
Star Wars -Lucky For The Life

Like any reincarnated person, he dies and goes to other universes, one of them is Star Wars, discover what will happen to him and enjoy the characters and the evolution from a compassionate character to a cold-blooded killer. It is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it and if you don't like how the story progresses, leave it, because I have already thought about how it will progress, don't be annoying

Rockeryord1 · Movies
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12 Chs

First order from Celestial Being (2)

3 weeks passed and Demetrios was able to expand the Force's Eye of Vision in a radius of 1 kilometer per day, expanding it by 21 kilometers in these days of practice.

The cosmic Force was something qualitative for his body and mind, as he no longer felt dizzy or mentally tired when occupying his perception with Force Vision Eye like when he practiced before at Starkiller Base.


-Bogan(40%) -Ashla(34%) -Battle Meditation -Force Vision Eye(93%) -Cosmic Force Control(1.10%)


I barely have 1% in cosmic force, but thanks to that my control in the force became stronger, I can control the Ashla and the Bogan better.

"Sir, a ship appeared that was identified as having Senator Kelair Cedeo" said Viggo.

-That all soldiers are in position according to the prepared plans.

"Yes, sir!" said Viggo.

All the soldiers began to take different positions, 2 took position on a roof of a building about 600 meters from the building that was planned to be the meeting of the Dug council with Senator Kelair Cedeo, with DC-15x sniper rifle

All elite soldiers were equipped with a device that makes them undetectable by any device or robot. They are soldiers with very advanced and strict military training, having high capabilities in murder, hostage rescue, anti-terrorism and many more capabilities that were integrated. to their training.

Being for elite soldiers to carry out a mission of kidnapping a person with many competent guards, it would be totally simple.

The elite soldiers were deployed in such a way that they could carry out their mission, they were prepared for any defects that they would have to correct if the 2 plans failed.

While Demetrios was not located at CSS-1, over the course of the month his location was changed to an apartment 1 kilometer from the office so he could deploy the Force Vision Eye to see with his perception if the plan was going perfectly. or change it as you see fit.

The ship carrying Senator Kelair Cedeo landed on the roof of the building where the meeting was to take place.

When the Senator got off the ship he was wearing a dark red hood, but Demetrios, who perceived the Senator with Force Eye of Vision, perceived something unexpected.

There was one more soldier in the Senator's reception area, that soldier took something out of his pockets and threw it at the feet of the people who were escorting Senator Kelair Cedeo.


A loud explosion came out on the roof of the building.

What exploded was a heat bomb, it left a small dent in the building with burnt features around it.

There were unconscious people in the surrounding area and those who were in the center of the explosion were all dead and charred, one had the bad luck to be in the very center of the explosion. Nothing was left of him, only a dark blood stain, the bomb had calcined and vaporized.

The elite soldiers were baffled because none of their team had planned to do that and nor did they have any plans to do so, since their priority objective was to kidnap and if it didn't work they would have to kill him but that led to a confrontation.

However, ambushing him and wanting to kill him was not part of the mission.

-Attention!- Demetrios said and all the elite soldiers with their headphones heard him- that was not our doing, we have company, observe before taking action.

At the moment Demetrios told the elite soldiers about him, a Firesplay-31 class interceptor ship, better known as Slave-I, appeared.

2 people got off that ship, one was an adult and the other was a child.

-Now we have to check the corpse, we bring it and leave, and the order is over- said the adult.

-But Dad's first mission was not to kidnap him and if he couldn't kill him- said the little boy.

-No, that's a lot of trouble, whenever someone among the options says they want him dead, kill him, it's simple.

-But what about the person we hired to install the heat bomb, he thought it was a light bomb to blind us and then we had to get there to take the Senator and the person we hired- said the little boy.

-No no no- he said shaking his head from side to side with a serious face- no son, that person had hired her as a sacrifice, that's why I pointed out more than anything to hire a stealthy person who can camouflage well among different types. of people.

-Dad that's cruel.

-Son, if you don't know how to adapt you will die, that's why I have told you not to trust anyone, always be cautious, shoot before you ask, that's what a good Mandalorian does- the adult said to the little boy with emotion but in the next moment- cough cough

-Dad, don't try hard- the little boy said worriedly.

-Hahaha!!! Don't worry, your father is going to die soon, I'm teaching you everything I know before he leaves me - said the adult, stroking the little boy's head - everything so that you can survive well without my little Jango.

People who were stunned by the bomb were recovering.

-Let's go quickly before they recover from the shock, let's take the body- said Jango Fett's father.

The 2 of them carried a body that had a dark red hood, got on the Slave-I and left quickly.

