
Standing on top of the worlds

Don is the ruler of the world earth, but gets betrayed by his ally, after his death he finds himself in a new world way diffrent then the one he was in before. Don sets his sights on conquering this new world and getting stronger, striking everyone agains him or even those that’s not against him all to relise his new goals.

dad_song · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Mark’s training

As Mark jumped down the house and landed on his kness still holding eye contact with Zei he got up from his squat psition after landing,

"you are more impressive then i gave you credit for, to be able to even react a little to my punch maybe i held back to much, i was going to knock you out for leaving the house without premission, but you managed to keep yourself contious by moving forward a little reducing a little force and keeping your self awake"

He then smiled and blured, zei was confused, by the way he just blured, but then felt warmness on his back making him on high alert, dashing to the side as fast as he possibly could he saw his dad there smiling "you also have fast instict i know the pill was going to be very affective for the senses and make you more alert thus making you react faster to the situation but this is better then i could have hoped for" Mark said

Zei however did not listen he was focused on dealing with the situation plus he can't talk or else he would really be killed for sure.

Running forward agains a enemy behind you is like seeking death, so he dashed to the side, "I can't so anything out of what the instinkt of this pill is allowing me to do, or i would defenetly be killed if i start rolling now and picking up rocks to shoot at him, judging by how fast he got behind me it would be usless and just make me more suspicious so the only thing i can do is try to dodge to the best of my ability" Zei cursed inside because he was feeling hopeless and weak to do anything.

Mark turned transparent again and was dashing just behind Zei making them dash to the side in sync, it looked like a father teaching his son how to run to the side.

Zei however was thinking to find another way out so he just stopped and turned to see his father will countinue running but he was nowhere to be seen, then Mark behind him said "good jobb this will do for now tommorow we will start your training for real."

Zei was supprised by this he could not sense him at all not like the last time he went behind him, so Zei thought to himself "There is no possible way for me to escape him or fool him right now, unless i use rocks or some technique but that probably won't work aswell because of the strength diffrence." he was now thinking of covering his image as a 1 year old better so he started crying like any 1 year old whould, they would probably cry even way before he did. "Here goes nothing" "Eweeeeee", "eweeeee".

One might say this is a unhonorable act and they whould rather die, but in his past life he had to do some really shamefull deeds to get where he was or even be alive, so he did not think this was shamefull he was just using his age as a cover to act more the part of a 1 year and a month old.

"Mark" a female voice called out on top of the roof i thought "you said you would go easy on him and why is he bleeding" she let out comment in a frustrated way before climbing down the ladder.

She then got to Zei and hugged him "there, there it's ok darling it's ok Zei stoped crying after that and then she looked at Mark.

"This is his first day of training and you're already beating him up and making him cry"

"I was going to end it quick but he proved to be better then i thought, i defenetly did not mean to make him cry"

After hearing this Mari calmed down a little and said "i'm going to go treat his wounds you go and fix the rune on the stone she said before taking Zei and cleaning his wonds.

Meanwhile Zei was thinking that it was normal, back in the organisation they did not care of you cry or anything of the sort, only result count or death nothing else. The only reason he cried was because he did not want to be too suspitios and accsedentely do some technique, and who knows what will happen then, so he just acted the part of his age.

After his mom was done with cleaning the wound, Zei walked back to his bed and started excresising he did not want to feel that hopeless again but he knew it's going to take a while for that to truly happen.

The next day Mark came into his room first in the morning "it's time son" he then took Zei from his bed and walked to the yard, "i have a gift for you here take this" he said before a sword came out of nowhere in his hands.

Zei at this point did not get supprised anymore he knew this world had mysterys he did not know about and anything thrown at him whould be met full on.

Mark threw the sword to the grownd near Zei.

Nothing happend. Zei just stood there looking around.

Mark also stood there for 3 hole seconds before relising he was dumb, how would a 1 year old even understand to pick up a sword. And he took the pill just a day ago.

Mark relised he got existed because of Zei's acts yesterday but he now relised that it was just because of the pill that strengthen you, and your instinkts, and also makes your brain more adapt to thinking so he will learn faster. That's why he did not find Zei's activity of going around the house someting unusual.

Zei also felt akward for him, but he had to act his age he will not do something reckless even if he beleves his dad won't think he is transmigrated.

After another 3 seconds, Mark finnaly moved and took up the sword on the ground near Zei, he then gave the sword into Zei's hands zei held it for 10 seconds before dropping it, this made Mark relise teaching Zei this early is going to be really bothering.

Mark then took out a sticky substance out of nowhere again, and put it on the sword and then gave it to Zei.

Zei helt it and then tryed to remove his grip out of the sword but nothing happend not even his finger moved out of the sword.

"Smart" Zei commented in his brain before swinging his sword up and down and a little to side to side to try and remove it but nothing worked.

"This should do" Mark said before going to the corner of the house and bringing out a dog, but this was not just any dog it had 2 small horns on it's head and it's teath was very sharp, it was black and you could see the muscles on it very well, it had red eyes and would look menacing, but the only thing that did not make it manacing was that it was almost 20cm long, as long as a Chihuahua.

"This guy does not know how to train", mark thought inwardly, "does he honestly want me to fight this, when a 1 year old has not even began to think much". If it was not me here i could already imagane a strong babby because of the pill being ripped apart by this beast.

Because they don't even know how to fight to begin with, well maybe the instinkts is going to make them doge the dog and then figure out how to strike, the pill is kinda for all that.

Mark then said "this is called a 2 horned hound, but this is just a babby that's 2 months old, they grow up till the age of 300 on a base"

"now i'll remove the chais on it" he bend down and removed a button on the dog,

Then the dog started eyeing Zei like pray, it felt a threat to it's life from Mark so it could only target Zei.

As it looked at Zei it started to go and circle around him, the reason it did not attack is because it could feel just a little bit of threat from him aswell.

Then it started to go closer while still circeling around him, Zei did not move and just when Zei looked away from it, it dashed with all it's power, and jumped while opening it's mouth trying to bite his neck and end it fast, but just when it was around 10cm from the neck Zei ducked down.

The two horned hound passed him and landed on the ground beside him, it moved back a few steps and relised Zei was better then it thought.

Mark just smiled and stood there.

Then it started to circle around Zei again, Zei could have cut off it's head the first time it jumped on him, but he knew he could not do that yet, he had to act as if he was learning here.

Then the two horned hound dashed again but this time it was going for his legs, "so it's trying to stop my movement and go for the kill" but as it got closer to Zei's legs he jumped up and the dog tryed to stop but it's movement made it stop just under Zei so he's feet landed directly on it's back lungs. "Grrre" the dog yelled, Zei then pretended to fall, and then got up but as he got up the two horned hound also got up but it started breathing a little more heavy.

One could not forget Zei was about 100cm and also full of muscle, while this dog was just 20cm and younger. So he probably weight a little more then it because it was bretty broud as well, and looked like a bulking babby dog with hornes and red eyes with sharp teath.

But as it got up it was more worried about Zei but not to the point that it had to escape just quite yet.