
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 12

-3rd person pov-

The Todoroki children have now been living with the Bakugou's for an approximate of 5 days now and it was going welllll


Dabi, Katsuki, and Shoto were on a two-week break from school so they've done nothing but stay at home and play video games with one another. Katsuki thought that maybe having all of Shoto's siblings living with him would be troublesome but HE WAS HAVING A BLAST and not just because he wanted to blast Dabi and Natsuo into outer space😌

He's managed to bond with every single one of them in just a matter of 5 days. Fuyumi and Katsuki cooked meals together and trash-talked Endeavor to their hearts content all while bossing the others around to do chores as well as do their homework. When Fuyumi and Katsuki were together it was the perfect combination of what the others called "Momma" 

Katsuki was extremely fond of Dabi and Natsuo when they were together it mostly ended with a bunch of screaming, breaking stuff, and surprisingly karaoke. Dabi and Natsuo were exploring their freedom for once in their life and Katsuki was more than happy to be their guide. All though a certain bi-colored beauty often got jealous of how his siblings were stealing his Katsuki time.

Shoto Todoroki was known to be very patient with everything wellllllll....except when it came to Katsuki Bakugou.  He wanted nothing more than to simply cuddle with his boyfriend on the couch without his siblings thinking that they could join as well. It was frustrating how Shoto would work up the nerve to lay his head on Katsuki's shoulder while Katsuki simply watched Tv and how if any of his siblings would witness it they would yell "ITS CUDDLE TIME WITH KATSUKI!" and jump on the couch with them.

One time Shoto was laying his head on Katsuki's lap and his brother Dabi had witnessed it and plopped on the couch next to Katsuki before laying his head on Katsuki's shoulder and the worst part was that Katsuki didn't even flinch in fact he simply patted Dabi's head! Sure Shoto thought he would just blow it off... BUT IT JUST KEPT HAPPENING OVER AND OVER AGAIN! and if it wasn't Dabi who did it, it would be Fuyumi or Natsuo or all of them combined!  Shoto hated to admit it but he was jealous of his own siblings and he felt terrible for it!

This was the first time anyone had taken them in and sheltered them from their father. Mitsuki even took all of them shopping so they could decorate their rooms if they wanted to and even bought them all clothing that they could have here! In all honesty, nobody wanted them to leave and they certainly didn't want to return home. Mitsuki had called them all into the living room one night before stating that they could honestly live here if they wanted and that she would have no problem with that!

The Todoroki children were overjoyed! They loved having Mistuki around as a parental figure sure she was loud but at least she was caring and actually made them feel loved! There was only one problem.... their father. Endeavor hadn't gone quiet in fact the first night they were away he came to the Bakugou's home with the police but the police couldn't arrest her or drag the children back home because like Mitsuki said..... it's not kidnapping if they come on their own free will!

They had free will in the Bakugou household they were able to do anything without having to have the fear that they would get hit or grounded. Mitsuki was like the perfect combination of what the Todoroki kids called "Mom-Dad" because not only was she the man of the house but she was also the woman of the house. Nobody worked harder then Mitsuki Bakugou and I mean nobody.

She was constantly coming up with new designs and having the five of her children as of recent try them on and model for her which none of them had any complaints especially since Mistuki's designs were absolutely flawless.

Overall everything was going great and just when they thought it couldn't get any better, Mitsuki Bakugou had bought them all tickets to go to Kyoto, Japan so they could spend their break on a beach! Yeah this was definitely going to be a vacation to remember....(・ω<)

-Bakugou's pov -

"Icyhot... I SWEAR IF YOU DONT LET GO OF ME ILL KICK YOUR ASS!" I yell angrily and jab Shoto in the side due to the fact that he's currently hugging the shit out of me from behind while I'm attempting to do the dishes

I hear him whine before he loosens his grip but not completely letting go. " Katsukiiii I wanna cuddleeeee" He groans I simply sigh before turning off the faucet and turning around to face him my back now being pressed against the counter. "What's up with you lately?" I ask questioningly,

lately Shoto has been acting different...

