
Spider-Frame (Spider-man X Harem)

After months of being hated and ostracised Peters life is in ruins. He has broke up with MJ and lost all his family. Someone has decided to give Peter Parker a second chance,.......no a second life as the hero WARFRAME

SirZurone · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Sinister Six

I am going to try a different style of writing for this chapter, but I hope you like it, and if you don't, feel free to tell me.

And also, as I said before, it's been a week. I have changed it to two weeks as that's more believable. 


A TV in a deserted store is showing the news as a female reporter is shown.

Hello, this is Betty Brant and I bring you breaking news! A battle has broken out between the Avengers and the Sinister Six as finally the Avengers answer calls of help after Spider-man's death just two weeks ago. If you're not up to date on what's been going on, I will give you a quick recap.

The background behind the female changes to an image of the sky changing colours and the beam of light.

Two weeks ago, a phenomenon happened, causing the sky to change colour. But after this, it was revealed that Spider-man was killed by an explosion at the origin of the beam of energy. The identity of Spider-man was leaked by an anonymous person. The heroes after the event confirmed this leak and told the world Spider-man has died, also known as-

Betty got quiet and looked very sad as she continued her report.

The crime rate increased rapidly as the city called for help from the Avengers and X-Men, as the normal street heroes were unable to stop this wave of crime, but they ignored the calls for help because to quote Tony Stark, "

Betty cleared her throat as she said the quote from Tony.

"We are the Avengers. We only deal with actual threats to the world and won't lower ourselves to deal with petty crime and second-rate villains."

Behind her was a clip of Tony being booed and shouted at. People tried rushing the stage to attack him, but Tony summoned his suit and put on his repulsors.

"Mr Stark, as shown, has caused a rift between heroes and the normal civilians by basically calling them unimportant. The citizens of New York have realised the value and protection Spider-man gave them and memorials have been set up for the hero as everyone grieved his death and what they did to him.

The Avengers finally acted to stop this uprising but were badly beaten and defeated. Now they are again fighting against the Sinister Six.

This is Betty Brant signing off and, with a heavy heart, bidding farewell to the beloved hero and friend Spider-man. "

Suddenly, the store is destroyed by an explosion, cutting the TV.


A ginormous explosion is heard and seen as a mini mushroom cloud is shown. The tarmac has been uplifted and spread everywhere, leaving a small crater everywhere else. The tarmac is cracked and buildings are in bad shape. Hawkeye is seen injured badly and hiding behind some rubble. While hiding, he was shaking and holding his shoulder.

"Tony, where are you? We have been torn apart here." Black Widow is revealed, parkouring past flipped and damaged cars.

As she is talking, a shadow is shown above her as she quickly darts her head up as a man on a glider is hovering over her.

"If I were you, little assassin, I'd hurry up or the big bad Goblin will get you!"

He cackles insanely while throwing more Goblin bombs, making her jump for cover. As more pieces of rubble fly above her, she curls up and covers her head defensively.

Damn you, Stark! Please assist me!

Vision flies into the explosion intangible and quickly becomes tangible and grabs Natasha and flies out of the blast radius and then fires a solar beam at the Goblin, but he dodges the beam by using his glider.

Ahh, don't ruin my fun now. I will show you what the strong do to the weak, but how can you understand that you are an Android?

Vision puts Natasha down as he looks towards Goblin and begins speaking.

"You are mentally unstable and I will have to use force if you don't stand down."

"Tell me how it feels to know that your little toy no longer wants you," Goblin says of Wanda.

"Vision charges at He was in anger with his solar gem glowing ready to fire, and when Goblin threw a bomb at him, he phased through it. He believed he avoided the bomb, but when Goblin smirked, he got confused.

Goblin had the bomb fitted with a magnet he could attract, so when it passed through Vision Goblin attracted the bomb and detonated it near Vision. The bomb was an emp and stunned Vision enough for Goblin to dive at him with his glider and pin him to a brick wall.

"I am currently busy fighting Electro with his new suit!" "Iron man," he said, through the communication.

Iron Man tries to dodge but is struck, short-circuiting his suit and causing him to fall from the air like a potato. But before he hits the ground, he is saved by War Machine as Thor clashes with Electro to buy some time for Tony to get back on his feet. They release a torrent of lightning and have a power struggle, but Electro wins when he reveals an arc reactor on his chest and siphons energy from it, giving him the boost

In front of them, a building wall is smashed through as the lizard tackles the battered Captain America and slams him onto the ground. In the sky, the Falcon is attacked by an advanced vulture and he rips the wings off the falcon and lands on the ground with him underneath him.

The Hulk tries to attack the Vulture on the ground.

"Hulk smash-" The Hulk is interrupted by the Rhino charging straight into him. Rhino starts to sledgehammer Hulk multiple times, causing a crater to be made and smashing a pipe releasing compressed air. Rhino was suddenly bombarded with blasts of energy by Captain Marvel that pushed him to his knees as she increased her output. As she was about to push further, she electro teleported behind her and grabbed her head from both sides and started to syphon the energy out of her, making her lose her binary mode and scream.

