

The genes and darkness arrived at the same time. On opposite sides of the world the future of mankind was changing. Just as Pandora's box introduced darkness and hope, the world was introduced to a darkness that consumed everything it touched and a light that brought even the weakest to unparalleled strength.

"Harriott! We're going to be late!"

Harriott slammed her book shut, she jumped up from the ground, rushing to the door of her empty room. As the girl rushed out all that was left in her wake was her book, "A History of Change."

Harriott ran through a small hall, yanking half of her long black hair into a loose ponytail. Ahead of her a late highschooler stood. He had bleached blond hair, his hand holding the door open. He saw Harriott running toward him and tossed a bag to her. She caught it, not slowing as they both rushed out of the house. Neither of them bothered locking the door, there was nothing they were leaving behind.

The two continued in their run, speed not waning as they darted forward. One, two, twelve minutes passed where neither gave any sign of tiring. People walking would stop and stare as the two ran by, one in a tuxedo and dress pants, the other in a denim jacket, cargo shorts, and flip flops.

The two finally slowed until they stood still, staring at an old concrete building, the University of Andalusia. Home of the best researchers. People travelled here from all over the world to discuss the new genes and growing darkness. There was no better place to learn of the darkness and their gene information was second only to Taipei, Taiwan.

"You remember the plan?" Harriott asked, adjusting the bag on her shoulder.

The boy looked at her, a confident grin appearing, "How could I forget a plan you took so much time creating?" He looked at the building, eyes narrowing, "Don't worry sis, I'll give you enough time."

Harriott nodded, walking across the street to a small shop, she turned around waving to her brother, "Aiden, be careful! I'll be there."

Aiden smiled, "Get out of here!" He yelled, shaking his head. Harriott watched him let out a breath then start walking up the stairs into the University. Harriott then turned and walked into the shop, she waved at the man behind the counter, all the while wondering when her little brother had gotten so old. If their parents saw what they were about to do they would kill her. Harriott smiled, she was glad she had never once done something right for them, that was a good sign.

Harriott walked into the restroom, placing the out of order sign on the door, then she closed and locked the door behind her. She opened her bag, letting her supplies fall out of her bag. She looked around the room, noticing shadows that stretched across the room, they were far too long, the air flowing through the window far too cold. Harriott smiled, glad her investigation had paid off. She closed her eyes, summoning her strength. A heat appeared in her gut, spreading through her body, the shadows on the walls detached, screaming in greed as they saw the power coming off her. They flew at her, victorious screams turning to panic as they realized her strength was consuming them. Everything quieted, a light filling the room, nothing more. Harriott looked down, seeing her disguise already in place. A mask now covered her face, looking like a veil. Her hair lay in thick waves over her shoulders, it wouldn't be that way for long. Her shirt was a black and a fiery red jacket covered it, her pants were black with orange, red, and yellow embroidery running up and down. Harriott smiled, flexing her hands, watching the embroidery on her black gloves seem to shimmer.

Harriott grabbed the supplies that she had dumped on the ground, a bow and arrow with some rope. Harriot tied the rope around the arrow, touching the head, some of the light around her entered the head, making it glow. Harriot closed her eyes, forcing the light around her into her embroidery, this made the colors come to life, they shimmered and swayed. Harriott opened the window, seeing the University courtyard ahead of her. She grabbed the bow, placing the arrow, she aimed, wanting it to land right above the door into the commencement hall. This is where the anniversary of genes was being held, this is where her enemies would strike. Harriott closed her eyes and waited, waited for the feeling. The sky darkened outside, Harriott's eyes flew open as she let go of the bow string. She watched as the arrow flew straight and strong. It landed in the stone above the door. The rope attached grew taut, connected to the door. Harriott took her end and tied it to the open window, light entered into the window and rope, Harriott watched as the two fused together. Light connected everything and could not be broken, now no amount of pulling on the string would break it. Not until Harriott wanted it to. Harriott climbed onto the window sill and took a breath, then she grabbed the rope with her gloves and jumped.

Harriott whooped as she flew, the wind blowing against her as she raced dozens of feet above the ground. She neared the stone wall, picking her feet up so she wouldn't hit it. Then she kept them up as the door in front of her opened. A man stumbled out, his suit identifying him as a scholar. A shade stood above him, it was in the shape of a man but had no other features. Harriott nailed it in the chest, her boots flashing in light as she absorbed it into her boots.

She smiled in satisfaction, everything was going right. She looked at the scholar, nodding to him. As she did she looked hard at him, trying to see if he had any injuries. A soft light glowed on his face, only Harriott would see it, she could see the injuries of others. She closed her eyes, willing his pain to become hers. Her cheek started to ache as the scholar lifted his hand to his cheek in awe. This was the first bruise of the night, it wasn't going to be her last.

