
Special Transmigrated Life

Too lazy to find a fit description

TreasurerOfDreams · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

"I want to talk about Yiyi education".

My education? ah, now that I think about it. I'm probably at the age of a middle schooler right?.

"Hmm, it's probably already the third year in junior high school for someone her age. If she joins now though, she might have a hard times since she skip classes without knowing anything or we could just let her enroll from the first year", Xue Jue was the first to suggest.

"I don't think it's good to let her enter as a freshman at her age, it would be pretty embarrassing to let her converse with children younger than her. But I guess she is pretty small for someone to notice", Said Xue Ying.

"Enrolling her now is a bad idea, she can either skip class and immediately went to senior high school or go to junior high school third year as a transfer student. The reason being if she was enrolled as the first year, then she would be always steps too late with children her age", Michael said.

"Hah, you guys are really stupid, just home school her", Yato immediately went and suggest his idea, but rather in a rude way.

"Home school?".

"Yeah, if she is homeschooled then it's easier to monitor her health, don't forget she just woke up from a coma. Not only that, it doesn't matter if she was late or not, if she can finish all middle school lessons in a year then she can just enroll in high school by the time the freshman year".

"Haha, as usual, Yato, you always had a great Idea", Lin Mengyuan smiled, "Indeed I was planning on homeschooling her but before that, I want to hear your thought because you four are her siblings. But it seems like it was already a correct decision".

"Good, then I'm going to find a great teacher for her!", Xue Ying said enthusiastically.

"There's no need for that, I already invited madam Qura to teach her", Lin Mengyuan raised his hand in a stop gesture.

"M-madam Qura?! But she's too strict! what will happen to Yiyi if she tries to discipline her".

"Well, how about we hear what Yiyi thought on this?".

"Yiyi? what do you think? Madam Qura might be very strict on her lessons but she is the best of the best out there. Evidently, the student she teaches has not only been very successful but also understands the world better than others".

Uhh, I don't really know what to say. I mean... what if I made a mistake? will she hit me? or what if I can't learn quickly?.

"Well... I will listen to my father about it", I decided to accept it anyway, it doesn't matter, I will only try my best. Besides from the looks of it my father goes a long way to invite her by their tone. Also, I still have the bits of knowledge from my past life so I hope they will help.

"Good, then how about you all talk for a while? I have something to do for a while. You four keep her company will you?", Lin Mengyuan said and then left.

"Hey...", I hear Yato calling me.

"Yes?", I responded.

"What do you want to do?", He asked.

Well, there's not particularly anything I want to do. But I don't think that's an option.

"How about we go shopping?", Xie Ying suggested.

"No, too boring, let's go to the zoo", Xue Jue immediately declined her suggestion and suggested something himself.

"Huh? what do you mean boring? You boys won't get it, Right? Yiyi?", Xie Ying humped and then turned toward me. No, please don't look at me I don't know anything at all.

So I kept silent.

"Hey", Yato called me again, "If you have nothing to do, how about I bring you somewhere?".

"Hm? where?".

"If you want to then let's go, if not then nevermind", Yato doesn't answer my question at all. He only give me two option whether to accept or decline.

"Well... I want to go", He's pretty eccentric isn't he?.

"Good, then prepare yourself, your new maids will help you". Well I am still wearing my pajamas.

"Okay...Ah!", I stood up slowly and when I looked back wanting to go to my room, I was immediately surprised by the three maids that was actually standing behind me. When did they're here? I didn't hear their footsteps at all!. Because of how surprised I am, I immediately jumped back and was going to fall.

"Careful", Fortunately, Michael came to support me from behind. His face is too close that I can feel his breath on my face.

"T-thank you", I immediately stood up myself. I can feel the heat on my face for some reason. That was embarrassing though but I'm really surprised so it's not my fault okay?.

"It's okay, be careful next time", Michael gave a slight smile, his smile is small but earnest.

Well then, followed by the three maids Yato gave me, I went back to my room. After I arrived to my room, I stopped and looked at the three maids.

"So, introduce yourself", I've been wondering what their name was from the first time. Yato didn't say either.

"Miss can call us whatever you want", One of the maid said, from the looks of it, she was the oldest.

"Umm, don't you guys have a name?", I asked.

"We don't have a name, so if miss want to, you can give us a name".

"Well, okay... then...", I started thinking about their names,

The oldest looking girl, foreign looking girl that looks like from japan, Yuka

The other two which is actually a twins, One of the had a mole below her left eye, Baiyu.

The other one which also had a mole below her right eye, Kiryu.

After naming the three of them I was about to bath myself but I doesn't really know how, considering I'm in this body not too long ago. Besides, I haven't bathe on my own from day one. Though it's a little embarrassing if I'm being bathed by someone my age and a new people I met on top of that.

Unfortunately, what I thought is weird seems pretty normal for them, they seems to be experienced so i let go of myself. Though, I kept feeling hot on my face throughout the process.


Finally we're finished, the clothes I use is pretty complicated to wear so the three girls also helped me.

What I wear for this occasion is a simple white and black dress which the three girls suggested after they asked which clothes I want but can't answer myself.

After wearing the dress and a black ribbon with my hair tied into a braid by Kiryu, which I'm already used to, mind you, I was about to went downstairs but I paused halfway.

I went back to my room and looked at the almost human size teddy bear on my bed.

"Mmm... should I brought it?", I asked myself aloud.

"But it's embarrassing...".

"But then again, I promise to bring it wherever... though...".


In the end, I choose to bring it with me, I never broke a promise before and not gonna do it now. Though, I might have to get used to this. But what could be worse? I mean in the first place I am in girl's body right now so yeah, diz is pretty tame.

When I got downstairs, I saw the four of them still sitting in the sofas, but when Xue Ying saw me, she immediately clamored and went forward to hug me, "Wow! as I thought Yiyi is the cutest!".

Ahh... as expected this is embarrassing.

"Hey Xue Ying, her body is still weak remember?", Yato said.

"Ah! I'm sorry Yiyi, are you okay? anywhere hurt?", Xue Ying immediately released my and carefully asked.

"No, I'm fine", i answered truthfully, nothing is hurt at all, except for my moral standing of course.

"Anyway, since you're ready, then lets leave now. Ah remember to bring your maids with you".

"O-oh okay".

"Yu- wah!", When I turned back, I immediately surprised once again by the three of them that's already behind me. Though this time, is not as bad as the first one.

"You-huh?", After I calmed down from my surprise, I noticed that they themself has already weared a casual clothes.

... Looks like they're very prepared.

"My chauffeur is here, come one".

We went outside and saw a extended rolls royce car in front of the villa's gate.

"I don't want us to look too obvious so I use my cheapest car. Hope you don't mind, Yiyi?", Yato asked me as I stood there speechlessly.

"...", No seriously, I... hah... I can only sighed in my mind as I imagine how long would I need to work to be able to rent this car. Yeah that's right 'rent' not 'buy' as you imagine.

"Anyway all of you get into the car", Yato said as he entered first.

I entered last and sat between Kiryu and Baiyu.

After I entered, the car started and we went away.

Too lazy to add a chapter title. Might add it in the future.

TreasurerOfDreamscreators' thoughts