
Catching up

Harriott opened her eyes, groaning as she sat up. She looked around, the peach walls and cream carpet made her sigh with relief. Aiden had made it to Aubree. Harriott raised her right arm so she could see it, the strange black veins were still there, but they weren't moving anymore. They had stopped their run halfway up her forearm. She would be wearing long sleeves until she figured out how to get rid of them. She wondered how far up her neck they had got, hoping she could hide it with a scarf. It was autumn, so she shouldn't look too suspicious with one on.

Harriott looked at the door and saw Aiden, he sat by the door, asleep. Harriot smiled, he was a good kid. She slipped out of the bed, which she discovered was Aubree's. Harriott took a blanket off and walked to Aiden, laying the blanket over him before walking out of the room. As Harriott walked out of the room she was met with stairs moving upstairs or a hall leading to the cafe. Harriott headed up the stairs. Her legs gave out halfway up. Harriott scrambled to steady herself, confused why her legs had no strength, her cuts shouldn't have impacted her ability to walk.

Harriott gave a deep breath, she was unable to feel her legs, so she had to be on dozens of painkillers. She saw both legs were wrapped in bandages, they hadn't needed anything else. As Harriot sat on the stairs she looked at the pictures hanging on the walls. They were of Aubree and her family. They were all gorgeous, tall Africans with rich, dark brown hair. Aubree stood on the edge of the family picture, the youngest and only girl of four kids. Next to her family picture was a picture of them. Harriet stood next to Aubree, and a blond boy stood next to her. The boy was Lyle, the last of their childhood friend group.

Harriott heard voices upstairs, she gulped, if Aubree knew she had gotten out of bed she wouldn't be happy about it. Harriott grabbed the handrail and used it to pull herself up. She should get back in bed, she didn't want to reopen her leg cuts or aggravate her shoulder. Harriott went back down the stairs, each deliberate.


Harriott turned around as she heard her name, at the top of the stairs a blond man stood, a relieved smile spreading across his face. He looked over his shoulder then vaulted down the stairs, landing beside her.

Harriott stepped back, a smile growing, "Lyle, when did you get back?"

Lyle picked her up and swung her in a circle, "Just two days ago. I wanted to surprise you." He set her on the ground, his grin matching his picture perfectly. Harriott looked closer at him, he had tanned form his year in Taiwan. He had been researching Genes at their origin.

"How was Taiwan?" Harriott asked, glancing up the stairs, the voices had stopped.

Lyle tracked her gaze, he smiled wider, "I'll tell you once you get back in bed. Aubree might kill you if she sees you up." Harriott nodded, walking back into Aubree's room. Lyle paused at her doorway, fixing Aiden's blanket before moving inside the room.

"When did he bleach his hair?" Lyle asked, sitting on the bed next to Harriott.

"Right after you left." Harriott smiled at her sleeping brother, he had always wanted to be like Lyle. Lyle and Aubree had helped Harriott raise Aiden, they were the ones who Harriott and Aiden had depended on when the rest of the world walked away from them.

Harriott looked at the bed, seeing a pile of stained sheets next to it. She chuckled, "I bet this wasn't the homecoming you were expecting."

Lyle nodded, "Not really." He looked at the sheets, "It scared me. Seeing what you've been handling while I've been gone."

Harriott nodded, "We've been trying to help. This is the first time I've fought without Aiden." She had started because of Aiden, he couldn't let Ricin reign unopposed. So, when Ricin declared the town his, Curate and Atlas had become the first criminals of the new reign. As such, the news never covered them, when Aiden had carried her over the roofs yesterday he hadn't had to worry about people seeing where they were headed, everyone had been trained to look the other way.

"Ricin first came into the town a year ago. Have you been fighting this whole time?" Lyle asked, he had first left because he had been afraid travel would be banned by Ricin. He had wanted to be in a place he could rescue us.

"No, Aiden didn't find his gene for another 3 months, then I didn't let him fight until he understood it. We've only been fighting for two months." Harriott fingered her black hair, aware it was laying like a beehive on her head. Lyle nodded, fingering the clean, purple sheets.

Lyle looked at her, "I want to help, I'm not used to this Ricin and I don't think he should be my king." He turned his head to look at Aiden's sleeping form, "I don't have a gene, but I can't let you guys stand alone."

"And what am I doing?"

Harriot looked up, a sheepish grin forming as she saw Aubree's disapproving stance. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail, her curls forming a lively mane. Lyle blushed, looking at Harriott to save him.

"You're my hero." Harriott responded, hoping Aubree was in a good mood.

Aubree gave her a reluctant grin, "That was the right answer." She walked around Aiden, sitting on Harriott's other side. She looped her arm around Harriott's shoulders, "I wish you would be more careful." She leaned her head on Harriott's, taking deep breaths.

"I know, I'm sorry." Harriott murmured, the warmth from Aubree quieting her mind. She could feel the heat in her gut reignite. Harriott hid her gasp, settling for a smile and nestling closer to Aubree.

Aubree sat up, "I need to make sure my cafe's doing alright. Lyle, can you come with me?"

Lyle nodded, ruffling Harriott's hair as he stood up. Harriott watched the two of them walk out. She sighed, running her hands through her hair. She stopped as she felt something poking her on her injured shoulder. Harriott hadn't been able to look yet, she took a deep breath then peeked under her shirt sleeve.

Her shoulder was a black rock, the entire surface a glossy black that reflected in the low light of the room. The black veins appeared from under it, spreading along her arm and chest. Harriott shivered, covering her shoulder again. She would have to find a way to fix this.

"Harriott!" A force rocketed into Harriott, she stiffened to avoid falling over.

Harriot laughed, running her hands in Aiden's hair, "A little warning would be nice." She said with a laugh.

Aiden lifted his head, sitting on the bed next to her, "I'm so sorry. If I had been faster…" Aiden's voice drifted off.

"It's not your fault. You saved me, thanks to you I was able to get here in time." Harriott leaned her head on her brother's shoulder, rubbing her hand on his back. Aiden nodded, laying his head on top of hers.

"I'm going to get stronger, then Ricin won't be able to hurt us again." Aiden promised, Harriott could feel his jaw clench.

"I don't care about Ricin. If we stay together nothing will be able to defeat us." She lifted her head, looking into her brother's clouded amber eyes, "I'm not planning to go anywhere."

Here's the third chapter! This one was a fun one to write, a bit slower, but I liked introducing some of my favorite characters! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! See you all tomorrow!

C_L_Spearheadcreators' thoughts