
SPY ACADEMY: Detective Dreams

Quin_Jazmin · Fantasy
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Playing Hard to Get

Annabelle's POV

We entered the elevator and reached the fourth floor which were for the boys. The third floor was for teachers who sleep over.

James was in room 42 and it belonged to him alone that was so unfair and having a room all to himself gave him and opportunity to do nasty stuff.

"I have classes now guys, maybe I'll show you around some other time" Jade said before handing us our schedule each

"Bye" James said and she left

"You totally like her" I said and he smirked

"I dunno" he shrugged before he laid down on his huge bed and I went to my room.

"Hey, are you friends with that boy who came here?" Sam asked .. don't tell me she likes him..

"Yeah, he's my best friend any problem?" I asked

"No...Can we be friends?" she asked

"Uh..sure, we're already roommates so..yeah" I said with a smile before unpacking my things into my closest later Jade brought my uniform.

James POV

I can't explain how excited I am to be in this school with Anna, after Jade showed her where her room was, we went to mine and I loved how I wasn't sharing a room.

Jade was attractive and she got a nice body so does Anna but I don't know why I'm attracted to Jade.

Since I was in first grade I've had the biggest crush on Anna but I hid it cause I knew she didn't see me that way that's why I made myself happy by sleeping with other girls but now I'm in this place, I think I'll give her hints about my feelings I mean she's not getting any younger.

Although I've slept with different girls, I've never kissed any of them cause I really want my first kiss to be with Anna. I care about her alot.

At night, I took a bath before taking a nap and I woke up when I heard a loud bell ring, I heard a knock on my door and I opened the door to see Jade holding my uniform which was rapped in a transparent plastic bag.

"Hi" I said with a smile and she handed the bag to me

"Thanks, wanna come in?" I asked and she shook her head

"Remember, Girls aren't allowed here I just came to give you your uniform that's all" She said before leaving, playing hard to get... I was about to close the door when a boy stood in front

"Hi, I'm Jasper, it's time for dinner" he said and I looked at the wall clock it was 8:00

"Shoot. I'm really tired, I'm James by the way"I said and he smiled before leaving.