
spellborn: age of shadows unleashed

This is the world of Valusa, a world with magic. If you are born with magic you are known as a spellborn, if you are born with no magic power or even skill at all you are known as a norborne. A spell plagued is someone cursed by magic. Yes they are born with magic but it acts more as a curse the reason is unknown but its tragic because a spell plagued person has more potential then a spellborn person but their magic is actually killing them as they use it. A warborn is a person born with no magic but that's ok because they have other powers they are unbelievably strong their strength is enhanced by 100 percent and their reflexes as well, most of them are soldiers they are even better with weapon combat. God touched is someone enhanced by a god they are chosen by one of the 14 gods. God born is someone who is half god. Spiritoborn is someone whos magic is passed down from their family. They also have more than one type of magic as well, they are very strong. Now the last info you will need is the 14 gods of this realm they are. Hades the god of the underworld, and the hellflame, he is the first born of Cronos. Cronos the god of time, he is known for being the first god. Rieka, goddess of the wolves, is known as the wolf goddess. And or the wolf Queen. Thor a hammer wielding god, associated with thunder and lighting, he is also the son of Odin and freyja, which makes him even stronger since he's a second generation god Zeus is the sky and thunder god, he is the son of Cronos and the current ruler of Mount Olympus that hails above the sky. Poseidon the god over the sea, storms and earthquakes he is also one of the sons of Cronos. Loki is known as the trickster god, he is also a son of Odin and Freyja, other than that not much is known about him. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and warfare, she is the shared god of war along with her twin brother Aries. Her father is zeus. Aries is one of the gods of war along with his twin sister Athena, his father is also Zeus, Aries is known to cause war wherever he goes. Aphrodite is the goddess of sex and love and beauty; her father is also zeus. Anubis is the protector of the underworld and the guide of the underworld. Horus is the third and final god of war, he also protects the skies Odin is known as the god of runes and wisdom and also the god of gods. Freyja is known as the god over magic as she is one of the main gods who allowed humans to use magic she is also said to be the most beautiful woman of all.

Dylan_Langford_7958 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

2. Thor


"The boy has no magic potential right?" the middle aged man said

"Yes, but he is still young, Keane, he has time to grow." the older looking man said.

"Well he should have showed something at his age, you know that Chum" Keane said the older looking man known as Chum would sigh as he shifted his weight, Chum was somewhat tan he was dressed in fisher men like clothing he was already bald.

"Well, with time the boy will be fine, he is my grandson after all. have faith Keane" Chum said.

"I suppose you are right, but from what we got via the intel from that dark guild girl, they are going after the boy, yet he lacks the power to protect himself" Keane said.

"Yes, I've heard, but we are working with a deal, with one of the 14 gods, he will protect our kingdom, hopefully" chum said.

"Oh really? Whose meeting with this god and where?" Keane asked.

"David Kur'ah he's a good man, he's an orc from a tribe that no longer exists so he found himself helping this kingdom, and he is to meet the god in the lucky duck tavern" Chum said.

"Ah well what god is he meeting with?" Keane asked.

"Thor," Chum said.

It was the middle

of the day at this point the sun was beaming down on David's head David walked into the lucky duck tavern he took his seat as he sat down he placed 6 slivers down as he ordered 2 beers.

"Good day sir David, just 2 beers?" the bartender asked.

"Yes I'm waiting for someone as well" David said as the bartender slid two beers down to David it was mostly watered down rum but its all the kingdom had.

David took both beers and started drinking them both at the same time, he was a rather large man and it took a lot to get drunk.

As he was drinking, a man walked in with long red hair. This man was tall and had a beer belly for sure. He sat right next to David and smiled brightly as he dropped 9 gold bars and just took a whole beer barrel and started drinking out of the bottom of it.

"Ah your Thor? Right?" David asked. As David spoke Thor would put down the barrel full of beer and look at David.

"I am Thor so your kingdom wants my protection well, few things I will need beer, and a good fight, I have the beer, so can you find me someone to fight."

"Ah I see yeah I have just the person, Bryn your up"

David said as Bryn would walk in and sit right next to Thor.

"Oh i will pay for any damage i do by the way, to the town that is, now lets see if this kingdom has strong folk worth protecting" Thor said as he snapped his fingers as his hammer Mjölnir it came crashing in and broke through the roof and hit Bryn right in the chest sending him flying back Bryn would crash through another building as he crashed to the ground he struggled to stand. But when Bryn did he was able to stand and as he did he held onto Mjölnir as Thor would snap and bring it back Bryn would sneak attack Thor landing a combo punch attack before Thor grabbed him with one hand and slammed him into the ground.

"Is this all you got, aw come on David you fight me as well!" Thor yelled.

David would nod "I see Chum already talked you into to being this kingdoms protector, you just want a fight and to test out the kingdoms people" David said as Thor would nod and throw Mjölnir at David however David would catch it and send it flying back at Thor.

"Ah so you figured me out, well that's the truth, now with that strength of yours, you must be a war born" Thor said.

