
Standing on top of the worlds

Don is the ruler of the world earth, but gets betrayed by his ally, after his death he finds himself in a new world way diffrent then the one he was in before. Don sets his sights on conquering this new world and getting stronger, striking everyone agains him or even those that’s not against him all to relise his new goals.

dad_song · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Two horned hound’s breath

After it got jumped on by Zei the two horned hound was more canthus agains Zei and it's breat a little more rough then before, however it was still not to the point of retreat.

As it cicled Zei again it way going closer and closer and not rushing this time, Zei stood there and looked at it's movement.

Nothing out of the ordernery happend until it got within 2 meters of Zei, it jumped forward and just when it was about to jump again, and just as about Zei was going to dodge. It jumped backwards insted.

Zei was confused by this, then it got within 2 meters of Zei again and jumped, Zei was about to dodge again, but it suddently jumped backwards again.

"Is it trying to make me drop my guard" Zei thought before it moved closer again, this time it got within 1,5 meters of Zei and jump with less power to get very close but not to close, and just when it was about to make the second jump, it jumped back again.

"Maybe it's trying to close the distance giving me little time to dodge that's bad" as Zei thought this it moved closer again, however Zoe did not just stand there this time, he just started walking away.

But the dog followed him until he stoped, it learned that rusing on him did not work so it started sneaking behind him

After walking a bit he stopped, it got closer to him and then jumped again, and was about to jump a second time, Zei looked at it, however this time the two horned hound did not jump backwards, insted it looked at his face and opened it's mouth witch started glowing red.

And it jumped right at his face Zei dodged but the dog was prepered for that, so when he stepped back that's when the glow in it's mouth instensified, in mid air it looked at Zei he tried to go down but the hounds head followed where he went, "it's do or die" as he said this he swung the sword in his hands to try and decapitate the dog "fuck i won't make it"

But just when he saw the bright light on the mouth of the hound intensify to it's peek, that's when it happend.

Mark out of nowhere came just beside the two horned hound even scaring it a bit, he then slapted the hound on it's mouth shattering his teath and closing it's mouth shut.

Then A big splash come from the ground and dirt come up on Zei with some blood on it aswell.

"Good job you learned how to swing at a threat this is a good start" mark said congradulating him.

Paying him no mind Zei looked down and saw the broken head of the hound on the ground with a little colision under it, that's how the dirt came up and blood aswell, he could also see smoke coming from it's mouth. "So it was fire" Zei thought.

But before he continued his father started explaining, "it's called the two hound breath, they can shoot fire out of their mouth when they are born but it's just a little bit, but as they grow, it becomes more powerful."

The reason Mark is talking is to try and boost Zei's learning ability and make him be able to think faster, even thought the pill boost it aswell, he is trying to make it faster and more easy for Zei to be able go talk and think. Too bad for him that his wasting time Zei already can do all that.

"I'll let you rest for 2 hours then it's time to train again, this time however it's going to be a little diffrent" he then then took Zei inside and left.

2 hours later he came back and said "let's go". He then took Zei by the hand and walked him outside to the garden.

When they where in the garden, Zei saw a bigger animal this time, it had white fur and blue eye's and it looked like a wolf from earth, and was about the same size as Zei.

"This time i brought a bigger target for you" mark said while smiling.

"is this guy for real" Zei could not help but think this guy wanned to kill him.

After he thought that, as of to answer him, mark relesed the chains and, the wolf looked wary at Mark waiting for any movements, but as he just stood the like a statue. The wolf then looked at Zei.

"Grrr" the wolf Said to Zei, then looked back at Mark, still no movements.

That's when it started running towards Zei it was very fast, it then jumped up on Zei, and at that moment with it's mouth wide open closing in on Zei.

Zei with his sword and with all his power swung at it while it was coming to him.

The wolf saw the sword in it's vision but could not react because it was already in the air so to protect it's head it started bending itself to the right.

This caused Zei sword to miss it's head but it's left leg was right infront of Zei's sword so he continued sliceing down cutting of it's left leg.

But as that happend it's shoulder charged right at Zei, so he was hit by the wolf and the wolf samming against him, made them both roll a bit on the ground but the wolf rolled more because it had more momentem.

Zei struggled a bit to get up because of the force he got hit with, while the wolf also strugguled to get up because it just lost a leg and was not used to it, blood was pouring down from the leg witch exausted it even more.

"Auoooo" it screemed because of the pain and started rolling on the ground, then it digged a hole for the left leg and put it in the dirt, this stopped the bleeding but also made it hurt more.

"Was putting it's leg on the ground to stop the bleeding on purpus" Zei could not help but edmire it, while also getting up from the ground.

Howevery Zei also took a moment to admire his new body, of he was a normal 1,1 year old he would have had serious injuries because of that, but with the pill it wassent as bad, and he could still get up.

But the wolf also started getting up from the ground after balancing it's weight and getting used to it's now 3 legs.

You could now see dirt covering it's left leg and a little blood dripping from it but not too much like before.

It then looked angry at Zei as if he had killed it's hole family and friends. "Grrr" it said while showing it's big teath.

Then it started moving closer to Zei but as it moved it fell, Zei just stood there looking around acting his part, the reason why he could slice at it was because he did that against the last opponent, at the face of death, this made Mark think he had learned how to act when a opponent comes at you, this is Why he could slice at it while keeping his cover.

The wolf got up again with it's now tre legs but it moved very slow as to not fall again. Then it started going in cicles around Zei trying to find a weekness to exploit. And when it got behind Zei and Zei not even looking at him. It moved closer and closer.

And as it was right behind Zei it went for his left leg but as it moved in to the leg, Zei moved to the right making it's head pass trough where his left leg just was.

This made the wolf fall because it lost balance, and Zei took up his sword and slashed down.

"Splash" blood come at Zei as he hit it's head with his sword.

Mark then out of nowhere came infront of Zei "clap" "clap".

"impressive now based on instinct you know that you should attack after an opponent is coming at you, and now even learned the act of dodging and then skrike."

"You truly are a gunius my son" he said looking proud.

Let's go shower you can rest for the day now. Mark said before taking Zei to the bathroom and washing him. This was the first time Mark wased Zei, "does this mean he approves of me" Zei thought to himself "well it doessent matter"

When they where done Zei went to bed and started sleeping, his body was very tired after everything that happend today. And fell asleep almost instantly.