
Stand Among Them

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Others
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30 Chs

Chapter 27

After hours spent in deep meditation, Madara closed his eyes and began to release his qi, letting it flow around him like a protective cocoon. With focused intent, he began infusing his qi with the crackling energy of lightning, seamlessly merging the elements as if they were always meant to be together.

As the fusion reached its peak, he applied his deep understanding of the shockwave technique, allowing the electrified qi to resonate within him, amplifying its power. With each breath, he honed his control, ensuring that he would unleash a force to be reckoned with with every movement.

Applying his newfound knowledge, Madara slowly opened his eyes, allowing his gaze to fall upon his transformed body. Instantly, he noticed a remarkable change in the once-subdued lightning element surrounding him—it now crackled with a vibrant yellow hue, punctuated by frequent bursts of lightning strands coursing throughout his form. A smile of satisfaction graced Madara's lips at the sight of his accomplishment.

To truly test the effectiveness of his technique, however, Madara knew he needed a living target upon which to unleash his electrifying power.

Scanning his surroundings, Madara's eyes settled on a small green frog perched near the base of the waterfall. With deliberate movements, he began to rise from his seated position, ready to approach his chosen target. However, as he poised himself to take the first step, he noticed a gradual dimming of the vibrant lightning qi that had enveloped his body.

This unexpected observation halted him in his tracks, prompting a moment of reflection. "It seems," he murmured to himself, "that I must maintain this technique even as I move or act."

Seated once more, he retraced his earlier steps, repeating the intricate process of infusing his body with lightning qi. With focused determination, he completed the technique once again, feeling the crackling energy pulsating through every fiber of his being. Slowly, he rose to his feet, the lightning qi dancing around him like a protective aura as he began to move.

With measured steps, he advanced toward the riverbank, where he had spotted the green frog earlier, ensuring a steady release of lightning qi throughout his body. As he reached the water's edge, he scanned his surroundings until his gaze settled on the small amphibian, its back turned, completely unaware of his presence.

Without hesitation, Madara swiftly closed the distance, his hand darting out to grab the unsuspecting frog. With a firm grip on his target, he channeled his energy and exclaimed, "Shockwave!"

As he spoke, a swift yellow lightning bolt shot forth from his body toward his right hand, electrocuting the frog. Despite the shock, the amphibian convulsed but managed to stay alive, now immobilized by the force of his technique.

Observing the frog's state, he carefully placed it on a nearby rock, selecting the exact spot where he had been standing. The exertion of using his technique had depleted his energy, leading him to assume a meditative position on the rock to replenish his reserves.

With closed eyes, he focused inward, allowing his qi to gradually replenish itself.

Once he felt sufficiently restored, Madara opened his eyes, only to find the frog still immobilized. Curiosity piqued, he continued to observe its condition intently.

Speaking softly to himself, he noted, "It's been thirty minutes, and still, it can't move."

As he focused his observation on the frog, minutes passed before it began to stir, slowly shifting from its immobilized state. With a final surge of movement, it leaped in another direction, breaking free from its temporary paralysis. Madara furrowed his brow, closely monitoring the amphibian's retreat.

"Based on my estimation," he mused aloud, "it's been immobile for about an hour." Pausing to reflect, he continued, "Adding to that, I couldn't sense the cultivation level of the frog, suggesting it's likely only in the body tempering realm. This implies that the duration of immobilization depends on the cultivation level of the target."

He let out a deep sigh, fatigue weighing heavy on his muscles as he sank to the ground. The training had been intense, pushing his limits beyond what he thought possible. But even in his exhaustion, he couldn't shake the burning desire to improve. After a brief rest, he summoned his willpower and rose to his feet once more, determination etched into every line of his face.

For hours, he persisted, his focus unwavering as he honed his skills. Slowly but surely, he mastered the shockwave technique, refining it until he could maintain it effortlessly even while in motion. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Not content to stop there, Madara shifted his attention to his cutting technique. With each precise movement, he sliced through the air with unparalleled precision, the blade of his sword technique leaving behind a trail of energy.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, he knew it was time to call it a day. With a sense of accomplishment tingling through his veins, he made his way home and rested.