"Yes I am, now Bryn you ok?" David asked as Bryn would get back onto his feet

"Yeah I'm fine just got hit in the head by a fucking hammer" Bryn said as the darkness would surround his body.

"Good we can show Thor a real fight then" David said as he took out a hand Axe, it was made of heavy looking silver, it had a sharp edge around it and gold trim.

"Ah you have a legendary weapon as well, my Mjölnir yes our battle will be one for the ages, ah hahahahaha" Thor said with a great belly chuckle.

"Yes, it's my axe battlestar. It may not be as strong as your Mjölnir but it was forged in the blacksmith village, the one that's said to be under the iron sea, made with pure aged silver and lunar gold." David said as Thor held out Mjölnir and sent out a blast of lighting towards David.

"I'm impressed your weapon is nice, the blacksmith village is nice hahaha i remember when i helped create that place, you know I had to make Mjölnir with the power of the sun. now take this" Thor said as David was able to reflect the blast with his hand axe.

Bryn had at this point turned his body into a shadow he was able to shift his body weight and attack Thor's shadow this would hurt the real Thor.

"Take this!" Bryn said as he was able to stick a dagger into the face of Thor causing him to bleed slightly.

"Smart idea kid but, not on me!" Thor said as he would send lighting off his body and towards Bryn causing him to get out of shadow mode and fall to the floor. Thor then brought his hammer down but before he could David was already there to block it he was as fast as Thor it seemed at least his reaction was. The axe hit the hammer with great intensity causing shock waves in the bar.

At this point the bartender was fed up and stomped on over.

"Look your fighting is messing up the place, take this fight outside right now" the bartender said

"I said I would pay for the repairs but fine let's head outside" Thor said as he picked up Bryn and threw him though the wall causing him to land outside, David would then dash over to soften Bryn's fall.

"Noooooo stop destroying my bar!!!" the bartender said as Thor dropped a bag of gold and crashed through the building ending up outside.

"Damn your one tough son of a bitch, you're a god right?" Bryn asked. As Thor slammed down his hammer causing lightning to blast though the ground and fly at Bryn, Bryn was able to bend the darkness that he had left from last night to block the shot at a major cost Bryn was running low on darkness now. Thor had an opening as he rushed in with his hammer to slam it down on Bryn.

David would throw Battlestar to block Mjölnir Bryn was able to pick up Battlestar and slam it into Thor it landed into the side of Thor's stomach. Thor would then kick Bryn away.

"Not bad, not bad at all kid, fine very well. I've had my fun, as part of the agreement with Chum I will protect this kingdom." Thor said as he dropped Mjölnir and smiled Thor would then start to heal

As the battle was going on a small bat-like creature was watching the whole thing. It was there to get intel, and that it did. The bat creature would fly away back into the woods where the demon was.

As the bat creature came back the demon would sigh as it absorbed the bat to get the information it held.

As the information came into the demon, two figures would walk up a small girl and a tall woman.

"So its bad I guess" the tall woman said

"Yes, Thor is going to be defending the kingdom" the demon said

"That is fine, we have the undead army, we should leave this area for now, it seems the boy is no longer worth killing" the tall woman said

"You mean your son" the demon said

"Yes he's worthless, oh well we need to take out the king and queen so we can form our own kingdom with her for the vaul kingdom, they said they would help us if we kill the king the king and queen of Frolosire" the tall woman said as she walked away.

"But why don't you just make a kingdom your a god" the demon said

"They have locked my powers away i still need to gain them fully back, now enough questions let's get going"

The tall woman said.

And soon the morning became afternoon after all the noise.

Chum was resting by the docks as he was fishing a well dressed man walked up to him this was a man known as lord Brett

"I heard it went well?" lord Brett said as Chum would reel in a large fish keane would stand up after seeing the man.

"It did, what brings you here" chum said

"Oh well I want to hold the spell casters exam here this year, to see who is selected to be a Mage now that Thor is protecting this kingdom" lord Brett said

"What that's what you want!!!! After you said no last time" keane said Chum would tap Keene's shoulder.

"Calm down, it's ok, now we can talk about hosting the spell cater exam here, let's meet with the king," Chum said as he stood up and started to walk to the castle with Keane and Lord Brett.

With that everything was now in place and we would see Bryn and David talking

"Damn Thor is no joke, why was I fighting him solo at first" Bryn asked.

"I was always gonna help, didn't wanna upset Thor, plus he was holding back" David said

"Well I had it, now do you wanna get some food?" Bryn asked

"No thanks, i have work to do with the mages I'm doing some training and teaching them how to fight today sorry" David said

"Damn well my offer still stands if you change your mind" Bryn said as David would nod

"Well, go ask Lisa, she would gladly take you up on that" David said.

"I don't wanna take her away from her duties today she's in a meeting with her father"

Bryn said

"Ah I see, well then, I'm out of ideas for you, but seriously I have to go now." David said as he walked off.

Bryn would sigh as he also walked off. He was tired and starved, so he went off as well.

Now while this all happened, there was a regular school day at the small school the kingdom has. The sun is bright and shines down as the wind pushes forward.