
Souls Hero Academia

Izuku Midoriya always wanted to be a hero. He was a sweet, cheerful child who was always bullied for not having a quirk. Powerless, Izuku took the beatings and one day, snapped. Ending his life from the top of the building. He never even imagined his fate upon death. !UndeadIzuku! (BNHA x Dark Souls crossover) Cover art by: PLeeZY56 Join my discord! discord.gg/xdCfdpe

IAmGuavaFruit · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

The USJ - Grave Situation

Izuku was falling. He could feel the air rushing into his armor as he fell from an incredibly high place. When he opened his eyes, he saw a huge body of water beneath him.

'This is bad!' Izuku mentally screamed as he unequipped everything he had on his person, except for his hero costume. Once that was done, he crashed into the water. Opening his eyes once again, he saw a shark-mutant coming straight at him.

Gathering upon the pool of experience he had hidden in his mind, he got ready to take the attack head on, which was a massive jaw.

"Sorry kid, nothin' personal!" the shark-man said under the water, which Izuku heard loud and clear as the shark-man tried to chomp his head off. Tried being the keyword.

Izuku grabbed the mouth of the shark-man with his two hands and held it open. The shark-man, surprised at the resistance, tried chomping down harder, but he could not win against the strength of Izuku.

He could lift the Dragon's Tooth with one hand after all, which was incredibly heavy. Couple that with the Havel Set, then Izuku could probably lift a car no problem.

The shark-man also noticed one thing. The emerald teen wasn't suffocating under the water. It almost looked like the teen didn't need air to survive.

Which he was totally correct about, not that he knew it.

Izuku forced the shark-man's mouth open, and blew. A purple fog which mixed with the water went inside the shark-man's mouth, causing the shark-man to retreat and cough up blood.

A lot of blood.

'Huh… Apparently, poison works better on humans…' Izuku thought as he swam upwards, ignoring the shark-man coughing up huge amounts of blood. 'He would probably die in less than a few seconds… I'll have to limit its use… Hope nobody connects it to me.'

Izuku reached the surface, and was pulled onto a boat by a long tongue, a tongue whose owner was his classmate.

"Midoriya! Are you alright?" Tsuyu asked with worry as she stared at the soaked teen. Izuku began simulating coughing noises to disguise the fact that he didn't need air to live.

It was too early for anybody to learn this.

"I-I'm fine… I'm l-lucky that one o-of the villains bumped into t-the one who was t-trying to kill m-me," Izuku said between coughs as he stared at the water. Tsuyu seemed incredibly worried at their situation. Suddenly, another scream pierced their ears. The two of them looked for the source, which seemed to be inside the body of water.

A purple-haired teen swimming for his life away from another villain could be seen on the water. Tsuyu immediately went into action and jumped into the water to save the purple-haired teen.

While she did that, Izuku was busy formulating a plan to escape this deadly predicament.

In all honesty, Izuku could just blitz through everybody on the water since he didn't need to breathe. All he needed to do was equip Hazel's set and sink to the bottom. The villains who came too close would then be subjected to the brutal end of his Dragon's Tooth.

But with his classmates here, that option was thrown out of the window. Izuku needed to create a plan where his classmates would survive. Just when he was about to finalize his plans, Izuku heard a thud beside him and saw terrified, purple-haired teen bawling his eyes out.

"I'M ALIVE!" Mineta screamed as he hugged the frog teen, and touched her breasts, which then prompted the frog teen to throw him onto the deck, hard. "ACK!?"

Seeing this, Izuku had a migraine.

'Is this what Patches saw in undead and humans? If it is, then I understand why he would kick anybody down a cliff,' Izuku thought as he glared at Mineta.

"You know, we're in a dire situation right now, and you still had the guts to molest a classmate?" Izuku snarled at the small teen, who retreated back in to a wall.

"A-Ah! I-I'm sorry! Won't happen again!" Mineta wailed as he pleaded mercy, which Izuku granted him for the moment because of the villains down in the water.

"Anyway, Asui, how fast can you swim?" Izuku asked Tsuyu, who corrected him by letting him use her first name instead of her family name, in which Izuku just relented.

"Tsuyu, how fast can you swim?" Izuku asked Tsuyu once again as Tsuyu contemplated on her speed in water.

"To be honest, not that fast," Tsuyu honestly responded. "At least, I can't outswim the villains in the water."

"Hmm… All right, I have a plan," Izuku called Mineta who was still cowering beside the wall, when he suddenly burst into irritation.

"HOW CAN YOU TWO BE SO CALM IN THIS SITUATION!?" the grape-headed teen exclaimed as he pointed towards the two teens who seemed too calm. Izuku just sighed while Tsuyu closed her eyes.

"I am scared," Tsuyu replied, arms shaking a bit in fear. "I'm just doing my best to stay alive and help others. That's what heroes do right?"

"Well said, Tsuyu. As for me… Let's just say I have a switch inside my head whenever danger approaches," Izuku said as he pointed at his head. Back before he was teleported, he was panicking a bit at the sight of the fog gate, thus the lack of action against the portal mutant back at the entrance.

'That was stupid of me,' Izuku berated himself. It was only during the transfer that the switch inside his mind was flipped. Normally he was a kind and caring teen, albeit a bit expressionless and aloof, but when his mind was flipped, be wary since this is when the ruthless and terrifying parts of him come out.

He isn't afraid to kill. He isn't afraid to dirty his hands in blood, there's too much of it already anyway. He won't show mercy towards enemies, no. In the past maybe, but his experiences in Lordran made him a firm believer of, 'If the enemy is dead, there is nobody that can backstab you if you turn your back.'

Although he will try to hold back since his enemies are humans, beings incredibly inferior to undead. That, and he doesn't want to let anybody know that he killed people, since it's a very strict law in this world.

