
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 12 : A Vulture's Face

It was Night time.

Mary Jane , Peter , Gwen and the rest of the gang was going to school. Peter was currently talking with Gwen as he finally was able to meet her without Harry anywhere around them since he was directly going to be at the party but couldn't watch the game as he had some work related to Oscorp.

"Gwen. How are you?" Peter finally asked.

"I'm Fine. Sorry we haven't really talked for so long. It's just that Harry has been going through a lot and needs my help. I... I'm really sorry Peter. For what ever happened between us during summer break. I haven't really talked to you all this time cause..... I felt scared. You know I couldn't make up the courage to face you. I thought you would hate me for what I did." Gwen's voice felt really weak when she said that.

"I don't hate you Gwendy. I'll never be able to do that. And i understand what you did. why you did. Don't burden yourself too much." Peter spoke truth. He really could never get angry with Gwen. Was he sad? He was. So much so that he couldn't sleep at night during the whole summer. But angry? Maybe once but not anymore.

" So how is Harry? You said he is in some trouble." Peter enquired while also trying to change the topic.

" I... I don't know really. He always seems angry. Cursing Spider-man every minute. It's like he just can't think of anything else other than Spider-man,that damned menace." She then started talking about Spider-Man ,"He calls himself a hero but look how he goes around destroying people's life." Gwen said with a troubled expression before she turned to Peter, "Not you Peter. I understand that it's just your job. You have to do what is needed. I'm not like Harry. "

Peter kept silent though. It was huge blow to him. 'Gwen hates Spider-man too. Huh?' He felt a knot in his stomach when he heard her speak about his alter ego like that.

At that Moment, MJ came to their side ,"What are you both talking about?" she chirped in her usual cheery tone. Though MJ could guess what was going on. She knew the hidden part of the story between them. She was the one who helped them realise their feelings for each other. And she had kept an eye on them both the whole time they were talking and came to Peter's rescue as soon as she saw him making a sad face.

"Nothing in particular." Gwen said feeling bothered that are talk with Peter was interrupted. Especially by MJ who seemed to be getting closer to Peter every day.

" Well , No sad faces allowed today. We are going to cheer our team today. And then he are going to do party hard tonight." MJ dramatically flailed her hands and both of her science whiz friends smiled at her antics.

Peter shook his head when suddenly The Spider Signal lit up in the sky. The call for Spider-Man. It was visible to everyone in the New York City.

Peter turned serious at that and looked at his two gorgeous friends."I ...Guys I guess...I need...."

"Go to spider photos? We know Tiger. Don't let us stop you. Just get it over with and make sure to come to party as soon as possible." MJ smiled and winked at him.

Peter smiled too before he said bye and ran off towards the Signal.




Spider-Man landed near the Spider signal and looked at Captain Stacy who was standing there with a file in his hand .

"Welcome. I've some information for you . We have recently located a surge in the mob activity in Bronx some of them look like Kingpin's Men. Think you can go check it out later on." Stacy started immediately.

"From the inside information we were able to get it seems like they are planning something big. But still no signs of KingPin himself coming back in the City. There seems to be someone new pulling the strings. Here are pics of some of the Men. You find any familiar face?" He passed the file to the hero.

Spider-Man looked through the file and told the police captain, " I'll go there."

Stacy nodded and then said ,"Before that there's another matter that needs your support. The superhuman stuff. We have received some cases of vulture back in town . He attacked a truck and stole the heavy machines they were carrying." Stacy took a wiff of his cigaratte before he exhaled and looked back at Spidey, "Those were Goblins stuff."

Spider-Man went rigid. Anything related to Green Goblin was a big matter to spider-man. Goblin was by far the biggest enemy the hero had faced and even after his death he had wrecked his normal life way beyond what any other villain had done.


"No idea. But Goblin had some good gadgets. Vulture maybe after it to use them for himself."

"Any idea where vulture is?"