He's been clinging to me a lot more then he was before and not that I mind but he also seems off in a way and when I ask him about it he instantly goes quiet and mopes for the rest of the day.... is this what they call the depression phase? IS HE BECOMING DEPRESSED?! (no sweetie he's been depressed 😳)

I look up at him to see that he's not looking me in the eye like he usually does.... suspicious..(一-一)

I then grab his chin and lift it so that he's now forced to look me in the eye which he does hesitatingly " Are you okay...?" I ask with a gentle tone

Shoto looks shocked for a minute before smiling softly and laying his head on my shoulder before mumbling " Yeah I've just been lacking my Vitamin K..." Vitamin K? Is that like a new Vitamin you get from meat? I decide to shrug it off before pushing him off gently and stating " Go start packing for the trip you know we leave tomorrow and yet you haven't started packing your suitcase!"

Shoto lets out a loud groan before slowly dragging his feet across the living room and making his way up to our room. I simply chuckle before turning back around to continue washing the dishes, I continue to do this for a while until I feel two light pressures on both my shoulders. I turn my head and I'm immediately meet with Dabi and Natsuo I let out a loud sigh before stating " What do you two need now?"

The two look at each other before chuckling nervously " whatttttt I don't need anything! Do you need something Dabi?" Natsuo says awkwardly before nudging Dabi. " Nopeee I don't anything! Why do you think I need something?! Because I don't..... other than your mom's favorite color.... and favorite gem... BUT OTHER THEN THAT I DONT NEED ANYTHING!" Dabi states frantically.

I turn around and raise an eyebrow at them I then fold my arms across my chest " Why do you need to know my mom's favorite color and gem?" I question. The two look at each other before sighing " We want to get her a present to thank her ya know? Like just something to show that we appreciate her and all that she's doing" Dabi states before rubbing the back of his neck meanwhile Natsuo just nods in agreement.

The old hag would be happy to get a gift from these idiots even if it was a small gift...SIGHHHH. I look up at them and smirk " Well I guess we could take a look at the jewelry shop that's in the middle of town later but...." The two look at each other anxiously before I continue " You have to make sure Shoto finishes packing AND you have to help Fuyumi do the laundry!"

Natsuo and Dabi look at each other before slowly nodding and mumbling "Momma..." under their breath.  WHAT DID THESE TWO ASSHOLES JUST SAY?! I grab them both by the collar before yelling " WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!" The two of them look away before turning around and yelling " WE'RE GONNA GO HELP SHOTO NOWWWWWWW" 

It was at that moment I hear Shoto yell a response "NOOOO STAY AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE" Dabi and Natsuo frantically make their way up the stairs casually shoving each other in the process.... god I'm surrounded by idiots...

"Hey Kat! Should I start getting dinner ready?" Fuyumi pops out of nowhere scaring the shit out of me " OH MY FUCKING GOD.... oh Yumi it's just you" Fuyumi giggles at my reaction before continuing " So you guys are going shopping later?" I look up at her and nod "Yup we're going to buy my mom a gift" Fuyumi the starts twiddling with her thumbs before softly mumbling " Can I go with you guys?..."

I look at her and shrug " I don't know why you're even asking, of course, you can come with us dumbass" I see her smile and she nods before she walks away leaving me in the kitchen by myself. I finish up the dishes... finally and make my way upstairs to check on icyhot because knowing him he's probably sleeping instead of packing.

"Halfie I swear if you aren't packing I'm going to kick you" I open the door to my room to find .... Shoto sitting in his suitcase? I look over on my bed and find Dabi and Natsuo looking at Shoto with fear in their eyes...THESE DUMBASSES! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING I TOLD YOU TO HELP HIM PACK NOT TO PACK HIM!"  Dabi and Natsuo look at each other before pointing at Shoto "HE STARTED IT!"