"So, Mineta, you manning up? Or you staying a wuss?" Izuku taunted Mineta, who was grinding his teeth so hard, Izuku could hear it from a few meters away.

"GODDAMN IT! I CAN BE A HERO TOO!" Mineta exclaimed as he approached the two, resolve present in his eyes. Izuku smiled at the teen.

'Everybody can be redeemed, though some are too far gone to be redeemed. It seems that Mineta can still be a hero… Although it would be better if his habit would just be erased,' Izuku thought as he tried to open his mouth, but didn't get the chance to because the boat they were on was split in half.

When he looked at the water, some villains could be seen glaring at the three, or more specifically, Izuku.

'It seems they figured out who killed one of them,' Izuku assumed as he locked his gaze on Tsuyu, who was panicking with Mineta.

"I'll buy time, you two head for the shore as fast as you can," Izuku took out Caesti and equipped it on both hands.

"Are you crazy!?" Tsuyu exclaimed as she stared at Izuku with wide eyes. "If anything, it should be me who buys time! I'm better at underwater combat than you!"

"True, but you're the fastest swimmer, and Mineta has his sticky balls to delay the villains," Izuku retorted as he pressured the frog girl as the boat was sinking deeper. "We don't have much time, just trust me on this, I'll meet you at the shore!"

Izuku quickly leapt off the deck and left the two shocked teens. As Izuku plummeted to the water, he was met by a villain wearing some type of scuba gear with claws on his hands.

"Well looky here, the trainee who kills villains, ain't that fantastic?" the villain scoffed at the emerald teen who just glared at the group of villains. "Before he died though, he specifically told us, that you can hold your breath underwater for a long time, wonder how long could you last?"

The scuba wearing villain cackled madly as the group of villains dashed towards Izuku. Izuku however, noticed that the villain was separating the villains, the other half probably after the escaping two.

'Not on my watch!' Izuku once again puffed up his chest, and released the poison fog, only this time, it was larger than before and mixed with the water. The villains were shocked at the volume of the poison, which then affected every villain approaching Izuku.

"What the hell kid!? Are you really tryin' to be a hero!?" the scuba wearing villain exclaimed, flabbergasted at the scene.

"Heh, funny you should ask," Izuku chuckled and glared at the villain. "Who said that heroes aren't allowed to kill?"

'Although I won't try too hard...' Izuku mentally told himself.

From there, the slaughter commenced.


While Izuku was busy in the flood area, Aizawa was busy fighting in the main plaza. There were a bunch of villains encircling him. Here he was, alone and cornered. But most importantly…

He wasn't there with his students.

This enraged him. Aizawa may be strict, but that was because he cared. He didn't wish to see one of his students kicking the bucket this early.

Aizawa dodged an incoming punch and broke the villain's elbow, while erasing the quirks of ranged attackers. Quicky following up on his erasing quirk, Aizawa rushed towards the group of ranged attacking villains while dodging the occasional jab and hook, never letting his eyes leave the group.

His senses were honed, and he trusted it with his life. He could sense an incoming punch with only his ears. And he could sense whether a villain was incapacitated with just a kick or punch to the right area.

That's how experienced he is. As a hero with only a supporting quirk, Aizawa had to learn the hard way on fighting villains. And with his unique weapon, he was a nightmare to fight against one on one.

But this wasn't a one on one, it was an army versus a single man, and it didn't look good. Aizawa's breathing was getting heavier and heavier, but as he continued beating up the villains, he could see the end.

Sadly, the villains weren't done yet.

"Aizawa, is that how heroes are supposed to fight villains? Using excessive violence?" the cerulean teen covered in hands asked the pro. "What a load of bull! Categorizing one part of violence as justice and the other as evil! It's not fair!"

The teen just madly howled as his insane eyes glared at the pro.

"Whatever, Nomu, time to end this mini-boss," in an instant, Aizawa found himself in front of the huge, black creature right next to the teen. He used his quirk against the creature, but it was ineffective.

"GAH!?" Aizawa howled out in pain as the creature grabbed his arm, and snapped it like a twig. Aizawa retreated quickly as he dashed towards the cerulean teen.

'If this teen is the commander, then!' Aizawa used his other elbow to quickly dispatch the teen. The elbow landed, but the result wasn't as he expected.

"Tsk, tsk, Aizawa. You're supposed to fight the frontline first before going to the backline! It's just common sense, rIGhT?" the teen's insane laughter could be heard along with the decaying of skin.

Aizawa gritted his teeth in pain. Suddenly, Aizawa found himself faceplanting on the floor, hard. Aizawa resisted the incoming blackness trying to creep up on him. He was exhausted, he was hurt, he was dying.

"That all you got? I guess Aizawa is lower than a mini-boss. Couldn't even fight against a Strength build," the teen muttered under his breath.

Aizawa mustered up his remaining strength, but wasn't able to as his vision blurred. The last thing he saw was a pointy, steel helmet.


"Midoriya! Are you fine? No major injuries?" Tsuyu asked Izuku who was bringing himself onto the shore after a few minutes of slaugh- I mean, fighting.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Izuku replied with a smile. "Anyway, we should regroup with the others."

"I'm just glad you're safe," Tsuyu sighed in relief as Mineta stared at the teen.

'I guess he isn't that bad after all,' Mineta nodded as he stared at Izuku.

"Let's go," Izuku led the two, stealthily going around the place, but when they reached the plaza…

What Izuku saw made him snap. And a few seconds later, made Izuku fear.

'No… no no no no no… NO!' Izuku nearly had a mental breakdown, for in his vision, a legion of knights could be seen fighting against each other and the villains.

Farron's Undead Legion, the Abyss Watchers have arrived.