
Special Transmigrated Life

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TreasurerOfDreams · Teen
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7 Chs

Madam Qura

A few days later. Morning

I was still sleeping when a loud footstep sounded outside my room.

The door to my room snapped open and a silver-haired woman in her 30s entered the room. As I was still deeply asleep, I don't expect it myself.

The woman looked at me and then looked at her pocket watch. She stood there for a while until I slowly opened my eyes.

The first thing I hear in the morning is.

"Late by 20 minutes, we need to fix that".

"W-waah! w-who are you?!", I was immediately surprised that I almost jumped out of my bed.

"Greetings, Miss Lin, I will be your home school teacher from this point on".

"Home school teacher? are you Madam Qura?", I was confused at first, but then I remember my father said he invited a home school teacher for me.

"Hmm, /Good Memory and Pretty good awareness/, I am indeed what people called Madam Qura but from now on you will call me Teacher", Madam Qura nodded as she /mumbled a few words/ and then explained to me.

"A-ah I see... T-then teacher, what are you doing in my room?".

"I'm here to record your morning activities from when you wake up to when you sleep. So don't mind me for now and just do what you usually do".



So I did my usual morning activities as Madam Qura watched me. After eating breakfast, bath(with the maid's help) of course she didn't watch this one, and then basking in the sun, then when to my dad's private library to reading a few great books I found.

When I read, I realized that I can understand everything faster, no, faster is an understatement. Everything I read is as if being carved in my brain, I can't forget it at all. As long as I saw a word I can remember it and can't forget it no matter how I tried. That led me to think that, this body might be one of those so-called geniuses.

Though that works for me as well. After all, previously in my 'last life' I need to read a book so many times just to remember some of its content. Now I can remember a book by just looking at the content once. Of course, I can't not only remember everything but understand the inside as well. As for contemplating the content of the books, I don't have that kind of intention. I only read books to kill time and these books just so happen to pique my interest and that's all.

"I see that you are only looking at the page for a while and then flipping it, I wonder if you understand any of it, or are you just doing this to impress me", Madam Qura seems to dislike what I'm doing as well.

"I'm just interested in the book, I have no such intention of doing this just to impress you... teacher", I answered truthfully.

"Hmm...", Madam Qura nodded and started writing something in her notebook which she probably brought from the start, I don't know.

"Is there anything else?", I asked.

"No, feel free to continue".

Since there's nothing else, I continue to read some more books mostly by the author called, Ash Kentley. She's a wonderful writer and the contents of her books were just spot on. Does it come from her experience or is it just something she just thought of? anyway no matter, I was too absorbed in her writing that I can't help but forgot the time.

It was until my stomach was aching that I finally realized how late it was. When I turned back, Madam Qura was still sitting there, though this time in front of her was a full meal.

"I see you have finished".

"I-I'm sorry, I'm too absorbed in reading I forgot about the time".

"Well, that's fine... for now. Here, I told the kitchen to prepare some food for you, it's already way past lunchtime so I bring it here".

"Thank you... Um... what about you, teacher?".

"I have already eaten, you can eat it yourself".

"A-ah okay".

It was my usual meal, though they add a little more portion to it. I don't know if it's the chef that adds that portion by themself or if it is by the order of Madam Qura. But the highest probability is that it is by Madam Qura's order. Though, it perfectly fits with how much I want to eat.

After eating, I went back to read again. To be honest, I don't have that many schedules at all.

Reading might just be an activity that I became interested in because of boredom, who knows.

Anyway, All I did is reading until it was dinner. I absorbed maybe about 1/100 of all of the books in the library, the number might seem small, but my father's library fits almost 10.000 books so you can imagine how many books I read. Of course, Madam Qura followed me on my reading adventure.

At the dinner table.

My father has returned from his job. Now that I think about it, I never know what his job is. Well, I also never asked I guess. Though I have an urge to ask, I always ask myself, why do I ask? what am I doing with that kind of information? in the end, I felt conflicted with myself and never asked. It's just so weird. It's just a job but I always thought so much.

"So, how was your day?", He asked me the usual question he asks when he got home.

"As usual, but I have company this time", I answered. Then I gave a side glance at Madam Qura that is sitting beside me.

"Is that so, would you rather something special happen?", Lin Mengyuan chuckled. Though, that's a rather peculiar way to say "are you bored?".

"...", Somehow I feel like I want to. Probably because of my greyed-out ordinary past life, I was only doing things repeatedly every day I'm sick of it. Now that I am transmigrated, probably to a different world, to a different body, I thought that it would change. I want to have a change of pace. I want to do more than everyday things.

"I guess you would", Somehow, my father read my mind. Probably because of my unsure expression but I'm sure that he's not just guessing it.

"Then what if I tell you that I have a great place for you".


"But unfortunately, you wouldn't be ready to enter that place with how you are now".

"T-then, tell me what place is it?", I asked, even as far as doing a cute gesture for that. You might be wondering why am I doing such a cute gesture? Of course, so he will tell me about it. A few days ago, I accidentally do it when asking him about something... A little private, then he answered it like lightning. Then I run a test and figured that 100% times, he will do what I say if I do a cute gesture in front of him. Humiliating? yes. Benefitting? Absolutely. Fortunately, if you do it lots of times, you won't even realize that you did it. A little scary yes?.

"It's-- Hmm, how about you let Madam Qura tell you?", He looked like he want to say it but he hold back at the last second. Instead, he told me to ask Madam Qura, my new teacher.

"T-teacher, tell me, what kind of place did my dad tell me? is it that great?".

"... Well, I wouldn't say it's a wonderful place. At that place, you are forged with many trials to become a person worthy of contributing to society. The competition there is fierce, of course, and the reward is also intriguing".

"Then, that place is called?".

"World Class Advanced Nurturing School, Ikura Kousei High School".

"Ikura Kousei High School?".

"It was formerly placed in japan. Because of its extremely successful attempts at making students with world-shaking achievements, other countries were interested in making of such a school. As a result, a world-class conference was made and the result was Ikura Kousei High School which was formerly on japan was moved to a big unhabited Island in the Pacific Ocean".

"To honor its former land, the name remains unchanged and now students from all over the world can join... or at least that is what they see on the surface. Unfortunately, it was not the grade on your entrance exam that will let you enter the school but it was the students that the government deemed worthy that can enter. So no matter if you have bad grades, you can still join".

"But unfortunately, Miss Lin seems to be unable to participate due to not having a student identity", I was very hyped up when hearing her explanation but it's like I hit a ceiling, the feeling immediately drops down as fast as lightning.

"Then again... I guess that's why your father Invited me", My hope that come crashing down was lightened again.

"T-teacher, do you have a way?", I asked, almost like pleading.

"I do have a way, but it would depend on your effort".

"Please tell me, I will do anything".

"From tomorrow on, I will teach you a lot of things. I will use a grading system, depending on your results, I will grade you accordingly. At the end of the year, just a little before the school itself recruits, If you can satisfy me with an A grade, I will let you enroll in the school".

"I-If I failed?".

"Then, unfortunately, you can only enroll at an ordinary High school".

"Then I won't fail!", I immediately said aloud, I don't know if it's for them to hear or for myself... or both.

"We'll see".