of the practice rooms that the ship had so that the soldiers could exercise in order to practice Force Vision Eye, he wanted to expand it so that he could see the things that happen in Malastare. distant places without being present, it took him a great effort without favorable results, until 1 week later, in which in one of his exercises he exhausted all his Force and began to meditate to recover and in that meditation he found a third flickering light.

The flickering lights that he saw were 2, white and dark, which represented the light side and the dark side respectively, and if he absorbs them he can acquire more Force of the flickering light that he absorbed the most, but a 3 flashing light appeared, light blue in color.

Demetrios was very curious to know what that flashing light blue light meant and represented, so he stretched out his hand and placed his index finger on the flashing light and was absorbed, immediately afterward the world of meditation was filled with the flashing light blue lights. , Demetrios without hesitation began to absorb those lights.

He felt a new change emerging from him, his heart beat harder, his blood gave him an unknown strength, that when it reached his muscles, his muscles began to swell and immediately contracted, his bones began to break and harden. in the next moment.

What is happening to me? Demetrios asked himself why I feel an unmatched strength in my body that is different from the Force, it is as if I changed my body to a much stronger one.

He got up from his state of meditation and wanted to test his strength, he began to lift the weights and realized that he lifted them without any effort, his maximum weight lifting was 242 pounds, which is what a person with military training can lift, but he lifted them as if he were lifting air, it was very light, he wanted to try 300 pounds, he lifted them just as effortlessly, he tried 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, and when he tried lifting 2000 pounds he began to struggle. difficult, he began trying 2100 pounds and that was the limit of weightlifting.

He was amazed at how much physical strength he had acquired, he went to rest because he was already exhausted from lifting weights so much.

Demetrios thought, that was the effect of the blinking celestial lights, and if my profile shows what it was, that's what he saw as those blinking lights were.



Name: Demetrios

Status: Alive

Level: 1

Race: human

Force: Fjn4h5ks (Impossible to measure is one with force)


-The Eye of Cyäegha(13%)-Power of Mynoghra(20%) -Apprenticeship of Azathoth -Cosmic Shop

-Bogan(27%) -Ashla(18%)-Battle Meditation -Force Vision Eye(85%) -Cosmic Force Control(0.05%)


-Cosmic Book -Starkiller Base -Star Forge -Sith Lord Revan Set


I understand that that was the Cosmic Force, WOW and it barely made 0.05 and that was the result, he asked me what it will do the more I absorb.

He began to meditate and absorb those flickering celestial lights, but he no longer felt the same as the first time, he only felt that a black and smelly substance was secreting throughout his body, he had to stop his meditation and take a bath.

I won't have the same effect, the first I think was a fortification and the second was a cleansing of impurities, now I can exert even more physical strength, Demetrios thought, I think I will continue practicing the Force Vision Eye.

By practicing Force Vision Eye, Demetrios was able to expand his vision range and expand it to a diameter of 500 meters.

Could it be that the cosmic force has that effect, now I can exert a lot of Force compared to before he couldn't even expand it unless I was seeing it in person and only at 100 meters, this has exceeded everything.