
Special Transmigrated Life

Too lazy to find a fit description

TreasurerOfDreams · Teen
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7 Chs


Along the way, no one in the car talked at all. Though it works for me I guess.

I stayed quiet as well along the way, even though with each passing time, my urge to ask where we going is stronger but I held back. Because surely this eccentric person (Yato) won't answer me at all.

It took a while but we finally arrived.

We got out of the car and I looked at the sign in front of me. It says, "Beiyan Carnival".

So we went to the carnival?.

"I was planning on bringing you here before but it was delayed till now", Yato said to me. So just as this body got into accidents huh.

"Well, how is it? are you happy?", He asked.

Well, I couldn't say I'm unhappy or anything, but it just felt weird and all... I still had a lot to take after all. Maybe having fun at the carnival isn't so bad.

"U-um", I slightly nodded my head, I'm too shy to say I'm happy so blatantly, I am formerly very conservative after all.

"Okay then, let's go in".


There are many kinds of rides in the carnival, and they all look fun. Now that I remember, I never went to a carnival at all. I guess it's because I'm too busy that I don't have time for this kind of entertainment. The first and last time I have fun is when just before I was transmigrated into this body.

"Anything you want to try?", asked Yato.

"Mmm... Well, I want to try the roller coaster!", I first looked at the list of the rides. Until one of them pique my interest, I heard that this ride is super fun from my best friend. When I heard him at that time, I actually had an urge to try but again, work immediately come piled up. As for why don't I do it before I have a job? my student year? well as a student that needs scholarships very much, I don't have time to do such a useless thing as having fun. But now that I look back, I kinda regret it a little.

"Roller coaster huh. well then", Yato immediately guide us to the roller coaster place. Now that I think about it, where are all the people? are there only us here? I mean there's staff as well but that's not what I'm looking for. Where's the line? I hear that you will need to queue in a long line before you can ride the roller coaster (best friend story).

Oh well, since there's no line at all, then we immediately got into the ride ourselves. I sat beside Yato in the front. My teddy bear... I put it in the middle.

I was very nervous, I wonder what would happen if something's broken or anything like that.

Seemingly feeling my nervousness, Yato stretched his hand and pat my head. For some reason, all my nervousness immediately disappeared, replaced with an immediate sense of safety.

"Don't worry about it, I'm here".

"Mhm, thank you, brother Yato", I was just want to thank him for calming me down but the word after slipped through my mouth. It's very much like breathing, very naturally said.

"A-ah I mean... never mind", I realized my slip up but I can't take back what I said so I just let it go. I peek to the side and saw Yato smiling as he looked forward. This is the first time I see him smile so carefree like that. The first time I met him, he smiled like it was a must but the feeling that came from this smile is just natural.

"Is there anything on my face?", Probably noticing my intense stare, Yato turned to look at me and asked.

"Gack?! n-nowthing!", Like a cat that had its tail stepped on, I flinched. My tongue was messed up in my mouth but can't help it.


Yato seems to want to say something to me but the staff told us that the ride is ready to start.

"Well?", I asked Yato, I wonder what he was about to say.

"Hmm, it's nothing, just try to enjoy yourself".

"Mhm", The safety bar was lowered, and the ride started to move.

At first, it was a pretty tame speed, I was kinda enjoying it for a while. Then the rails started to go upward... Then... it's like falling from a steep cliff, we fell like lightning down following the rails. I almost passed out, fortunately, I can hold it back. Breathing In and out, that's what keeps me from passing out at this extreme speed.

Fortunately, it didn't last long at all, when I almost can't hold it anymore, the ride stopped. (Best Friend Name) You bastard, you lie to me.

I got down from the ride wobbly. I almost fall but Yato propped me up.

Ugh... I'm never touching this kind of ride anymore.

"Geez, that ride was fun! let's do it again!", Xue Ying said.

"...", as a response, everyone just silently looked at her.

"Uhh... no?".

Yato shook his head and said, "Let's not play anymore intense ride".

"O-oh right...", hearing that, Xue Ying looked pretty depressed.

As we walked around, trying to find a good-not-so-intense ride. I saw an interesting stall. It sells cotton candy with shapes. There's a tree shape, a person shape, and much more. I should say it's very unique.