"Not yet. But there is another truck that will be carrying out the Goblin's machines. Maybe he will show up. Here's the truck number." Stacy said as he gave him the vehicles number.

"Alright I'll take care of vulture." Spidey said and jumped off from the Tower.




It had been an hour since Spider-Man had been sitting at the edge of a building watching over the truck that was to carry out the shipment of Goblin's techs to a secured facility.

He was keeping an eye out in every direction in the sky. Waiting for the Vulture to show up.

Soon enough The villain with Large Mechanical Wings showed up. He was circling over the Truck high in the sky and had yet to see Spider-Man.

Spider-Man wasn't going to waste any time though. He stood up and picked out a Web bomb and threw it with great force aimed directly at the wings of the flying Old man.

The web bombs connected and...


Clipped the Vulture's left wing completely and the villain started falling down.

Spidey moved in to catch him before he could make a paste of his old bones and mucles on the ground. Vulture made some kind of Sharp feather blades in his right wing and swung it at the Webs ripping the confinement apart. And then turned to look at his enemy.

"Spider...." Vulture growled through the mechanical mask that was covering his whole face. And then took out a gun from his back and started firing at the Hero.

Spider-Man dodged all the bullets with his amazing speed and Spider-Sense before he picked up an empty trash can from the ground with his web and swung it at vulture.

The villain destroyed it with his Sharp wings. And turned back towards Spider-man only to see the Web-Head making an inhuman jump of 50 feet closing the distance between them in seconds ready to lunge at him.

Vulture wasn't able to do anything as Spider-man jumped at him and bear hugged him that disbalanced the Vulture in the air and they both started spiralling around in the sky before the Vulture steadied himself and finally stopped falling . He tried to take the web head off of him and throw him to the ground but Spider-man sent a punch at the Metalic mask of Vulture that disbalanced him again.

They both continued fighting in the air. Vulture trying to get Spider-man away from him and Spidey not letting go while trying to make him get lower to the ground. "It's over birdy. Give your old bones rest . Enough games for today. Now go back down." Spider-Man punched him again.

" You want to go down? Well I'll be happy to take you down." Vulture suddenly took a nose dive towards the ground. Towards an open field. And as soon as they were a close to the ground he spread his wings wide apart and twisted his whole body in mid air while also sending a punch towards Spider-Man's face. The web warrior wasn't able to keep his hold on the vulture in this situation and was forced off from the punch and was slammed into the Ground hard.

"Agh..uch" Spidey stood up shaking his head and he suddenly saw many familiar faces front of him. MJ,Gwen,Kong and Liz too. He looked around and saw that where he fell down was the playground of Midtown high where they were playing a match. And it was full of people.

"No. Stop the Game . Run away from here . Now!!!" He bellowed at the spectators before he looked up at the sky to see vulture circling on top of him before he dived down towards Spider-Man again.

" Go Away. NOW!!" Spider man shouted again before jumping away to dodge an attack from vulture.

The People around too slowly came to their mind and finally processed what was happening in front of them. They started screaming and running away.

MJ got up and worriedly looked at Peter who had just fell down from somewhere and was fighting a man in gaint bird suit. She too slowly started backing off with Gwen and others.

Spider-Man and the Vulture continued fighting before an attack from the villains wings threw the spider themed Hero into the stands.

Vulture turned around and flew towards the stand to attack the hero again.

Spider-Man stood up with a hand on his back. "God damnit. Hurts so much." His Spider-Sense warned him off the Vulture coming from behind him. He picked up a folding steel chair, turned around swung it at the villains faces from below to up.


It hit him hard and the Vulture was thrown back with a part of his mask breaking apart.

Spider-Man capitalised on the chance of Vulture being distracted and threw two web strings at the villains back from both his web shooters and then pulled with his super strength and started swinging the vulture in air before he slammed the villain into the ground.

"Payback." The hero quipped before jumping on top of vulture and started to punch him in the face. The Vulture mask was broken off and fell down, revealing an old man's face beneath it.

