
Standing on top of the worlds

Don is the ruler of the world earth, but gets betrayed by his ally, after his death he finds himself in a new world way diffrent then the one he was in before. Don sets his sights on conquering this new world and getting stronger, striking everyone agains him or even those that’s not against him all to relise his new goals.

dad_song · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Strengthening pill

After about a month Zei was in the middle of thinking about what this tests are going to be like and how well he would preform in this new world, when he got interrupted by his mom.

"Zei let's go you're dad is home and he got a gift for you" she said before taking him and going to the living room where Mark was sittning and looking at them coming in.

He wore simple black robes, his hair was to his neck and a little curly with his beard and sharp feture, to say the least he was pretty handsome.

And from What Zei could see he was carrying a box in one of his hands, it was a black box with some patterns on it.

Mari satt in the opposite direction facing him and putting zei in the middle of the room on the ground.

"Alright shall we start", mark said looking at mari nodding before proceeding, Mark opened the box and a little bit of dark air left the box. When the smoke cleard, a pill was inside just a simple looking round pill in the middle of the box.

Zei was confused and tried to leave but they just tied him up to stop him from leaving.

Mark took the pill inside the box and stood up walking to zei. "Open your mouth" he said and zei could only comply he knew resisting was pointless so he just opened his mouth.

Mark smiled at this "Smart boy" he said before putting the pill inside his mouth and making sure he doesent throw it up.

Zei swollowed the pill but nothing seemed to change when suddently a burning pain spread out of his body after a little longer it was like his cells where being destroyed and regrown "are thease people psycopaths just my luck, if it wassent for me being used to pain a normal babby would pass out by now or die.

That's when he saw both his parents they both had that glowing rune infrot of them and it caused the pain on him to be much more tolerable, it was like he went from being burned to drowned, there was still pain but not as much, he could also see them sweating. This much pain was nothing much to zei so he just say there calm, both Mark and Mari where supprised by this but they just continued to focus on the rune after a quic glance.

After about 5 minutes the pained eased and then insted of sweat covering zei there was a kind of black sticky subbstance all over his body. It smelled like rosted human flesh and it was not plesant. But then his hole body and mind was hit by a great sense of sleep so his mind just unconsciously went to sleep.

Mari and Mark on the other hand could not be more happy, "it worked" "it worked" Mari said sweating bullets while mark satt on the coutch sweating a little aswell and smiling, it was like a sweat house at this point.

"finnaly after 5 years i got that strengthening pill for babbes, his chanses of making it in the school is now going to increase by alot" mark said before going to clean himself, Mari did the same and took the sleeping Zei to clean.

The next day Zei woke up and then remembered everything that happend, so he looked at his body and he could feel it was much leaner and stronger then before, and he could also feel the surroundings better then before his senses increased making him more powerful.

"To think a pill could make this happen, this world is full of supprises." Zero thought and went stood up from his bed and relised he has grown a bit, he has grown a bit, he was 76cm before the pill and now he is roughly 100cm.

He walked out of his bed and started looking for his mom, as he walked he felt that walking became more easy and so he went around the house from the kitchen to the bathroom, then to the livingroom but he did not find her anywhere.

He looked at the door of the house, this time he could just barly reach the handle of the door so he opened it and went through, he saw the plain grass around him and the fence with spikes and the 2 gates of the house for exit and entry, he then walked around the house and went to the little hut where they store food but the doors where still locked so he did not think she was here.

He continued to circle around the house and saw a ladder leading to the top of the house but ignored it and still did not find her when suddenly he thought "maybe" before he took some steps back from the house and looked up where the rock was on the house and there she was doing something on the rock on top of the house.

He then walked back to the ladder and started climbing them the reason he ignored it first was because it was a little old and had small cracks on it. He was careful when climbing so he just took one step at a time making sure he won't fall, he also balanced his weight so it would be less likely to break.

After reaching the top he saw his mom still doing something to the rock

Then out of nowhere he saw a fist in his vision it was more like a shadow, he tried to doge instantly but his body was too slow even with the newfound strength, he then fell backwards because of the punch, and started bleeding from his nose.

He looked up and saw Mark "hmm the adaptability has increased more then expected, you now have a sense of looking through the surroundings I expected it to be at least 2 months before you got more brain functions and you're not crying after being hit". Then he smiled really big you could see a big grin on his face "that's my son now it's time for training" he said before jumping down the house leaving Mari working on the rock.