Shoto looks up before turning his head away in disgust " I did no such thing... KATSUKI THEY STARTED IT!"  I feel my right eye begin to twitch.....WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! Dabi begins yelling at Shoto and it turns into a heated argument, I stare at them completely dumbstruck until Natsuo gets up from the bed and makes his way towards me.

"What exactly happened?" I whisper to Natsuo who is now standing next to me. Natsuo shakes his head before sighing " Shoto got angry at Dabi for repeating to say "water is wet" WHEN WE ALL KNOW IT ISNT!" I look over at Natsuo and it seems he's now going crazy as well... ONLY THESE THREE IDIOTS WOULD FIGHT OVER SOMETHING SO STUPID! Everyone knows water isn't wet duh..... sigh stupid.

I continue to watch them as they continue to yell at each other like squawking birds before I've had enough " LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHITS!" Dabi and Shoto both slowly turn to face me and I make my way towards them now standing 2 feet in front of them

"Dabi I told you to help him pack NOT to start fighting."  I say sternly. Dabi's eyes go wide and he then points to Shoto "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THIS LIL SHIT STARTED IT!" Shoto then puts his hand on his chest and puts an obviously fake hurt expression on his face before yelling " WELL IM SORRY FOR BEING SO INTELLIGENT YOUR TINY BRAIN JUST CANT TAKE IT !" The two of them continue as if I'm not standing right there..... THESE LITTLE SHITS.

I raise both my arms and bring them to both Dabi's and Shoto's ears before yanking them so they now have lean down "OW OW OWWWW" Dabi yelps while Shoto grunts. I close my eyes and turn to Shoto " You. Apologize to your brother, now." Shoto looks in between Dabi and Me, I see Dabi in the corner of my eye stick out his tongue and I quickly elbow him in the stomach he lets out a grunt before doubling over causing Shoto to let out a laugh

" Shoto Todoroki, Apologize." Shoto laughs for a moment longer before sighing "Fine I'm sorry I guess" Dabi then stands up straight before looking at Shoto with a "Are you fucking kidding me" face but before he's able to continue I clear my throat and Dabi turns to face me his eyes going wide with fear before turning to Shoto and letting out a bright smile " It's alright brother I errr got to go I think my fish is drowning.... yeah... that's what I gotta do now... BYE!" UH HUH FEAR ME BETCH! Dabi then takes off with Natsuo laughing not too far behind him... God, I'm surrounded by lovable idiots...

Shoto immediately clings to me the moment we're alone "You have to pack icyhot" I grumble. He whines and flings me over his shoulder "woAH PUT ME DOWNNNN!" I yell as he starts making his way to the bed. He gently sets me down now hovering over me, I can already feel my face begin to burn. He then plops down on my chest and lays there... WTF AM I A RAGDOLL?! I shove him but he just won't budge... HE'S LIKE A KAOLA BEAR I SWEAR!

"Noooooooo" Icyhot whines while gripping onto me for dear life. " I'm serious halfie we have to get you packed otherwise you won't be ready for the trip tomorrow! DO YOU EVEN WANT TO GO?!" Shoto then lifts his head from my chest and puffs of his left cheek before mumbling " I don't know.... what to pack..." ... Huh?

I stare at him with a confused expression " What do you mean you don't know what to pack?" I see the color red begin to rise in his cheeks before he softly mumbles out " Ive never been on a trip before without my father's maids packing my suitcase.... so I errr don't know... what to pack"

I see the embarrassment written all over his face... I'm trying... I'm really trying... don't laugh Katsuki. DONT LAUGH! HE'S OBVIOUSLY EMBARRASSED SO DONT LAUGH! but..... THIS IS JUST GOLD!