Spidey stopped punching and looked at the man before him. The Vulture had never been caught before so nobody really knew who he was. This was the first time for the hero to see his real face. It was an old Bald man.

Gasps were heard all around. And people stopped running away and started looking at the villain and Hero.


Suddenly a Shrill scream came from somewhere.

Spider-Man turned to look at who it was only to see a crying Liz Allan looking at him or rather Vulture who was beside him with a hand on her mouth.

Vulture seemed to wake up from his daze too before he looked at who was screaming.When he saw who it was Vulture Or rather Adrain Toomes turned his face away immediately. Ashamed.

It was his daughter. She was very precious to him and he didn't want her to see him in this condition.

"Oh God ! Not you too." Liz said before she turned around and ran away.

Spider-Man stood there silent. Looking at Liz's form as she was running away from the people while hiding her face before turning to look at the Vulture's bloodied face. And then at the Crowd that had witnessed it all. And suddenly he felt drained.

Police sirens could be heard from a distance and Peter just stood there grabbing onto Vulture silently waiting for the men in blue. Exhausted and saddened.




A week later.

It was a shocking news to Peter and the whole school that Liz Allan was The infamous Vulture's daughter. A step daughter from second marriage. But he had been her father ever since she was a five year old child.

Liz hadn't showed up at the school ever since then. And the news had spread around that she was Vulture's daughter. Some people were obviously gossiping about it. Making various cooked up stories about her and her family. All bad.

The had labelled her as a villain and many were cursing her and her father in the open.

Peter though, couldn't help but feel guilty. He had dated her once. But had never even met her family. And Indirectly only , But he had destroyed her family too. Just like Harry.

Again the idea popped up . Vulture WAS a Bad person. He needed to be put in jail. But Liz ? She already had to suffer a lot after her cousin Mark was identified as Molten Man. But now ,even. her father?

He may not be a social genius . But Peter knew that Liz was a good person. She had came to ask Spider-man to help her cousin Mark too. And she may hang out with Flash but she was never a bully or anything. Hell , she was once his girlfriend whose heart he broke.

Peter was all alone thinking all these thoughts when he saw Liz. She was cleaning her locker. Peter ran toward her.

"Liz !"

She turned to look at him but stayed silent.

"I....I am So Sorry Liz." Peter didn't know what to say to her.

" You're sorry? For what?" Liz said with a pointed look " Are you sorry that my father also turned out to be a big villain? or are you sorry that you broke up with me because you didn't finde intresting."

"I... No. I .... " Peter shit his mouth and closed his eyes fore opening them and spoke again." For everything."

"I know I am not a good person to you. But I know you Liz. And I know you are not a bad person. You are not a villain. Hell you are still here talking to me instead of just slapping me and walking away."

"It doesn't matter what your father or cousin did. I know you Liz. Whatever those gossip say I believe you. Don't let whatever they try to say get to you. You have better friends. Me,MJ Gwen and Kong even Flash . We all worry about you." Peter finally said what was in his mind.

Liz still remained silent . Though her hands were shaking a bit. " Tha... Thank you Peter. It means a lot . Really. Thanks."

"Mom says we are moving to Oregon. It's nice and peaceful there so that's cool. You are a good person Petey. And I still Like you. A lot. But I can't meet the others. I am sorry." Liz said before picking up her bag.

" Goodbye Peter." And then she walked away as Peter stood there watching her go , wondering if he had done more harm than good yet again.


[A/N :- And the High school drama continues.

Fucking Hell ..... Just kill me now.

It's so much more hard to write the normal talks. Like it took me 30min to write the whole fight scene and 3 hours to write the talks between Peter/Gwen and Peter/Liz. This was a unique chapter really. I really liked writing it though . Just learned where I still need to improve.

Next chapter will bring something new. Away from the High school drama. And after that I'll try my best to complete this arc as fast as possible.]