Wow! Those were Jango Fett and his father, Jango would have been about 11 years old, what a curious fate, I already met several important people from the Star Wars universe, I would like to contact Jango to recruit but I don't know if he would accept, I will leave it as pending yet There's plenty of time left to contact him -Demetrios thought.

Apparently Sidious did not contact a single person to place the order, he surely does not trust any of the markets he hired.

But something even stranger happened, the soldiers and people who received the Senator did not get nervous or alarmed, among the people who accompanied the Senator there was a person who followed them further away and when the bomb was dropped he quickly hid and now The soldiers began to inspect the condition of said person, who was Senator Kelair Cedeo.

Jango and his father killed and took the body of the Senator's servant who was posing as him.

On the roof of the building.

-Okay Senator- said the captain of the soldiers who was the first to stop his daze and reacted by approaching quickly.

-Yes, I'm fine, just a little daze, nothing more - said the Senator - it was a good suggestion, Captain, to have a substitute before arriving at the meeting. Let's quickly go to the meeting to sign the agreement with the Dug council.

"Okay," said the soldier captain, turning around -soldiers who are not stunned should hurry to accompany the wounded so they can be healed.

The soldiers who were not stunned began to move the people or soldiers who were alive but seriously or superficially injured.

The Senator and all of his followers thought that the danger had already passed and they had to be cautious, but they were not out of danger yet, Demetrios had been watching everything that happened, and heard what the Senator told the soldier captain.

So they were planning it because they thought that someone was after his life by signing the contract with the Dug, but he still doesn't know that the one who doesn't want it to happen is Sidious.

-The plan doesn't change, get ready- Demetrios said into his earpiece.

All the elite soldiers prepared themselves.

The Senator had arrived at the room where he had agreed the Dug council would arrive, he sat down and sighed.

-Now all I have to do is look at the document and sign- the Senator said with a sigh.

But his relief would last very little, the lights went out and the Senator was left in the dark, he heard some gunshots and muffled screams.

The Senator tensed and thought that his life was already over, he was lucky enough to once avoid death just minutes ago and on the advice of his soldier captain, but now he can no longer avoid this black shadow that pursued and stalked him, and prevented the agreements or contracts that he organized and were good at combating the corruption that was slowly growing in the Republic, from being brought to fruition, although he always felt that someone or some people were preventing him from carrying them out.

-Haaa!- Senator Kelair Cedeo sighed in defeat- so I'll end like this, I hope there are more correct and fair people and this shitty corruption doesn't win.

-It seems like he's letting off some steam, don't worry, we don't want to kill him, it's just an express kidnapping, Senator,- said Viggo, entering and turning on the lights in the room.

-Who are you?- said the Senator.

-I'm a mercenary, I belong to Celestial Being- said Viggo, taking out some handcuffs- Come on, I'll take you to my boss, but first you have to come handcuffed, so I suggest you do nothing and just stay still.

-Don't worry, I don't know fighting skills, I'll go quietly- said the Senator with an ironic smile.

Viggo put the handcuffs on him and then walked with the Senator until he left the building, he put him in a vehicle, after about 5 minutes he stopped the vehicle, he got out and took the Senator down, he took him to a building similar to the one he had arrived with his ship. but this one was more dilapidated and unoccupied, with graffiti and wood covering some windows.

-Come in here Senator, if you want to stay alive, I hope you obey our boss in everything and don't do anything stupid- said Viggo, pointing to a reinforced door and taking out the Senator's handcuffs.

Senator Kelair Cedeo nodded and entered through the reinforced door. When he entered it was all dark. He heard the door close and the lights turned on in the room.

In the room in the corners there was little garbage, it does not surprise him seeing what the building was like on the outside and what he looked inside, the cleanest thing he saw was this room, what he saw was a room that was quickly modified into an office, but He did not see the supposed boss that the mercenary told him in the chair, but instead saw him standing looking in the window.

-How are you Senator? - Demetrios said, turning around and sitting down - sit down and let's talk.

Demetrios extended inviting people to sit on the chair in front of him.

Senator Kelair Cedeo nodded and sat down.

-I think he has many questions, he can ask them- said Demetrios.

-If possible, I would like to know, will you let me live fulfilling his demands? How much do you want to free me? Who are you? Why are they kidnapping me?

-I understand your questions and now I will answer you, if I will let him live if he meets my demands and my demands are not money, it is much simpler.

-You have to record - pointing to a recording device in the middle of the desk - that no one forced you and you want to cancel the contract with the Dug council.

-So they want that- said Senator Kelair Cedeo with listless eyes, but he delayed a moment and composed himself, looking at Demetrios firmly- who are you?

A smile formed on Demetrios's face.

-I am Demetrios, I am the boss, leader and admiral of Celestial Being, a paramilitary mercenary organization, we were hired to cancel your contract.