
Spirit Fox in MHA

I Died saving a girl and her mother, but due to some neat circumstances, I'm being given another life to wait for my family because I died too young. I chose to reincarnate as Ahri in MHA. My powers are straight from League of Legends and I got told that it's ok to deviate from the plot. I am so excited. Female Lead, monogamous relationship, F/M relationship, Partner not picked (not todoroki) Overpowered Lead. I Do not own the Image for the cover of the Book. All credit given to Chubymi from DeviantArt, (I tried getting in contact with you but couldn't, If you want me to take it down I will)

Grumper · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Prologue: A New Start

"Heroes Never Die" or at least that's what Mercy says. I am direct evidence of the opposite though. I am lying on the road with my head split open after throwing a little girl out of the way of a truck. I've always hated overwatch and her word always felt ironic even though I knew that it was mostly metaphorical.

I was on my way home from my college courses, Getting a useless degree in political science. At least it's not Philosophy, though I do love the greats.

My friends and I had planned to play Clash this weekend. A small tournament in the game we had all sunk years of our life into. The other girls had been my friends since 5th grade and we had been playing League of Legends for years before that. We were no better than your average gold players but realistically that's where most players were after playing as long as we had.

I was grabbing dinner before walking back to my dorm to get some practice in and the anime cliché comes barreling towards the intersection at a mother and her child. My body moved on its own shoving the mother and child to the sidewalk before tripping over my own shoelaces and getting splattered across the intersection.

At least it was near instant. The kid and her mom were holding each other on the sidewalk.

Other than the relief as my last thought went through my head, All I could think about was the fact that I was going to miss Clash.


"It's time to wake up Natalie" An ancient voice and power forced what I thought to be a dead body back to consciousness. "Do not fear child. You have passed on." My fears instantly settled as if his words held power over them and my anxiety quieted

His beard was long and gray and covered his gold and white gown almost down to his waist. He was the picturesque image of God. Man, am I glad that I was religious. He snickered, which was a clear indication that he was reading my thoughts.

"I love the smart ones. Don't get me wrong, I love all of you, but the smart ones always make this fun." He had a reminiscent look and a massive smile. It reminded me of Santa Claus. "You did a good thing and I wish to reward you. The child and mother you saved will go on to be some of the most influential people on the planet and the goodwill and sheer humanity that you showed them will pave the way for a better future and many charities in your name."

My grin was ear to ear though soon turned upside down. "What about my family, how did they take it?"

His grin became wider which I didn't think was possible. "I knew I picked the right person. Your sisters and little brother mourned deeply but your brother went on to fall in love with the girl you saved and had a child named after you. Your sisters took it very hard but picked each other up and both went into the field of nursing. Quite normal but a noteworthy profession. They married and had though they don't have any children named after you since your brother beat them to it, they do love sharing stories about you."

My cheeks were wet. It was so simple, but it was so much at the same time.

"Your parents on the other end both took it very hard. Your mom struggled but your dad took up the burden and supported her. He was able to help her get back on track before collapsing himself. He is now in a medical retirement, and they live peacefully surrounded by grandkids on a lake."

It took me a few moments to come down from the emotional rush but who I assumed was God in front of me obviously was giving me as much time as I needed. "I assume this is heaven then if I am here talking to you."

"You are close, this is paradise. The transitory space for souls. And the only reason I haven't sent you to heaven is because of a request I have for you. One of the things that the little girl you saved developed was a means to extend the human lifespan nearly 100 years and your family was some of the first to receive the gift. Your parents are good people, and your brother and sisters will not pass on for quite a while, so I wanted to run an opportunity by you."

Creases appeared on my forehead. "Am I getting isekai'd? Is that what this is?"

"Yes, Natalie and you may pick the world you wish to live in for another life after which, when you pass, you will join your family with me. Though my request is that you choose the My Hero Academia Universe. I know you studied the concepts of Good and Evil more than most in your era and that world has come to have an incredibly skewed image of good and evil and if you wish, because I am requesting a world of you, then you may pick your power."

Man, I loved isekai's. It was something I hid from most of my friends and family, but I loved anime.

"I choose the My Hero Academia Universe. I do have a few questions though, do you want me to be vocal about my faith in the new universe? Or just focus on the good and evil thing?"

"Just focus on the good and evil thing. I know that most of your writings in the future will overlap greatly with faith anyway. Though the church is small there, the importance of good and evil in a world of heroes and villains is far more important. Now what powers would you like?"

"I am going to choose the powers of Ahri, from League of Legends. She was always one of my favorite characters though I would like to tweak how her powers work because I don't want the pain of missed human connections that she has to live with."

"That's reasonable. You will be reborn into the body of a newborn with the powers of Ahri including appearance. You will have your nine tails from birth passed on from your mothers' side but more plentiful with a fox transformation that will be similar to your mother's but with deeper colors. Your power will be that you can turn your stamina into seemingly magical attacks, constructs, and spirit fire that steals stamina from those you hit. You will have complete control over how much stamina you take from your targets so that it can be a deadlier weapon if necessary. You can use stamina for physical enhancements and to force short-distance dashes. And lastly, because Ahri having a naturally self-healing affect, I will allow for you to measure how much stamina you have and to use that to heal the bodies of yourself and others from most injuries."

Your father on the other end will have a passive body enhancement based on his stamina, which is where your stamina pool will originate as well as you naturally having a more powerful body."

This was far more than I could ever ask for. As he continued my excitement climbed. I was ready. Send me over God.

"Hold up you eager beaver. One last thing." His amusement with my attitude showed in his hearty chuckle. "Your quirk can not be stolen as I have tied to your very soul."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!" I was jumping up and down in excitement.

"You may go now my daughter. Enjoy your next life and don't be afraid to change the plot. I know that some of the early evils really frustrated you. I also made it a little easier for you to bond with your new family so you can feel that love once again as well as an intrinsic knowledge of the Japanese language. Just remember that babies don't speak in full sentences till they are close to 3."

My consciousness slowly drifted away as if I was falling asleep but all I could feel was happiness and gratitude.

This is my first shot at writing fanfiction and I am using it to learn how to write settings. I would love constructive criticism and ideas for the pairing.

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