

Bakugo hates soulmates with his entire being. He hates talking about them ,seeing them , basically anything to do with them. So when he finds out the girl he has dreams about is his. He isn't to happy,but will risk his life over his pride ? Katsumi is normal girl in normal world. No powers ,no soulmates. So when she wakes up with blood on her hands and a totally different place. She doesn't know what or who to believe.

Katsumi_333 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

Katsumi walked out of the dorms and headed towards the training fields . She was dressed in work out clothes and her bag on her shoulder. She sighed . Mina annoyed her all day about the Bakugo incident . She didn't know if she wanted to even tell her. They weren't very close . And it was kinda embarrassing . Besides she didn't want Bakugo to feel uncomfortable . What if she told her and he would never trust her again or what if he'd never hold her again . She put her bag down at the edge of the field and walked towards the middle . She stretched getting ready to warm up . She began her warm up . Her mind full of thoughts . What if he doesn't feel the same way ? And it was all just a big mistake to him . She shook her head . Of course it wasn't a mistake , right ? They were supposed to be soulmates . That had to mean something . The world chose them to be together , it couldn't have chosen wrong . " Ugh , this is so confusing " she said out loud to herself . She threw her arms up in anger . "No , no calm down " she said to herself . " Just practice for a little while ". If anyone heard her they would think she's crazy . She held up her arm and aimed at the dummy she put up infront of her . She waited . She took a deep breath . She shot at the dummy , letting the explosions go and exhaling . It hit the dummy but it left a ringing sound in her ears . She grabbed her arm in pain .She looked over at the dummy which was now nothing but rags . " How can he do this so easily ?" She asked to the air . "Maybe because you're doing it so badly " she heard a voice behind her . She turned around to find the man in question walking over to her . Her eyes went wide at the sight of him . Her eyes roamed his figure . He was wearing a blank tank top , which showed off his arms . Katsumi blushed and quickly looked away . " You're not supposed to give such a big explosion at a small target " he said now in front of her . Bakugo looked her over . He looked back at her eyes , making sure she didn't notice . " Oh " she said looking at the rags of the dummy .He looked at the dummy next to the rags . " Try shooting that one but with a smaller explosion" he said nodding towards it . She aimed at the dummy , ready to shoot . He touched her arm , fixing it's position . " Aim like this " he said .Katsumi blushed but nodded anyways . She got ready with the new position and shot . It hit the dummy . There was a barely any ringing and her arm didn't hurt as much . " Wow " she said with awe "Thanks Bakugo " looking over at him . He looked away and tch'ed . " it's no big deal" he said " it's my quirk after all " . She smiled at him ." Thanks anyways " She said "hey , um Bakugo ?" She asked . Bring her arm down ." What is it ?" He said folding his arms . " Uh … maybe you could … show me some more tricks sometime " she said looking away . Bakugo was taken back ." You don't have to if you don't want to " she said rubbing her arm with her hand . " Fine " he said . Katsumi looked at him with shocked eyes . " But only because you're so bad " he said . Katsumi smiled " thanks , it means a lot" she said . " But there's something I wanted to ask you " he said turning around ." It's about your quirk " . He looked over his shoulder at her expression . " I don't know if I can say " she said looking away again . " I know about One for All " he said . Katsumi looked back at him shocked . He stood in her direction again . " Does your quirk have something to do with it " he said but it sounded more like a statement . " Well my dad thinks so " she said looking in to the distance . " Why did you have new quirks yesterday ?" He asked looking at her face . "Well , while you guys were out practicing . I found out something new about my quirk ." She said and looked at him . " Bakugo what I'm about to tell you , you have to promise to not tell another soul " she said with a serious face . " I promise " he said . " No one can find out about this …" she said and looked away again " you see … When I was alone . I created a quirk . I didn't get this quirk from anyone else . I made it . And the more I trained … I was able to make quirks . That fire quirk I used yesterday , the healing quirk " she said naming a few " I created them all " she looked towards him again , trying to read his expression . "You can create quirks …" he trailed off . " If any Villian found about this Bakugo …" she trailed off as well . "It could be chaos for the world … millions of people could die …" she said holding her arms against her . " That won't happen … we'll make sure of it " he said with determination .Katsumi smiled at him . " Is that why you were crying yesterday ?" He asked looking at her . " No … it was for different reasons …" she said glancing away . " What reasons ?" He said and sub consciously walked closer to her. "It's … uh … I don't think you would understand" she said holding herself tighter. " Try me " he said and took another step closer . Katsumi looked at him , his body was only a few inches away from hers . " You'd think I was complaining or that I was over reacting " she laughed lightly. "Why would I think that " he said , he was so close that her arm brushed against his torso . She sighed "It's just … " she trailed off ." Just what ?" His voice was so low it was just above a whisper. " I … I feel so Alone " she said looking into his eyes . Tears in her eyes . She turned away and whipped at her eyes . " See … I'm over reacting … everyone's just busy … they don't have time to worry about me " she said and chuckled . Bakugo grabbed her cheek and looked into her eyes . " I don't think you're over reacting " he said softly . His other hand held her other cheek . " You lost your family and friends … how can't you not feel lonely " he smiled softly at her . Tears began to fall . Katsumi sobbed and hugged Bakugo . He held her close and let her cry into his shirt . He rested his head on hers and comforted her . "You can't keep this all to yourself " he said " believe me … I know " . Katsumi looked up at him ,face red with tears . "Will you keep me company… ? " She asked rubbing her eyes . Bakugo was taken aback he didn't expect that. He thought for a moment . He could tell them that he couldn't come .He sighed and nodded. " Always " he said and held her close again . She seemed to calm down a little by that . "Come on … we can go to my room " he said . Katsumi nodded after she looked at him again . "Ok " she said and sniffed . He picked her up into his arms and she put her arms around his neck . He looked down at her . Her big brown eyes staring back at him . He smiled at her before he headed for her bag . He picked it up and put it on his shoulder . He walked back to the dorms . This reminded him of the time he had saved her from Villians . Only then he didn't feel this way about her . And then he didn't have all these thoughts about her swirling in his head . His got snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Katsumi lean against his chest . "I'm glad that my chosen soulmate was you , Bakugo" she mumbled but he could still hear it . He didn't reply .