

Bakugo hates soulmates with his entire being. He hates talking about them ,seeing them , basically anything to do with them. So when he finds out the girl he has dreams about is his. He isn't to happy,but will risk his life over his pride ? Katsumi is normal girl in normal world. No powers ,no soulmates. So when she wakes up with blood on her hands and a totally different place. She doesn't know what or who to believe.

Katsumi_333 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

Bakugo opened his dorm room door , with much difficulty . It would've been worse if someone was here . He kicked the door shut behind him . Katsumi had fallen asleep in his arms on the way to the dorms . He put her down on his bed . She moved onto her side and continued to sleep . Bakugo picked up his phone and let Kirishima know that he couldn't make Practice . Bakugo put down his phone not waiting for him to reply . He went to his closet and opened it . He took off his tank top and grabbed a comfortable shirt . He put it on over his head . He looked back at Katsumi who was still asleep . She looked like she was cold . He picked out a hoody for her . He lifted her up and put it on for her .He sighed and moved her up so that he could lay down next to her . He layed next to her . She put her head and hand on his chest . Bakugo held onto her hip with his one hand while the other was behind his head . He looked up at the ceiling and just layed there in the moment . He knew how she felt now . When she said those words to him at the field . He didn't what to to say but he felt ... happy . Relieved actually . He just didn't know where to go from now . How was he supposed to act after that . What were they now ? He didn't know . He didn't know if she talk to Katsumi about this . Or he could ask for advice from someone else . Both ideas he didn't quite enjoy the thought of . He didn't tell her how he felt . So she must've still been in the dark . Or did she figure it ? Was he like open book to her now ? He sighed and brought her closer . Even though she was right next to him , right in his arms . He still didn't feel close enough to her . He wanted more of her . He wanted more of her warmth . But right this moment , it would have to do . Bakugo closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep . Otherwise if he didn't fall asleep, his mind would wander to places he was quite ready for yet .

Time skip ~

Bakugo awoke from sound of gasps .He opened his eyes and groaned . He sat up straight making Katsumi 's head fall into the mattress . There in his door stood his group of friends . Kirishima , Ashido , kaminari and sero . "bakugo , you sly dog " Kaminari said . Bakugo got confused , his mind still not fully awake . Until he realized what they were seeing . Him and Katsumi sleeping on his bed and cuddled up together . His eyes went wide before they turned to anger . "what are you doing in my room ?" he asked with menace in his voice . "We were just checking if you were ok and we couldn't find katsumi so ... " Kirishima explained . "I'm gonna kill you " he said and was about to stand up when he felt someone grab his wrist . He looked over his shoulder to find Katsumi rubbing her eye and holding his wrist . "what's going on Bakugo ?" she asked with sleepy eyes . He sighed and rubbed her head " nothing , go back to sleep " he said softly to her . He turned back to the group with a deadly glare . He stood up and headed towards the door . He shoved them into the hall way and closed the door behind them . "what was that ?" Kaminari asked pointing to his room . " That was non of your goddamn business "Bakugo said grabbing kaminari by the shirt . "Hey , hey . calm down Bakugo , it was a misunderstanding . We were just looking for you after practice . And we didn't mean to walk in on you " Kirishima said . Bakugo let go of Kaminari's shirt and tch'ed . "but what was that " Kirishima asked . Bakugo snapped his head towards him . "If I may ask " he said showing his hands up in defence . " That was ... I don't know what that was " he said putting his hand on his forehead . "Is that what happened this morning ?" ashido asked with sparkles in her eyes . Bakugo didn't say anything and just looked away , folding his arms . " it was !" she said loudly . "You better not tell anyone " he said with a seriousness in his voice . "my lips are sealed !" she said "I always knew you'll get together someday !" She fangirled . "they are soulmates Ashido " sero said . "oi ,be quite you'll wake her up " bakugo said looking at the closed door . "aw bakugo's gone soft " Denki said teasing him . Bakugo launched for him but was held in place by kirshima and sero. "calm down It was a joke" denki said nervously . "I'll show you a joke " Bakugo said struggling to break free . "dude calm down ,Katsumi could wake up " Kirishima said . Bakugo stopped and calm down . "my guess is you haven't eaten yet , The foods almost ready . " Kirishima said . "fine " bakugo exhaled angrily . He looked at the closer door . He turned back to his group and then proceeded to walk downstairs . He put his hands in his pockets as he got to the table . He didn't wait long for the food . In a few minutes he had his plate and sat his usual spot at the table.

