
Holding On

Ricin sat up, "Don't tell me that really surprised you." Harriot felt his eyes on her, watching as she stood above him.

"Nothing really surprises me anymore. I don't suppose we could talk this out like civil adults?" Harriott wouldn't be able to withstand much, she had to get Ricin talking.

Ricin stood up, "Sorry Atlas. I've used all my pick up lines." Harriott steeled herself, summoning all the light she had left, it danced above her fingertips.

"Pity." Harriott responded, genuinely disappointed. She would have to fight him now, it would be her first time alone, and she barely had any light to fend off his darkness.

"You know, I've been looking forward to this. I've always wondered what you really had." He hardened the shadows on his hands into talons. Harriott hardened the light on her hands and neck. She didn't want Ricin to target her neck, if he grabbed someone by the throat he could steal their power, she was already low and didn't want to let him get more of an upper hand.

Ricin stepped forward, swinging his talons at Harriott's chest. He was moving faster than Harriott could, so she twisted and let the talons clip her shoulder. Harriot kept moving, swinging around Ricin. She formed a spike of light and plunged it into his side.

Ricin grunted, raking his heel down Harriott's shin. As he did, a black spike formed on his heel and cut down Harriott's leg. Harriott swallowed her cry, pushing her blade deeper. Shadows began to gather at the blade, they entered it, creating cracks and fissures. Harriott stepped back as her blade shattered.

Ricin jumped backwards, flipping over Harriott. Spikes of darkness fell towards her. Harriott spun, barely avoiding being skewered. A final spike hit her shoulder that had been clipped earlier. She waited for the pain of cut flesh, instead the shadows dissolved, running into the wound.

Harriott gasped as a wave of coldness washed through her. The light surrounding her hands and neck flickered off, leaving no power behind.

"You're not bad. I haven't had to use that one on Curate." Ricin held his hand to his bleeding side. This was the first time Harriott had seen him bleed. If the two had their veils off they would be have locked eyes.

Ricin lifted his hand from the wound, showing that shadows had stopped it from bleeding, "You're the smart one." Ricin continued, walking closer to Harriott.

Harriott put her hand on her shoulder, staring in horror as a black substance stuck to her glove. She was no longer bleeding, the blood turning black.

"What did you do?" Harriott stumbled back as her legs lost their strength. She steadied herself on the wall of the University, unable to do anything but watch as Ricin stalked toward her. She shivered, feeling no warmth, she had nothing but a pit of emptiness. The courtyard around her turned dull and lifeless, everything looking grey.

"I poisoned you. The light cannot exist with darkness." Ricin stopped in front of her, grabbing her injured arm. As he did, Harriott realized how small she was, the top of her head was just to his jaw, his shoulders obscured the view of the courtyard.

Harriott yanked her arm, trying to get him to let go. Ricin did nothing but chuckle. Harriott started to see dots in her vision, she felt sick as Ricin pulled off her sleeve and she could see black veins running down her arm. They were worms, making their way farther down. Harriott saw they were headed towards her neck as well. Harriott closed her eyes, trying to keep her breathing level, she didn't want Ricin to see her panic. Even if she couldn't fake strength, she wouldn't give him panic.

Harriott saw motion out of the corner of her eye, Ricin grunted and his weight disappeared. Harriott pulled her jacket up to hide the blackness. She looked over to where Ricin had disappeared to.

A silver and blue man with shaggy brown hair sat on top of him, hammering him in the face.

"You don't have the right to touch her." Aiden panted as he continued to punch Ricin over and over. His knuckles let off a loft glow, the only light in Harriott's darkening vision. Harriott relaxed, collapsing into a sitting position on the wall.

Harriott focused on Aiden, preparing to take his injuries, she was in bad shape, but she could handle a little more. Anything to protect her brother. She watched as Ricin formed his talons once again, he stabbed them at Aiden's stomach, Aiden let himself fall into a roll, avoiding Ricin's attack entirely. He possessed the Gene of awareness, he could move faster than Harriott, he could hold Ricin at bay, even beat him. All Harriott could do was sit and watch, covering for any injuries he did get. He thought healing was part of his Gene, he was smart enough to figure the truth out.

Harriott saw Aiden placing himself between Ricin and her, his stance more agitated than she had ever seen. She wanted to call out to him, to assure him that she would make it, but she couldn't summon any words. The two opponents looked at each other, both wary and ready for action. Ricin was breathing harder, his hand once again holding his side.

"You took your sweet time." He said, not able to hide all of his panting. Aiden said nothing, just lengthening his light into a dagger and throwing it. Ricin twisted to avoid it, twisting right into Aiden's knee. Aiden grabbed Ricin's long black hair, slamming it into his raised knee. Ricin raked his foot down Aiden's leg, a spike once again appearing. Harriott whined as the cut appeared on her leg, starting to bleed.