Maybe because I stopped and looked at the stall for a while, Yato thought I want it so he want me to choose one. At first, I want to decline, but I never had cotton candy before so I want to try it. In the end, I choose the teddy shape one. Don't ask why. it just happen.


There are so many fun games at the carnival other than the rides. Like shooting ducks which Yato actually excels at. He hit all the ducks with 100% accuracy.

As for the prize, he pick a hair clipper and gave it to me. I wouldn't say I like something like this, but it's a prize which makes it valuable.

As we played a bit more, the sun started to become even hotter and I started to sweat. Fortunately, I don't know what fabric my clothes use but it absorbs sweat like a sponge without making me uncomfortable at all. Even so, the heat is still bothering me and I felt hungry.

"Let's rest for a while", Yato said.

We rested for a while, in the restaurant at the carnival. I don't know that there's any restaurant here at all.

Just like the other places, the place is empty of customers. At first, I suspected that it was a holiday for the carnival but there's no way, the staff is still here and ready after all.

But then again, where are all the people?. As I started getting even more suspicious, it was time for me to pick the menu.

We sat at a rectangle table. Yato sits in front of me. Xue Ying, Xue Jue, and Michael sat at another table.

But the three maids are still standing behind me without any intention to find a table at all.

"Um, how about them?", I asked Yato, I'm still inexperienced in things like this.

"You three, find a place to sit", Yato immediately commanded them.

The maids bowed and found another table to sit on.

"Listen Yiyi, they are your people so you are the one that should give orders", Yato reminded me. But I'm not used to being served like this.

"I-I'll try".

"Then for trial, how about you order their food?".

"Eh? why me?", I pointed at myself, can't they just order it themself? I mean I don't even know what they like and dislike.

"Just try it".

"O-okay...", I looked through the menu... and I don't know what the hell is written in the book. Like, what is Scrithczaphin? huh? is that Russian? and why was it written in such a way... Ughh I'm not good with this...

"Having a hard time?", Yato looked at me playfully.

"...", I wouldn't say a hard time, but I truly know nothing at all.

"Haha, how about you ask my help?", Yato still sitting there with a slight smile on his face.

"...tell me how to order...", I said with a very small voice.

"huh? I can't hear you".

"Nggh", I looked at the other table, fortunately, they didn't look this way.

"Help me order", This time I use a voice that only both of us can hear.

"That doesn't sound like a request to me. Where is the 'please'?".

"P-please...", At this time I can only swallow my gut and say it in a very shy manner that I don't even realize.

When I realize it, the shot was fired and I couldn't take it back of course. I can only sit there, feeling hot on my face and my hand stretched holding the menu book with the gestures of giving it to him.

With a small laugh, Yato took the menu book and started ordering. After the food arrived we started eating and we stayed for a while to let the food get digested.

After a while, we continue playing again.

And lastly, Yato invited me to ride a Ferris wheel, just the two of us.

We were silent all the time on the ride until the Ferris wheel stopped spinning when we are at the highest point.

"Um, something wrong...", I looked at Yato and saw him looking at me calmly. I somehow have a feeling he's the one that planned this.

"How do you feel?", he asked.

"I-I'm fine... I guess", Why did he ask that for?.

"Are you having fun?".

"Uh, yeah", I mean, this is my first time having this much fun. So I'm very happy actually.


Is that all?.

"... I... actually have another present for you. but promise me, don't show it to anyone... ever", Yato kept quiet for a while and then said.

"not even my father?", I asked.


What is it? first my mom and now him, why shouldn't I tell anyone? I just got here but I immediately have so many promises. I don't even know whether any will slip in the future.

"But, what if I accidentally show it?".

"No, this shouldn't be shown to anyone otherwise You, me, and everyone will be in danger".

"I-I...", I can't answer at all. I can't be sure myself but why is it so dangerous?.

"... Hm... haha... hahaha", Suddenly Yato laughed.


"You actually believe that? hahaha".

"Y-you lied?".

"Ahaha... okay well... yeah I am. There's no way I will give something that dangerous even if I have it to my dear little sister".

But... he sounds so serious just now...

"Well, let's get down shall we?", Yato took out his phone and tapped it a few times. The Ferris wheel started to spin again and after we reach the bottom, we both got off.

The sun was setting as well. So we all go back to the villa.

On the way, my mind always wandering to the time at the Ferris wheel. Is he really lying or...

I can't decide.