
Spirit Fox in MHA

I Died saving a girl and her mother, but due to some neat circumstances, I'm being given another life to wait for my family because I died too young. I chose to reincarnate as Ahri in MHA. My powers are straight from League of Legends and I got told that it's ok to deviate from the plot. I am so excited. Female Lead, monogamous relationship, F/M relationship, Partner not picked (not todoroki) Overpowered Lead. I Do not own the Image for the cover of the Book. All credit given to Chubymi from DeviantArt, (I tried getting in contact with you but couldn't, If you want me to take it down I will)

Grumper · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 3: The Ceremonies

Modern Heroism has changed the definition of Good and Evil. The public and heroes themselves have equated the idea of Hero to Good and Villain to Evil. Quick to label anyone with a quirk into a heroic or villainous category, they have forgotten that the foremost role of a hero is to save lives. This can be done in many ways but is usually in a direct fashion. Saving people from fires, rushing people to hospitals, stopping theft in the street; each of these is seen as a heroic act if performed with the help of a quirk. It is commonly forgotten that it is the action that is performed that is the heroic thing, not the person. We hand out licenses to people and they are given the title of hero without ever actually doing any of the aforementioned things. It's the same with Villainy except in reverse.

So, the first thing I will set out to do in this book is to define Good and Evil, Heroics, and Villainy. Good will henceforth be defined in this book as actions furthering the health, well-being, or livelihood of another. While Evil will be defined as the opposite: Actions detrimental to the health, well-being, or livelihood of another.

- Excerpt from the Prologue of On Good and Evil: What we have lost with the Dawn of Quirks


Waking up on my 15th birthday was similar to that of my 4th except for the addition of new smells and sounds. I woke up at six on the dot without an alarm as I had done even in my past life. I could hear the hustle and bustle of family members preparing food and ceremony decorations.

I sat for a moment before going over my mental checklist.

-My letter to attempt the UA entrance exam had been accepted, and I would take the recommendation exam in a few weeks. I would also have a test with the principal himself to see where I was academically. I know this would likely be very easy, but it would get me exempt from the normal classes beyond heroics.

-My book was published and had been a big hit with colleges and high schools. Heroic ethics classes saw the adoption of my book as a core material for their classes. I was actually meeting the principal for this as well when I attended my test.

-My friends and family were as close as ever. I loved them and they showed that they loved me. I couldn't ask for more. Ochaco and I were best friends and were both ready to try the UA exam.

-And lastly, I felt as though I was able to perform all things that Ahri was able to do in the game and more. I felt as though I was proficient with my quirk and with hand-to-hand without my quirk. Aizawa will be in for a surprise when he tests us.

I stood up from the bed in front of my full-length mirror. I had grown into what I would say is a fine young woman. (5'9") exactly. Slender and muscular in all the right places. Fit and lean. Flexible and quick. I looked exactly like Ahri except for the ice-cold blue eyes of my father and the bedroom attire of a white camisole top and pajama shorts that I usually wore to bed. My hair was always a wild mess until it was combed. It was full and I usually put it in an up-do hairstyle to control it or a high ponytail to keep it out of my face. It would be traditionally styled today into a bun to go with the Kimono I would be wearing.

Finally, the knock from my mother came and the big day began.


The Nataka lands were large and beautiful. Cherry blossom trees surrounded the traditional Shinto shrine where the ceremony would be today. Rows of chairs faced the Shinto arch that sat at the beginning of the shrine and where I would take my steps into leadership for the Nataka clan. I would finally be allowed to travel on my own (but more likely with a friend). I would be able to start a relationship and finally become a hero. A hero as I defined it.

The first bell chimed, and I began climbing the large staircase towards the arch. My long red Kimono that accentuated my curves that my mom said would kill in the fashion world flowed behind me. Little cherry blossoms landed on the tail of the kimono. My tails swayed under the long tail giving the image of one long flowing tail.

I reached the final set of 10 stairs and waited a moment before the second bell. The ring resounded through the air. Finally climbing the final crest. Crowds of people from the extended family stood to welcome me. My family and Ochaco and her parents sat in the front row. She

Ochaco grew into a lean, mean, gravity machine. She could kick butt better than when she came back from Gunhead's internship in canon. Her cheerfulness was contagious, and it was nice having a friend who looked so happy to see me.

Granny stood at the gate with her hand out, "are you ready love?" her wise smile eased my heart. I gave her a quiet nod.

Grandma smiled and turned towards the crowd. "Traditionally, we have three ceremonies regarding the ascension of a new Lady Nataka, Inari here has already had her quirk ceremony, today would have just been her coming-of-age ceremony but instead today we have for the first time in clan history both a coming-of-age ceremony and the Leadership ceremony.

