
Stand Among Them

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Others
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30 Chs

Chapter 28

When Madara sensed that his Dantian had fully recovered, he opened his eyes. As he did, he noticed the sky was beginning to darken, signaling the approaching evening. Deciding to leave his meditation spot, he stood up and started gathering his belongings scattered around him.

He carefully fastened the wooden sword to his waist and slung the sack he was carrying over his left shoulder. Once everything was secured, he glanced up towards the waterfall, hoping to see Li Lu still there. However, she was nowhere in sight.

Assuming she had already headed home, Madara began to make his way out of the forest, following the familiar path that would lead him back.

As he continued on his walk, a faint smile graced his lips. He felt a sense of satisfaction with the progress he had made in his techniques, especially considering he had only trained for three weeks. On this particular day, he keenly observed the improvements in his skills, thanks to his enhanced understanding and comprehension.

Take, for example, the fireball technique. Initially, he struggled to control its trajectory, but now he could direct it precisely without the need for a deep exhale to propel it from his mouth. Similarly, his body flicker technique had become more refined, allowing him to move with precision, neither overshooting nor falling short of his target's distance.

Moving on to his wood clone technique, he marveled at how he could now command it with his mind. What's more, his Wood Clone had gained the ability to release its own qi, enhancing its effectiveness. Not to be outdone, his sword-cutting technique had also seen improvement. He could now execute it effortlessly with just one hand, whether using his left or right.

Finally, the shockwave technique had become a part of his repertoire. He could cast it seamlessly without the need to disperse his lightning qi throughout his entire body to unleash its power.

In that introspective moment, he whispered softly to himself, "In just three weeks, I never imagined my FireballBody FlickerShockwave, and Sword Cutting Technique would advance to the Intermediate stage, while my Wood Clone remains at the Foundation stage."

As he continued his journey out of the forest, he reflected on the techniques he had chosen from the Narutoverse. He remembered that the fireball, body flicker, and shockwave techniques were classified as basic or fundamental. In contrast, the Wood Clone, although not explicitly graded in the series, was widely recognized as an advanced and elite-level technique due to its intricate nature and complexity.


Foundation Stage: At this stage, the practitioner has a solid grasp of the technique's principles and can execute it with greater control and efficiency. They may start to explore variations and minor improvements.

Intermediate Stage: Here, the practitioner's understanding deepens, allowing them to refine their technique further. They can use it more creatively, adapting it to different situations and opponents.


As he processed this information, he found himself lost in thought, his hand instinctively reaching for his chin. Exiting the forest, he maintained his serious demeanor until a voice from behind caught his attention, causing him to turn around. There, he spotted Li Lu hurrying toward him. As she approached, slightly breathless, he couldn't help but inquire,

"Li Lu, did something happen to you?"

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Li Lu responded with a cheerful tone, "No, Madara. Do you remember the technique you gave me?" he nodded in affirmation.

With a smile, Li Lu continued, "I've mastered the Adamantine Sealing Chains technique, reaching the Foundation stage." Her words brought a smile to his face, prompting Li Lu to ask, "Would you like to see it, Madara?"

Upon hearing Li Lu's agreement, Madara nodded and sat down on the grassy ground. He arranged his belongings next to hers. While he settled in, Li Lu scanned the surroundings for a suitable target. Not finding one immediately, she decided on a nearby tree. After choosing her target, she glanced back at him.

"Watch closely, Madara," she announced proudly.

With determination, she quickly unleashed her blue qi, enveloping her entire body. After gathering her energy, she spoke with focus, "Adamantine Sealing Chain."

As she spoke, shimmering links with a metallic sheen began to emerge behind her. As they extended from her body, these links transformed into vibrant blue chains. With remarkable speed and precision, one of the chains darted towards a nearby tree. Upon reaching it, the chain quickly wrapped around the tree's trunk.

Following this initial chain, four more chains sprouted from her back, totaling five chains in all. Each chain moved with agility, coiling around the tree in a synchronized manner. Soon, the tree was entirely encased by the blue chains, from its highest branches down to its base.

