
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 11 : Recognition

[A/N:- Sorry a late update. I was busy with New year and all. And this chapter was very big. Twice as big as others so I took my time writing it. I've cut it in two parts.

Next up. The Idea that I had originally planned for the story where he would become like Batman has been postponed. Don't worry. I've it all planned out. And believe me it will be better this way. So I know some people maybe bummed out by this but the good stories are just about to start . So , I hope you keep reading.

Read more thoughts at the end of the chapter.]

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It had been 2 weeks since the Owl fight. Things had returned to normal , or as normal as they could be in the Big Apple. Spider-Man continued to protect the city , swinging through the sky , catching thieves just like flys.

The Owl incident had become public and garnered a lot of attention. Especially since New York's Mayor Jacqueline Morse had publicly thanked Spider-Man, the supposed menace of society for saving her life.

Spideys supporters were becoming more and more prominent. While his haters were... well not feeling so good. It had gotten to the point that if Jameson screamed a little louder he would have blown the Bugle office rooftop off.

More and more articles were coming out everyday. Some usual like 'Spider-Man hero or menace?' while some more creative ideas like 'Spider-Man used pheromones to control the Mayors mind.' Frankly it was funny yet problematic at the same time. And Peter didn't know how to take this increased popularity.

Currently he was doing what gave him some sense of peace, Swinging through the buildings of New York while also doing his night patrol around the city. At that moment suddenly a Beacon of light shone into the sky and piercing through the Night it formed an eerie gaint Spider Symbol in the black of the night.

'What.The.Fuck?' Spider-Man was shocked to say the least. What does that mean now? It was probably for him. Who else was related to spiders , 'Except maybe my billions of spider brothers', but This was probably for him. So good old Spidey decided to go and check it out.

The beacon was originating from the top of a highTower behind the Police Headquarters. Spider-Man could make out three people standing near the device. They were very familiar. As Spidey neared the tower he finally found out who was the one who lit up this...Spider Signal? It was none other than the Police Captain George Stacy along with his second in command Officer Gordon. There was also the Famous Mayor Jacqueline Morse herself.

Spider-Man landed on the railing and looked around to make sure this wasn't some ploy. His Senses wasn't tingling so he relaxed a bit. "What the hell is that?" He asked the three people that were in front of him.

"A stupid drama show that's making me gag." Gordon said taking a whiff from his cigaratte.

"Stop it Officer."Mayor Morse chastised him and then towards the hero." This is something we have made in appreciation for all the things you have done for the city Spider-Man."

"We call it the Spider-signal. Can't really think of anything else. It's a signal to call you here. Since it's pretty clear that we are working together now as Jameson's campaign against you had already roped in the entire NYPD, asking for the whole department to resign." Captain Stacy said.

"There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth. You have saved many lives Spider-Man and just because Jameson is throwing dirt at you and using your name to increase his ratings doesn't means that others won't speak the truth. I've seen quite a lot of people coming out to share their stories about how you saved them after My statement at the conference." Mayor Morse stated her thoughts before walking closer to the still baffled Spider-man.

Then she hugged him,"I still haven't personally Thanked you for saving my life until now." After that she rolled up his mask half away before Spider-man stopped her by putting a hand on his mask. Morse smiled at this and kissed him on the cheek.

Peter immediately blushed under his mask and rolled it down all the way. Jacqueline Morse was beautiful lady. A bit old in age but her looks weren't below any of those Popular models in twenties. Being so close to a beauty like her obviously made poor Peter got a bit flustered.

"I would love to spend more time with you my hero. But as a Mayor I too have many duties. So I wish you luck and hope you and Captain Stacy and his team will help me keep the city alive." With a final greeting The Mayor was gone.

Now it was only The Police officers and the Illegal hero left . Spider-Man turned to look at Stacy and asked him a genuine question that any sane man would ,"Um...Sir?" He pointed at the Spider-Signal torch. " Isn't this a bit too Overboard?"

Stacy simply smirked at this. "Overboard ? Let it be Overboard. It's better this way. This signal...This isn't just a call signal for you. It's also a warning. A warning for those son of bitches sitting on their high chairs heating up their seats. And for those rats in the alley too. That this city does have a hero. It's not their playground. It's our home. And there's a hero protecting us."

He looked at the shocked hero and continued, "I've seen you for a long time Spider-man. I've seen how you help them. You are putting your life on the line there. We have been at odds long enough. But I know your intentions and I've seen enough to believe you. So this time , we will fight alongside. What do you say? Are you ready for it?"

Spider-Man couldn't help but get emotional at finally getting some Recognition for all the works he is doing."Ye...Yes sir. It will be an...honor."

Stacy gave him a smile like he was looking at his own son doing something great that would make him proud. "Good then. Now run along Young man. You have still not completed your regular patrol."

" Aye Aye Captain." and with that Spidey made a huge jump backwards and swung away into the night.