Harriott turned her head back to the rest of the room, surveying the chaos inside. Shadows stood over scholars, most of the fighting had turned into threatening and begging. Scholars weren't known for their combat skills. Harriott searched the room for Aiden, she found him standing in front of a group of young college students, a shade stood in front of him, only a breath away.

Harriott ran towards him, he met her eyes, his hand stuck in his pocket. He gave her a small nod and she stuck out her hand. A column of fire erupted from the ground at the feet of the shadow. The shade disappeared in the flame, its scream only heard by Harriott and Aiden. These noises were only heard by those who possessed the Gene.

"Get out of here." Harriott said, nodding to Aiden, "I'll give you kids an opening." She closed her eyes and let the light embedded in her suit shine. The shadows all turned toward her, attracted by the light. She waved to the kids before turning and running toward the courtyard, the shadows surged after her. Behind her Aiden ushered everyone out, looking at Harriott as he left. Harriott sighed in relief as the school emptied. She watched as the shadows surrounded her, it was time to get to work.

Slow clapping began, "That was quite the show, Atlas." Harriott turned at the sound of her disguise's name. She knew this voice. Her gut froze as she saw the man talking. He was lounging on the balcony above her, his stance graceful and confident. Harriott was sure he was smirking under his black veil. His jacket was a bright green, embroidery yellow and gold, everything about him was dangerous.

"You're late, Ricin." Harriott responded, hiding any signs of her increasing heart rate. Ricin was deadly, and Harriott knew she couldn't fight him without Aiden. She turned to focus on the shadows surrounding her. Ricin would have to wait.

Harriott saw a flash of green as Ricin jumped off the balcony, landing by her side. He waved his hand and the shadows were absorbed into his glove, his embroidery took on a darker, dangerous tone. They too looked alive, alive and on edge. Harriott closed her eyes as the screams of the shadows dissipated.

Ricin flexed his hand, "There, now it's just the two of us."

Harriott sighed, running her hand through her hair, this weary movement was just to hide her shaking hands, "I was looking forward to that. You just don't know how to share the stage." She looked at the black embroidery on her jacket, they were no longer as bright as she liked, but with Ricin absorbing all the shades he had taken her power. Harriott started to sigh, she stopped herself, trying to hide the pit in her gut.

Ricin laughed, "It's my greatest downfall. Speaking of stars, where's Curate? We both know he's the real star of your duo." Ricin leaned towards her, flipping her hair, "I like it down." Harriott stepped backwards, flinching at his touch.

"Hey, step away from her." Aiden's voice floated to Harriott, she relaxed, looking over, expecting to see his blue and silver jacket. Instead her brother stood in his tuxedo, glaring at Ricin as he held a baseball bat in his hands.

"What are you doing?" Harriott asked, confusion warring in her. Ricin laughed beside her, stepping away with a bow. Harriott walked to Aiden, "You shouldn't be here kid."

Aiden smirked at her, putting the bat on his shoulder, "I know a thing or two about fighting." Harriott stopped another sigh, she shouldn't have let him get his stud earrings, they were definitely going to his head.

Ricin laughed again, "You should listen to her, kid, this isn't a playground." Harriott looked back at him, he was swirling shadows around his hand, flaunting the power that should be hers.

"Good thing I didn't expect that." Aiden responded, stepping towards Ricin.

Harriott put a hand on his shoulder, "That isn't a good idea, I can't let you get mixed up with this." She looked at Aiden, trying to understand his actions. She looked harder and transferred his pain to hers, there was none, but if he got hurt it would move right to her. Braids popped up in her hair, dozens of snakes weaving through each other.

Ricin whistled, "That never gets old." He walked up to her, "If the kid wants to be involved so bad, I could make an exception for him." He shot Aiden a look, "Last chance kid."

Harriott stepped between the two, "I got this." She told Aiden, hoping he'd get his head in the right place. He looked hesitant, then nodded, turning and running towards the door.

Ricin waved his hand, a bolt of shadow erupted from his hand, "See you later kid."

Harriott gasped, hearing Aiden's grunt as he was hit. She felt her body become slow and heavy. She grabbed Ricin's hand, throwing him over her shoulder. She looked behind her and saw Aiden get up from the ground and run out of the door, his hands starting to glow as he absorbed the shadow that had attacked him. He hadn't felt a thing, but as Harriott looked back at Ricin her field of vision vibrated and her knees wanted to let her drop to the floor. Ricin's bolts were more intense shadows than the normal shades Harriott used for power. Aiden could use it to become stronger, so he would be back soon. She just had to survive until then. It was time to buy some time.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I'm entering into a writing contest so I would love if you guys voted for me and left comments to tell me what you think of this! I'll try to update once a day!

C_L_Spearheadcreators' thoughts