Observing the spectacle, Li Lu clenched her right hand, causing the blue chains to constrict tightly around the tree. The once-tall and sturdy tree is now bent under the pressure exerted by the chains.

Witnessing this incredible display, Madara was left stunned that the technique he had given her was indeed a high-grade sealing technique.

Reflecting on their differing spiritual root grades, Madara understood that those with high-grade spiritual roots typically have an easier time absorbing spiritual energy, cultivate more rapidly, and master techniques more efficiently than those with lower-grade roots.

With this understanding, he whispered to himself, "If I had chosen a high-grade technique, it might still be in its initial stages, or perhaps not even reached that point yet. Considering she took three weeks and four days just to comprehend the technique I gave her, how much longer would it take me to reach the initial stage if I were to study an even higher-grade technique?"

"Good thing I found out about it just now." Lost in contemplation, he pondered quietly. 

His attention was drawn back to Li Lu's voice as she called out, her excitement evident. "Madara, did you see what I just did?" she asked, approaching him with anticipation.

Impressed by her progress, Madara responded warmly, "I didn't expect you to advance so quickly with the technique I gave you. Well done, Li Lu."

A smile brightened Li Lu's face, and her cheeks flushed with a hint of pink when she heard his words of praise. As she approached him, Madara asked her to retrieve the paper containing the technique he had given her. Without hesitation, Li Lu reached into her sack, pulled out the paper, and handed it to him. Taking the paper, Madara lit it in his left hand and began to burn it. Seeing this, Li Lu couldn't help but ask.

"Madara, why are you burning that?" Li Lu asked, her curiosity evident in her voice. Without turning to look at her, Madara focused solely on the paper as it slowly turned to ashes. Once the paper had completely burned away, he finally responded to Li Lu's question.

"I believe everyone has their secrets, and I'm no exception," he answered.

Li Lu took a seat beside him, and they both gazed at the beauty of their village, illuminated by the evening lights. "I have a secret too, Madara," she confessed.

She continued, "There's a boy I have a crush on. At first, he seemed distant, unlike others his age. He rarely spoke, which made me curious about his behavior."

Listening intently to Li Lu's confession, Madara remained silent, watching the shimmering lights of their village.

"Unexpectedly, I got to spend time with him and discovered his mysterious nature. Despite his quiet demeanor, I found his stories intriguing and sometimes hard to grasp. Initially, I had thought he was arrogant, conceited, and foolish, much like other boys I've known.

"However, I was mistaken. Contrary to my initial impressions, he is observant and attentive. I noticed that he keenly observes his surroundings, and when something piques his interest, he asks insightful questions to understand it better."

"Because of these qualities, my admiration for him grew, even if he doesn't have the typical charm of the young masters from prestigious families or clans. I hope to spend more time with him to truly get to know him better."

Upon hearing Li Lu's confession, Madara realized she was talking about him. A secret smile crossed his lips; it was the first time someone had confessed to him. Despite this, he kept his composure, especially since he was facing a young girl. He silently appreciated Li Lu's heartfelt words.

After Li Lu finished speaking, she looked at him, who remained focused on the village's shimmering lights. As she was about to speak further, four straight lines of light slowly appeared from the village's four corners, catching their attention. Both were puzzled by the sight. Madara furrowed his brow, trying to understand the phenomenon, while Li Lu turned to him, her eyes filled with questions.

"Madara, do you know what that is?" Li Lu pointed at the emerging white lines as they both watched.

"I'm not sure Li Lu and Sister Yun never mentioned anything about them," Madara replied, his gaze fixed on the mysterious lines.

Realizing the uncertainty, Madara advised, "Li Lu, grab your wooden sword. We don't know what's happening. It's better to be prepared."

Feeling the urgency, they both quickly stood up and grabbed their wooden swords. However, as they prepared to rush off, they hesitated, remembering their loved ones were returning home after searching for medicinal plants.

With this in mind, she hugged him tightly and whispered, "Take care, Madara."

When Li Lu suddenly embraced him, he found himself unable to resist. Upon hearing her words, he responded warmly, "You too, Li Lu."

After their brief exchange, they parted ways, running in opposite directions.