Time skip ~

Katsumi woke up , feeling cold . She looked around and saw that Bakugo was no where to be seen . Disappointment filled her as she hugged herself . Even though he wasn't here she could still smell him . She Breathed in through her nose . She loved this sweet smell . She looked down at herself to see , she was wearing his hoody . It wasn't the same as the real thing but she felt warm inside nonetheless . She smiled softly to herself . She thought about what happened before she fell asleep . "I'm happy that my chosen soulmate was you , Bakugo " . That was the last thing she said to him . ' I can't believe said that , I can't believe I said that , I can't believe I said that … ' she thought to herself . She basically confessed to him right there . She put her hands over her face as she blushed madly . "What if he doesn't feel the same ? … He didn't really answer …" she mumbled to herself .ugh , what was she going to do . She felt so embarrassed . " I see you're awake " she heard a voice say . She looked up to see Bakugo in the door way . She blushed again , seeing him in front of her . She didn't answer as she looked away , still very much embarrassed . She felt the bed sink at one part as someone got on it . She looked up to see Bakugo now by her side . She blushed more and covered her face again . " Scoot over " she heard him say . She listened and moved over so that she was very far from him . She still felt very much embarrassed at what she said . "Not that far …" she heard him say and felt two arms around her . She blushed again as she felt his warm chest against her . She looked up at him and found his crimson eyes staring back at her . Her face matched his eye colour. She was sure she would pass out from how much she was blushing . She looked away again , she seemed to be doing that a lot . Bakugo chuckled at her behaviour . " What's up with you ?" He asked her . She blushed more at his sweet laughter. She could feel the vibrations in his chest ." Nothing … just embarrassed …" she mumbled . He must have pretty good hearing because he still heard her . "Embarrassed about what ?" He asked with curiosity in his voice . "About … what … I said … " she mumbled again . He remembered what she said and blushed a little at the thought . Bakugo kept quiet at that . Katsumi wondered how he felt about her , she had told him and he was still a blank book to her . " Why didn't you answer me … before at the training field ?" She said playing with the hoody strings of the hoody she wore . " I … I didn't know what to say …" he said honestly . She looked up at him , he was looking away this time . " Do … do you feel the same …?" She asked and looked away again . He kept quite and Katsumi felt a sting in her heart . But what surprised her was the words he said next . " Yes …" he whispered . But she was able to hear him . She felt a warmness in her heart at his words . She smiled softly . " I'm glad …" she said softly to him . She scooted closer to his warmth , feeling giddy inside . He didn't say anything . He just blushed at her antics . She felt him play with her hair . Which made her Even happier . "Your hairs longer …" he said . " I know . I should probably cut it " she said tracing circles on his chest . " No … I … I like it longer …" he said and went quite again . " Ok " she smiled at his words . " So … you gonna sleep here for tonight … ?" He asked looking down at her . She looked up at him . "Do you want me to ?" She asked wanting to know what he'll say . She hoped for a yes . Because she didn't want to leave him . And ahe didn't want to go back to the coldness of her room . He didn't answer . She looked down , disappointment in her eyes . " I'll go -" she began but was cut off . "No !! " He said . She looked up shocked . " I want you here …" he said softly. She smiled at him . " Then I'll sleep here for tonight " she said . 'and hopefully for a few more nights ' was the thought going through both of their heads .