Electro let go of her and used the absorbed energy he converted into electricity and released it point blank on her back, thus completely taking her out as she fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes in the air.

Miles started to panic as he witnessed his idols being defeated easily and decided he needed to help, so he attacked Vulture with swinging kicks and using his venom blasts to stop him from flying away. This put him on the back foot, but Vulture quickly got a hand in the situation by throwing some of his razor-sharp feathers at Miles' webs, making him fall mid-swing.

The Vulture took this opportunity before he could recover to fly into the new 'Spider-man' and fly him up high.

"Take a look around, little boy; you've entered the real world without the real Spider-Man to protect your behind."

A Vulture pulls out a button as he presses it.

Miles looked around and saw explosions set off around the city, putting the city into chaos.

"What have you done, you animal?" Miles screamed at him.

"I know I am, but the only difference from before is that I no longer have a zoo keeper to keep me in check!" He clocked him in the face and threw him down. Before he hit the ground, he, in between fading out of consciousness, shot out a web and slowed his fall.

Miles hit the ground hard, still breaking his arm. He began to try and crawl away in fear but a metal arm pinned him to the floor and knocked the breath out of him. The metal tentacle picked him up and began to tighten the grip, making resounding cracks come out of Miles' body with him screaming in pain.

"This was painful for people who call themselves the guardians of this world. Spider-man did better than you all, but he's dead now, so there's no one to stop us now." As Doc Ock mocked the now reassembled Avengers 

"You won't win "Captain America, we have the X-Men coming as back up," Captain America shouts out as he grips his sliced chest.

"I don't think they are coming, Captain. I sent Sandman, Scorpion, Mysterio, and Kraven to deal with those abominations of the human race."

The Sinister Six all laugh at the Avengers with Doc Ock releasing Miles as Doc Ock tells Electro to finish them, Electro summons a massive amount of electricity and fires it at them but thor quickly shouts for Heimdall and they are all taken away from the danger to Asgard and as soon as they enter Asgard they are thrown back into the Bifrost and is straight away moved to the Stark Tower. 

All the team started to pass out from exhaustion or their body's giving in from the injuries, the medics come in all looking sleep-deprived because of the constant fighting they have to always be ready to patch them up. 

(Pov Change to Doctor Octopus)

'Finally, I can acquire what I have desired for so long that I can't remember a time without me wanting this, now with Spider-man dead I can do what I want and no one can stop me and my allies'

As I was ranting in my mind I noticed something in the sky, something just barely noticeable when paired against the murky sky was a figure just looming over us, I felt like I was being examined and it irritated me.

'Who is that?'

"Vulture! Figure out who our new guest is"

I pointed toward the figure for Vulture to know where the figure is.

"On it" Vulture responded to my order and took off towards it.

(Vulture Pov)

I soared towards the figures at top speeds but when I got close he backed into a cloud behind them disappearing from my view, I flew right into the cloud and stopped making the wind I picked up to disperse the cloud.

"What? where are you bastard?"

I darted my head around trying to find the unseen figure, I heard whisps of wind around as if something is flying around me.

I pulled out my plasma pistols and aimed them around me.

"Come out you coward!"

I was high enough that no one could hear me and some clouds blocked everyone's view of me and potentially this person.

I heard through my earpiece Doctor Octopus talking to me.

"What's happening Vulture, report to me this instant"

"I can't see where they are, it seems that they are hiding from me"

"Well find them and bring them to me now!" Doctor Octopus screamed.

I roll my eyes as I bring down my sensor scanning goggles, as I activate them I noticed a figure far behind me when I looked around, I realise that they started to move towards me slowly so I prepared to fire my pistils.

I quickly spun around and released a volley of plasma shots, when I stopped firing I realised I hit nothing because I heard

nothing be hit or a cry of pain.

(Third Pov)


A sniper shot ripped through Vulture's right-wing destroying it, he lost control and was spun out from the impact.

"Fuck, fuck, dammit come on stay with me"

A blur smacked him right in the head damaging Vulture's goggles, they cut In and out by flipping between normal vision.

When Vulture got hold of his one functioning wing he was able to stop spinning the blur landed on his chest directly with shadows blocking his figure.

"Who are you?" Vulture asked the figure in fright

"My name is Tenno, and you're fucked"

Tenno released a projectile at Vulture just before they hit the ground, a green glow enveloped Vulture making him freeze in place and begin to levitate.

The Sinister now Five noticed them falling and then suddenly slow down and float down, Tenno stepped off Vulture like a step and changed into another Frame.

"Mag" is what was heard from the mysterious figure from the perspective of the villains.

The villain's eyes widened when they saw the transformation, Tenno put out his hand towards Vulture and smashed him toward the ground using Mag's magnetic powers knocking him out.

"Who are you and what have you done to Vulture" Electro spoke up but when he did Doctor Octopus glared at him and told him to be quiet.

"I am many things Electro but right now I am the person who will defeat all of you, I guess you want my name and I will tell you"

As he finished all the metal scattered on the floor started to hover above the ground and then go behind

"My name is Tenno, remember that as that will be the person to put you in your place"




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