Aiden looked back at her, letting Ricin slip out of his hold. Harriott gave Aiden a thumbs up, thankful her face was hidden from him, she had to be a ghost by now. She started to shiver, her control slowly slipping.

Ricin stepped away from Aiden, "As much as I enjoy our fights we both have more important things to do."

"Beating you to a pulp is the most important thing right now." Aiden growled, his emotions flying out of control.

Ricin gave a nervous laugh, "I love the bloodthirst, but your sidekick needs some attention and I don't want to lose any more blood." Harriott focused on his cut from her and was gratified to see that it was once more staining his green embroidery with blood.

"It won't take me long to destroy you." Aiden responded, forming a sword with his light.

Ricin shook his head, "That'll have to wait." He waved and Harriott couldn't breathe, pain consuming her. She found her voice, her scream filling the air. Aiden turned and ran to her, forgetting Ricin entirely. Ricin hesitated, looking at the duo before turning and disappearing out of the University.

Aiden crouched by Harriott, he lifted her veil. Harriott felt him go still, everything moving into shock as he saw her pale face, tears, and black veins creeping up her jaw.

"I'm going to kill him." Aiden's voice was devoid of emotion, his anger hidden, he now had no thoughts but how to murder Ricin.

"Aiden, I need Aubree." Harriott murmured, unable to try to smile for him. The light around Aiden's fists started to dull, the world becoming darker and darker as Harriott struggled to stay awake.

Aiden shook his head, coming back to the task at hand, "Of course. I need to get her. I hope moving you doesn't make anything worse." Aiden put his arms under her, lifting her off the ground. He carried her like a new bride, his grip protective. "Stay awake Harriott. I need you to stay awake."

Harriott nodded, her eyelids fluttering lower, "I guess I should leave the fighting to you." She muttered, a pitying laugh turning into a cough.

"You know I couldn't do anything without you." Aiden said, using light to help him jump onto the room of the neighboring building. Harriott gave a little giggle as the contents of her stomach threatened to come out.

"Stay with me." Aiden said, starting to run faster. The buildings whizzed by below them, Aiden running and jumping without hesitation.

"I'm not going to be able to work tomorrow." Harriott responded, her thoughts jumping faster than Aiden's steps.

"Don't worry about that. I'm sure Kevin will be able to cover for you. I'll call him later." Aiden's talking was starting to get tired, panic and speed causing him to pant.

"Focus on your exhale." Harriott murmured, eyes beginning to close.

"I'll try to." Aiden panted, his exhales coming out in controlled bursts. Harriott's eyes jolted open, she squirmed in Aiden's hold.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked, stumbling as he tried to compensate for her movement.

"I'm bleeding all over you!" Harriott said, seeing his blue jacket getting stained red.

Aiden let out a strained laugh, "Don't worry about my jacket. I don't have to clean it, remember?" He slowed as he reached a two story house. Harriott saw it was Aubree's house, a cafe on the bottom, her room on top. He paused at the roof next to it. He jumped onto the ground, causing Harriott to giggle again. Aiden closed his eyes, his disguise disappearing, his hair turning back to its bleached form.

"Can you transform back?" Aiden asked, looking down at Harriott, she was surprised to see how red his eyes were, it looked like he was about to cry.

Harriott closed her eyes, unsure how to let go of her heat when she felt none of it. When she opened her eyes she was wearing her denim jacket again, her shorts too short to get stain from her cuts.

Aiden walked to the side door, hitting it several times with his shoulder. His breathing started to get faster as no one came to the door. He hit the door again, his eyes turning wild.

Harriott sighed, too tired to say something to him, her eyes were slivers now, just a breath away from closing.

"Harriot, hang in there. Aubree! Aubree please be there." Aiden started to yell, his panic starting to peak as he felt Harriott moving less and less in his arms.

The door shuddered, opening fast, "Aiden, you need to learn how to wait." Aubree stood at the door. She looked up, freezing as she saw Aiden start to cry, Harriott limp in his arms.

"Aubree, Harriott got hurt really bad. I didn't know what else to do." Aiden couldn't hold in his tears anymore, he couldn't feel Harriott moving, she had closed her eyes just before Aubree had opened the door.

Aubree's eyes widened, her hand tugging on one of the dozens of braids that covered her head. She waved Aiden in, running to her cabinet.

"Aiden, Lyle is upstairs, get him right now." Aubree gestured for Aiden to put his sister on the bed. The sheets instantly stained by her bleeding legs. The shoulder let off a black ooze that Aubree had never seen before.

Aiden ran out of the room, his feet barely hitting the stairs.

Aubree looked at the limp girl laying in front of her, "Oh Harriott, what did you get yourself into."

Here's the second chapter! I guess everything's starting out with a bang. He he. Hopefully you all enjoyed this, feel free to leave some of your thoughts! I'm excited to keep writing this, so I'd like to know how to make it better! See you next chapter!

C_L_Spearheadcreators' thoughts