
Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus

In a universe teeming with heroes, villains, and unimaginable threats, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, faces his darkest hour. Betrayed by his friends, family, and allies when he needed them the most, Peter is left broken and beaten by his enemies. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious system known as the Persona Nexus activates within him, unleashing a torrent of powerful new identities that transform him into an anti-heroic force to be reckoned with. The Persona Nexus grants Peter access to the abilities and personalities of several formidable beings from different universe. *Notice: I don't own spider man,or any other marvel characters it's owned Marvel Studios and Comics similarly other characters that comes from other universes belong to thier respective production I only own OC character that appears through the fanfic Thank You.

DragonChaos_2000 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 02 :The Others (Part01)


The battlefield stretched across the ruined landscape, a chaotic expanse of fire, rubble, and the sounds of war. The Justice League, Earth's mightiest heroes, were locked in a desperate struggle against the relentless forces of Darkseid. Among them, clad in dark red and black, stood Jason Todd, the once-Robin now turned anti-hero.

Jason's Red Lantern ring pulsed with rage and power, its crimson energy crackling around him. But he was unique among the Red Lanterns; he also wielded the powers of other emotional spectrum rings he had once encountered—strengthened by his sheer will, fearlessness, and compassion, albeit tainted by his ever-present anger.

The battlefield was a sea of Parademons, their monstrous forms swarming in an endless tide. Above them, Darkseid loomed, his Omega Beams scorching the ground and heroes alike.

Jason fought with a ferocity that matched the storm within him. His red energy constructs lashed out, tearing through Parademons with savage efficiency. Beside him, Superman soared, his fists blazing with heat vision, while Wonder Woman's sword cut through the enemy ranks with deadly grace. Batman orchestrated the battle from the ground, his tactical mind guiding the League's efforts.

But it was clear the odds were against them. The Parademons kept coming, and Darkseid's might seemed insurmountable. Jason knew what had to be done. With a final, defiant roar, he flew towards Darkseid, his ring flaring with an intensity that lit up the dark sky.

"Jason, no!" Batman's voice echoed through the comms, but it was too late. Jason was already in motion, a comet of red energy streaking towards the tyrant of Apokolips.

"Feel the fury of the Red Lantern!" Jason bellowed, channeling the combined power of his ring and the fragments of the emotional spectrum he had mastered. Constructs of every color—green for will, yellow for fear, blue for hope, and violet for love—merged with his red energy, creating a dazzling array of light and power.

Darkseid turned, his eyes glowing with malevolent energy. "You dare challenge a god, mortal?"

Jason didn't hesitate. He unleashed a torrent of energy, a swirling maelstrom of emotions that crashed into Darkseid with the force of a supernova. The ground trembled, and for a moment, it seemed as though Jason's gambit might succeed.

But Darkseid was not so easily defeated. With a snarl, he absorbed the energy, his Omega Beams countering the assault. Jason screamed as the energy feedback coursed through him, his body straining under the immense power.

"Your defiance is futile," Darkseid intoned, his voice a rumbling thunder. With a swift, merciless motion, he unleashed his full power, striking Jason down.

Jason fell, his body consumed by the backlash of his own attack and the devastating force of Darkseid's counter. He crashed to the ground, a broken figure amidst the chaos.

As the light faded from his eyes, he saw his teammates fighting on, their resolve unwavering even in the face of his sacrifice. He managed a faint, defiant smile. He had given them a chance, however small, to turn the tide.

Batman reached him first, cradling his fallen comrade. "Jason... no..."

The rest of the League formed a protective circle around them, their faces grim with determination and sorrow. Superman's eyes blazed with righteous fury, and Wonder Woman's tears mingled with her resolve.

In his final moments, Jason felt a strange sense of peace. The rage that had driven him for so long was fading, replaced by a quiet acceptance. He had fought for something greater than himself, and in doing so, had found redemption.

With his last breath, he whispered, "Make it count..."

And then, Jason Todd, the fallen hero, was no more.

The battle raged on, but the Justice League fought with renewed vigor, inspired by the sacrifice of one of their own. Jason's legacy, born of rage and redemption, would be remembered as a testament to the unyielding spirit of those who stand against the darkness.

[Multiversal travel successful,Current location:D.C Mutiverse:Earth 20005420]

[Initializing Search:....Suitable individuality found ]


Subject Name:Jason Peter Todd aka Red hood

Age: 21


Peak Human Condition: Due to rigorous training from Batman, Jason possesses peak human physical conditioning, including strength, speed, agility, and endurance.

Expert Martial Artist: Jason is trained in various forms of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, making him an extremely skilled fighter.

Exceptional Marksmanship: He is proficient with firearms, a trait that distinguishes him from other Robins.

Expert Detective: Trained by Batman, Jason has keen detective skills, rivaling those of his mentor.

Tactical Genius: Jason has a strategic mind and is capable of planning and executing complex operations.

Weapon Proficiency: Besides firearms, Jason is skilled in the use of various melee weapons, including swords and knives.

Stealth and Infiltration: He is adept at moving silently and infiltrating secure locations.

Lazarus Pit Resurrection: After being resurrected by the Lazarus Pit, Jason gained enhanced strength, speed, and healing abilities. The Lazarus Pit also had psychological effects, increasing his aggression and instability.

Special Red Lantern Ring: Jason has wielded a Red Lantern ring, granting him the powers associated with the emotional spectrum of rage.He also wielded the powers of other emotional spectrum rings he had once encountered—strengthened by his sheer will, fearlessness, and compassion, albeit tainted by his ever-present anger. This includes energy projection, flight, and the ability to create energy constructs.


Jason Todd,originally the second Robin, was a troubled youth taken in by Batman. He served as Robin until the Joker murdered him in "A Death in the Family" Case. Resurrected by the Lazarus Pit, Jason returned as the vengeful Red Hood, clashing with Batman due to his lethal methods.

His relationship with the Bat-family is complex, marked by feelings of abandonment and a desire for vengeance. Jason's journey evolved from villain to anti-hero, occasionally working with Batman and other heroes. He struggles with his anger and seeks redemption and acceptance, often fighting for justice through more violent means.]


"Hah..huh??"Opening Jason found himself inside a white room. " Where am i?, what happened,uhh..yeah I died.. wait did we win?? " Just then he heard a voice

['Jason Peter Todd' You have been chosen by the 'Persona Nexus System' the information will be directly provided you in the form of signal]

After Sometime Analyzing The information Jason looked at system panel and "I don't have a choice do I? "


*Sigh*"Fine let's do this."

[Pleasure to having You aboard Mr.Todd]

"Just call me Jason,.. And pleasure is all mine so let's go"

[Initializing transfer]