When he returned home, he had dinner and then went to his room to change clothes. After changing into his new clothes, he lay down on his bed, reminiscing about the training he had undergone to learn the techniques he had chosen.

Despite the short time, Madara smiled as he recalled that he had managed to reach the initial stage of all the techniques he had selected. Before he fell asleep, he remembered that his sister would be returning the next day.


Initial Stage: This is the basic stage where the practitioner learns the fundamentals of the technique. They may struggle with control and precision, but they can still produce some effects.


The next morning, Madara, freshly showered and groomed, made his way to the dining area, drawn by the aroma of breakfast wafting through the air. 

To his surprise, he discovered a letter resting beside his meal.

"Madara, continue practicing with Li Lu. I'll take a short nap and will join you later. Your sister, Xiao Yun."

Upon reading the note, he hurried to his sister's room. Upon entering, he found Xiao Yun soundly asleep after her long journey.

Upon entering, he beheld Xiao Yun, soundly asleep after her long journey.

Madara couldn't help but smile as he watched her sleep. After leaving her room, he returned to the dining area to write a note in response to his sister's message.

"Sister Yun, please rest first. Li Lu and I are okay, and don't worry, I will protect her," Madara thought as he wrote on the paper.

He then left the note in the dining area and went out to train. As he left the house, he saw Li Lu waiting for him.

"Good morning, Madara."

He responded to Li Lu's greeting, and they both walked towards the training area. While walking, Li Lu asked Madara if Sister Xiao Yun had returned. Upon hearing this, he replied,

"She's back now, but she's tired from the journey, so she's resting in her room and asking us to continue our training."

She simply nodded in acknowledgment as he relayed his sister's message. Together, they made their way to the training area, ready to continue their rigorous regimen.

They dedicated themselves to their training throughout the day, their focus unyielding as they strived to perfect their techniques.

As evening descended and Madara returned home, the comforting sight of his sister setting up dinner greeted him.

Xiao Yun paused her preparations, inviting her little brother to join her at the table. Over the meal, she inquired about his day in her absence.

"It's been the usual, Sister Yun," Madara replied with a smile, his voice tinged with warmth. "Li Lu and I spent the day training, pushing ourselves to improve."

With a nod of understanding, Xiao Yun listened attentively.

Seeing and hearing Madara's response, Xiao Yun simply nodded, and they continued their meal. The next day, at the training area, Xiao Yun set up two dummies again to teach and guide the two youngsters on how to use a sword with one hand while employing their cutting technique.

While the two practiced, she moved around them, observing their actions, and after several hours, they finished their training. After finishing, Madara looked up at the sky and realized it was still early, knowing there was time for the next training session. Out of curiosity, he asked his sister.

"Sister Yun, what will you teach us next?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yun smiled sadly and replied, "To be honest, I have nothing more to teach you."

Seeing the disappointment on the faces of the two youngsters, she spoke again.

"Don't worry, remember the book I gave you? It contains all the basic sword techniques and guides you'll need."

"As cultivators advance in their cultivation levels, they frequently witness enhancements not just in physical strength and martial prowess but also in mental faculties like perception, concentration, and memory."

"So, you won't have to worry about memorization anymore. The only obstacle when learning a technique is comprehension or understanding of a technique."

After she finished explaining, Madara asked her with a hint of sadness in his voice, "Sister Yun, in that case, what will you do now?"

Xiao Yun couldn't help but smile upon hearing this from Madara. "I will collect herbs, and Li Mei will accompany me to gather medicinal plants because we haven't saved enough money to buy techniques that match your nature affinity."

Upon hearing this, Li Lu smiled at her older sister and said, "Big Sister Yun, thank you for everything. We don't know how to repay your kindness."

She just smiled at what she heard from her. "You don't need to think about that. Just seeing you achieve your dreams makes us happy."

"But Sister Yun, can I come with you to gather medicinal plants?" Madara asked.

Xiao Yun shifted her attention to him. "I'm sorry, Madara, but you can't. Even if I wanted to, you need to continue your training with Li Lu."

Because of that, he didn't pester his sister anymore.

"Big Sister Yun, where are you and mom going?" Li Lu asked her.