The Two officers watched him go before Gordon spoke up "You sure about this ? From what I can tell he is just a kid. Probably in early twenties maybe even less. What is the meaning of giving him the free pass to get involved in the criminal Oddesy of New York. The kid could get killed or worse kill someone else and ruin his future."

" You think I didn't try Gordon. Many a times I've confronted him about it. He says that 'if he has the power and didn't use it to save people from harm even if he can then he is as bad as those inflicting the harm." Stacy Sighed.

"Kid's got a drive Gordon. And stubbornness too sadly. He isn't one to back down. That's why this is the best I could do. Now it's up to us to keep him safe and keep him on right track." Stacy rubbed his face."Thank God he isn't one of those idiots who thinking killing is the only option. He is a good guy. Believe me."

Gordon Only hmmed at that and then asked his superior, "You know who he is under that mask . Don't you? "

Stacy only have a mysterious smile ,"Maybe ."

Gordon shook his head and then looked at the sky where the gaint Spider symbol could be seen. "You know, now that I think about it . That really is cool."




Today Peter was going to his school in a more normal way , that is by bus. Right now he was sitting in the bus with the one and only, Mary Jane Watson.

Frankly MJ was on a roll. Achieving every dream she set up for herself. She had Auditioned for that drama, git selected and performed so well that now she had gotten 3 more roles to play. Granted that still none of them major characters roles. But with such good deals and performances in many different plays. It was only a matter of time before she landed a big deal. Peter was really happy for her. At least someone was enjoying their life.

"So Mr. Hero how's the work going?" MJ asked cheekly. She was a little prideful of the fact that only she knew Spider-Man's real identity.

"Eh, Same old. Swing around , Beat-up thieves. And hiding from aunt May." Peter wasn't too broody about talking with her about spider stuff. To be honest, He was really happy that there was someone who he could talk to about this other life of his. They had really gotten much closer thanks to that. Granted Peter always had a small crush on his red headed neighbour ever since they met. But now he could really call her his best friend.

He wouldn't talk to her about dangerous stuff but he did tell her about how it felt to swing through the city. He even took her swinging with him once too. It really felt like a weight off to tell her about it all.

They finally reached their Destination, Midtown High and got off.

"What about that big Spider Symbol in the sky last night? That was super cool you know." MJ suddenly asked him about spider-signal after looking left amd right to make sure no one was close enough to them to listen their conversation.

"Spider-Signal? Yeah that IS cool. Got it as gift from the Mayor and police. Though I feel like it's more like my summoning whistle. Now Spider-man is working with the police. So that's a good news. At least one side won't start firing at him next time." Peter winked at her with knowing look.

Suddenly they heard a very familiar loud voice coming from behind them.

"But Lizzie, Spidey is the Man. Didn't you hear the hot Mayor talk about how he saved her. And that Spider-Signal in the Sky last night was so damn cool. Why can't see how cool Spidey is?" Flash said and Pete snorted.

"It's dumb guys like you who put him on a high pedestal Flash. And please stop talking to me. I already told you I'm not getting back together with you again." Liz Allan reprimanded him in an even tone.

Flash cheekily smiled ,"You are still going to cheer for me tonight lovely lady."

MJ arched an eyebrow and asked Peter ,"Are you going to come to Tonight's game? You know with all your work and busy life."

"Game?" Peter had no idea what she was talking about.

"Tonight is the interschool football's qualifiying match. Everyone's going to be there and since it's our last year there's a small party too. I told you about this Tiger. A week ago and you promised you will come."

"Well red, I'll... definitely be there. It's a promise after all." Peter smiled at her and they soon reached their lockers where they met their old friends Harry...and Gwen.

Peter hadn't really talked with Harry after the not so friendly conversation last time. It just so happened that they were in different classes too so not much interaction. And Frankly, Peter has had enough of his former friends tantrums. Harry was angry with Spider-man but couldn't do anything about it so he would make sure to show his attitude to Peter, who took the hero's photos.

Between Peter and Harry, things have become really cold. But for Gwen's sake Peter put on a smile albeit somewhat awkward. "Hey guys."

"Hey Pete." Gwen smiled happily. She still looked like the most beautiful girl in the world to Peter. It was hard getting over his years old feelings for her.

"We haven't really hung out together. Hope you will come to Tonight's party? Oh and MJ congrats on getting that role you were aiming for." Gwen continued awkwardly as Harry continued to treat them as air.

" Yeah. We are."

"No doubt. What kind of party would it be without any Mary Jane. You guys will obviously need a star for the night. And I'm happy to help." MJ said rather animatedly but by now everyone had learned her style so everyone simply ignored her.

"And don't worry, I'll take care of poor Peter here like I'm always doing nowadays." MJ stated while patting Peter's head. Gwen smiles at this but it seemed a bit strained.


[A/N :- Yep. I really did that. I copy pasted Bat signal in here. Who can stop me? Any way this is all a part of the plan I've developed for the story. So don't think it's just some stupid mess that I'm writing. You will see in the future chapter.]