"The requirements for a leadership ceremony are to complete a life accomplishment worthy of the glory of the clan, and to be of age. As of today, Inari here has not only completed these requirements before her coming of age but completed two life accomplishments. The first is her doctorate in Japanese and World History and her second is the publishing of a book that has been adopted as a necessary read in most Japanese high schools and colleges and will soon see a global release.

"So today, we see both a coming-of-age ceremony and the leadership ceremony. The climbing of the stairs is to represent the struggle of the individual, the entering through the gate is to represent the entering of the realm of the clan, and the passing of the ancestral jewelry is to represent the passing on of leadership."

"Before we complete this last requirement," Grandma turned towards me, "please kneel." I sat down in the traditional seiza position before my grandmother. Grandma grabbed a bowl of traditional paint and dipped her thumb into the mixture. "These markings on your face are symbolic representations of age and growth. The lines on the cheeks represent the wrinkles that come with age and the marks on the forehead and nose represent the markings that plague many youths. With these markings, rise an adult of the clan."

The grounds erupted in claps and whistles. Everyone was all smiles. I stood facing the crowd with a beaming smile.

"Now traditionally the coming-of-age ceremony is a private event while the leadership ceremony is a public one and so to create this separation, the public guests will now take their seats."

I panicked for a moment as I saw most of the top 10 heroes walk through the gates at the back of the shrine. Principal Nezu was here, All Might was here, and all the other top 10 except for Endeavor were here as well. Mirko included, which was a surprise, I know that she hates things like this. Her characteristic sadistic smile on her face made it obvious the Usagiyama clan forced her to be there.

Endeavor not being here makes sense, since the release of my book he has fallen to 10th place in the standings as many people started to reevaluate his position due to the harm that befall so many while he works. I was quite proud of this fact. He was still in the top 10 but he is being evaluated by many heroes and recently that means the Todoroki family has been separated from Endeavor. Rei Todoroki even emerged from the hospital recently.

Other major families were here as well including the Yaoyorozu family and though I don't like them, Detnerat.

"Lady Nataka, please approach the gate." My mother walked forward with those words giving me a big smile. I could tell she was proud of me without her having to say it. "Please present the Ancestral Jewelry."

Mother reached toward her neck and took a chain that rested on her chest which I had seen many times before. It was beautiful on her, but I did not realize it was the Ancestral Jewelry over the many years she had worn it. Attached to the chain was a fox mask. It was no bigger than a fingernail, but the detail was exquisitely made. It took me a moment to realize that it was made of hardened stamina energy. This blew my mind; I had no idea that this was even possible but it made me realize that our ancestor who started the family likely had the same powers as me and that I should work on this ability to create things from stamina energy.

"In the name of our ancestor Tamamo-no-Mae, I bequeath to you the burden of the clan, the joys of the clan, and the legacy of the clan." Mother took the necklace and put it over my collar letting it rest on my clavicle.

As soon as it was clasped onto my neck, the necklace glowed. My mother took a step back in shock. Grandma looked shaken as the necklace began to rise. It glowed a deep blue similar to the energy my quirk used and bathed me in light. Energy swirled around me for almost a full moment before it soon lowered back down to my neck. The whole crowd was silent. On my face was a fox mask and the dress that I wore to the gate had disappeared to become a blue and white battle kimono. There was another flash of light and the necklace, and my clothes returned back to normal.

After the flash of light, my grandma, who had been the traditional priestess for the shrine since her coming-of-age knelt. I moved to help her up but then the rest of the clan knelt as well. None of the outside guests knelt but everyone except for Ochaco and her family was kneeling to me at the gate and I was getting very flustered. "We welcome the next Lady Nataka." The crowd cheered.


A/N: Once I release chapter 5 I will need to poll you all on who the relationship should be for the main character. The relationship will be a monogamous F/M relationship. Here are a few options that I have thought out and planned for. If none of these fit who you would like to see, feel free to recommend something that you think may fit. (I WILL NOT be making the romance start through prince charming syndrome so it will be a natural slow-growing relationship through mutual interest and personality growth) Feel free to throw a comment on who you think would fit her.

-Katsuki Bakugo (Some of my favorite character development in the Manga)

-Mezo Shoji (Because he kind of fits the image of how she was raised aka someone similar to how her father may treat her mother)

-Yosetsu Awase (So I can kind of make a character that fits her since he isn't really touched on all that much) any other character would work as well.)

-An Older relationship once she is over 18.