Because of Li Lu's question to her, she drew on the ground using her sword. When it was over, there was a circle, and inside it were houses. Then she explained it to the two children.

"These houses here represent our village," she began, gesturing towards the clustered buildings. "In the north, we'll search for medicinal plants."

After indicating their location on the map, she continued, "Your training area is in the southern part of our village."

Madara's curiosity was sparked. "Sister, do you know the name of the forest surrounding our village?" He traced a circular motion with his index finger on the drawing, highlighting the dense trees encircling their home.

"Yes, I know, and as far as I know, it's called (Yúnwù Sēnlín) - Cloud Mist Forest."

"Big sister, when will you leave?" Li Lu asked her.

"Tomorrow, Li Lu." Upon hearing this, Madara also asked his sister, "Sister Yun, when will you return?"

She placed her hand on her waist while furrowing her brow in thought. After a few seconds of pondering, she answered. "I think it will take us about three weeks to search for herbs and medicinal plants."

After that discussion, they headed home early. After their discussion, they headed home early. The next morning, Xiao Yun left various ingredients and enough food to last for three weeks. Among the provisions was a small notebook containing cooking guides. As Madara read it, he could only gulp and mutter.

"I don't know how to cook; all I know is to eat."

Seeing his reaction, Xiao Yun laughed and gently patted his head. "You need to learn that too."

He remained silent, and instead focused on the items he would bring for training. After preparing, Madara and Xiao Yun left their house, and upon exiting, they saw Li Lu and her mother, Li Mei, waiting for them.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two bid farewell to each other. As the two moved away, Madara and Li Lu began walking towards the training area. After hours of walking, they reached the training area. Upon arriving, Li Lu went to the top of the waterfall, while he headed to the grassy training ground below. As he approached the training ground, he began his training.


After three weeks of training...


As the sun began to set, Madara decided to add one more training session. Standing in the middle of the training ground, he faced a dummy. Without hesitation, he employed the Wooden Clone Technique with his mind. As soon as he activated it, a figure emerged behind him. It looked exactly like him in terms of physique, clothing, and hair, and even the facial expression mirrored his own emotionless demeanor.

As the wooden clone emerged, it quickly released qi from its feet and swiftly ran towards the back of the dummy. Meanwhile, he moved slowly towards the dummy. While doing so, he uttered, "Fireball."

He released it from his mouth effortlessly, not needing a deep exhalation, as if it were a natural action for him. The fireball hit the dummy directly, causing it to skid backward. Seeing his attack connect, he then used the Body Flicker Technique. Then, releasing Qi from his feet, he disappeared from his position and reappeared in front of the dummy in a blink of an eye, which was still skidding backward. Sensing that he was still mid-air, he swiftly executed a 360-degree right kick towards the dummy.

The speed and power of his attack propelled the dummy towards his wooden clone. As the dummy approached the clone, Madara quickly commanded his clone mentally to release Qi from its right hand to punch the skidding dummy approaching. Following Madara's command, his clone punched the dummy with force, sending it back towards him.

After landing from his mid-air maneuver, Madara glanced at the approaching dummy. As it came closer, he attempted to halt its advance using his right hand. With his action, he began to step back while trying to stop the skidding dummy. Once he successfully halted the dummy's progress, he quickly released lightning qi from his right hand and exclaimed, "Shockwave."

The flaming dummy received an electric shock, causing it to react. Seeing this, he quickly grabbed his wooden sword from his waist. As he retrieved it, he swiftly released the sword qi and swung his wooden sword to the right, hitting the dummy. Upon impact, the dummy split vertically and fell to the ground.

Observing the result, he smiled and remarked, "Finally, all the hardship was worth it."

His wooden clone returned to his body, and he reached into his sack for a cup to fetch water from the river, extinguishing the remaining fire on the dummy. Retrieving the paper containing his technique from within his clothes, he released fire from his left hand and burned the paper.

As he did so, he muttered, "For security purposes, it's better if others don't see or read the contents of this paper."

Once the paper turned to ashes and disappeared from his palm in the wind, he sat cross-legged and meditated to restore the qi he had used during training.