
Speed Devil

"Everything seems so slow as if they are frozen in time, but they are not, I am just too fast. I feel like I can outrun light but will I be able to? Would I even be able to see at that speed?" "Well there is only one way to find out" . . . _________________ A physics intern gets exposed to enclosed tachyon particles in a lab accident which causes his body to go through severe changes making him the fastest being ever. _____________________ A/N - The start of the novel will be very slow-paced, the characters around the MC will be introduced, the world around him will slowly be built. If you don't like slow pace start, this novel is not for you.

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Natasha, Marcus, And Ann

Shawn and Natasha continue to discuss their project and the teacher didn't seem to mind at all, it was not just them, nobody in the class paid attention to what she was teaching right now, the only ones who listened to her were the ones who missed her classes at the beginning of the year.

"Hey Shawn, I heard that Professor Newmon's research is coming to an end, is it true?" Natasha asked as she is curious about his research as well, being a physics major just like Shawn she couldn't hold back her curiosity.

"It is true, he has been working his ass off these past few days". Shawn said and sighed, he is a little worried about Professor Newmon, Shawn hopes that the old professor doesn't ruin his health by overexerting himself on his work.

"Hey, can you do me a little favor?" Hearing Shawn's answer Natasha asked while looking at him with the most beautiful smile she could plaster on top of her face, seeing her smile Shawn knew that she is going to ask him something very difficult.

He decides to ignore her and not ask what she wants, if he asks her he will have no one but to blame himself for bringing the trouble. he turned his head away and glued his eyes on the green board in front of him.

Natasha's lips twitched as she noticed Shawn completely ignoring her, she realized that her usual methods won't work on Shawn.

"Come on Shawn, just hear me out". She said with that annoying but cute voice, this is how girls trap boys into doing their shit but Shawn won't fall for it.

He turned and looked at Natasha as she smiled wilder and used those puppy eyes on him.

"If people see you know, they will think you are hitting on me". Shawn said. He decided to tactfully switch the topic of their conversation and put her on the spot.

"What? No, I am not hitting on you, what are you talking about?" She snapped back clearly flustered by Shawn's words.

"Of course, look at how you are acting, smiling at me, giving me those puppy eyes, acting like a cute girl, anyone would think you are hitting on me". Shawn said.

Natasha just decided to ignore him and looked away slightly embarrassed, her cheeks are red hot as she tried to calm down, Shawn just chuckled and continued with the classes.

After attending three more classes, he was finally done, on his way out of the class he was stopped by Natasha again.

"Shawn wait!" He heard Natasha's voice from behind, he turned his head and looked at her.

"What is it?" He asked. "About that favor, can you at least listen to it once?" She asked and this time she is sincere, seeing her current behavior Shawn decided to listen to her.

"Sure, go ahead". He said.

Hearing him Natasha got a little excited.

"Can you bring me in with you into Professor Newmon's lab, I want to be there when the demonstration will be held". She said.

Hearing her request Shawn was relieved, he was glad that she just wanted to be in the lab during the demonstration, it would be hard for others to go inside but since he is an intern there he can bring someone along with him but before he needs to ask Professor Newmon about it.

"Sure but first we need to meet Professor Newmon in person and ask him, if you are free we can go now, he should be in the lab right now, but we cannot leave until late at night, Professor doesn't like people to just barge into the lab, he will make you work there a little". Shawn said. Natasha thought for a second before nodding her head.

"Sure, I am free, let's go". She said. Shawn nodded and walked out of the university with Natasha by his side, as he neared the entrance of the university, he saw a buff dark-skinned young man with thick hair wearing the university's football (soccer) jacket standing very close to a short cute girl with black hair and pale skin, these two seem to be very close as they smiled and talked to each other.

Shawn approached them as they are his best friend Marcus and his girlfriend, Ann.

Marcus noticed Shawn and waved at him and Shawn waved back, Shawn and Marcus have been friends from a very young age, they went to the same school, college, and now the same university.

"Hey Shawn, are you coming to the party?" Marcus asked.

"Party? What party?" Shawn is very confused, he hadn't heard about any party, this is the first time he is hearing anything about it. "Huh? You don't know about the party, Jackson is holding a party for us final year students back in his house, I think everyone is invited". Marcus's girlfriend Ann said.

"Jackson?" Shawn said and looked at Natasha "Isn't Jackson your boyfriend, what is this party, and is it really ok for you to come with me to the lab?" Shawn asked. For some reason, he felt things are going to get out of hand if Natasha doesn't attend her boyfriend's party, it was just a hunch but Shawn had always trusted his hunch because it has saved his ass several times.

Marcus and Ann finally notice Natasha right behind Shawn and were confused by what she is doing with Shawn, from what they know, Natasha and Shawn are really not that close to walking around together.

They both looked at each other and communicated with their eyes and came up with several opinions of their own, Shawn noticed how the two love birds were secretly talking to each other without even opening their mouth and this pissed him off.

These two were really annoying, they never think things through and always come up with weird conclusions, Shawn is a thousand percent sure that they are thinking of something outrageous right now.

"You both stop that!" Shawn snapped at them startling the two.

""What did we do?"" Both of them asked at the same time.