I cover my mouth to try to muffle out my laughs which doesn't seem to be working because Shoto looks up at me now turning even more red then he was before " KATSUKI DONT LAUGH!"  I then begin to laugh even more not even trying to suppress it anymore I feel Shoto bury his head in my chest before mumbling out " YOU'RE SO MEAN!" I begin to start wheezing like a 76-year-old smoker before I calm down moments later

"I can tell you what to pack dumbass" I chuckle now looking down at him as he's trying his best to hide his face but I can still tell he's embarrassed due to his ears being red. He doesn't respond so I decide to just continue talking " You'll need 4 pairs of pretty much mostly everything since we're going to be there 4 days." He doesn't move from his position... Is he trying to guilt-trip me now?! well... it's working...

I begin to ruffle his hair before continuing " You'll need pajamas, actual clothes like pants, shirts, and boxers as well as your toothbrush, deodorant, and other basic things... OH and a swimsuit but I'm pretty sure my mom made one for everyone since her new designs are coming out"

Shoto immediately pops up " Did you just say swimsuit?" His aura is now practically glowing as if the conversation we had moments ago didn't even exist. I eye him suspiciously before nodding slowly, he then questions " If I'll need a swimsuit that probably means you'll need a swimsuit.... right?" I continue to eye him.... where the hell is he going with this? I glare at him before stating " yeah we're going swimming at a beach there and I'm not fucking water-resistant ....so yes I'll need a swimsuit just like everyone else icyhot"

His eyes practically light up and he instantly stands up and begins to start packing rather rapidly I can't exactly hear what he's mumbling about but he's happily humming while setting stuff gently into the suitcase. It only takes him about 10 minutes to finish before looking up at me and giving me a bright smile before stating " I'm so happy we get to go to a beach....with swimsuits" Okay.... he's officially gone weird err well even more weird

I let out a chuckle before Fuyumi, Dabi and Natsuo pop their heads into the room " We're ready to leave now!" Fuyumi says rather happily while Dabi and Natsuo are pinching each other right behind her. I look over at Shoto who tilts his head " Where are we going, Kat?" OH, SHIT... I forgot to tell him about the gift shopping...

"We're gonna go get the old hag a gift and probably look around" Icyhot then gets this weird sparkly look on his face and proceeds to make his towards me before scooping me up AGAIN!

"I SWEAR HALFIE IF YOU KEEP THIS UP IM SERIOUSLY GOING TO KILL YOU!!" I hear a hum come from under me as he carries me out of the room and down the stairs the other three following not too far behind. He continues to walk until we reach the exit of our house he then sets me down immediately earning a karate chop to the stomach fro non-other then yours truly

He doubles over and all I hear is a WOOOHOOO coming from behind me and if I were to guess it was probably Dabi. " OHOHO smol boy got you good Shotooooo" Dabi says in a teasing manner causing Fuyumi and Natsuo to chuckle a little bit. Shoto then gets up and squints at Dabi before turning his head in disgust and now hanging on to me " KATSUKIII IM BEING BULLIEDDD" I sigh and turn to look at Dabi " Don't bully your brother staples" Dabi's eyes go wide and his mouth is just hanging open

I burst out laughing along with Natsuo and Fuyumi while Shoto sticks out his tongue. Dabi proceeds to cross his arms before pointing at Shoto and sarcastically yelling " SEE THIS IS WHY DAD DOESNT FUCKING LOVE YOU" I look over at Shoto expecting to see some kind of emotional expression but he's merely smirking and replies with " Well... JOKES ON YOU HE DOESNT LOVE YOU EITHER✌🏼" Everyone burst out laughing before continuing to walk ahead.

I feel a light tug come from my hand and I realize that Icyhot's pulling me back. " What?" I say in a monotone voice. Shoto looks down at me and smiles before taking my hand in his, just as he was about to say something I hear a loud shrieking voice in the distance " HURRY UP LOVEBIRDS I DONT HAVE ALL DAY, IM A VERY BUSY MAN!"

"WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE STAPLES!" I point my middle finger in the direction where Dabi's voice came from and without thinking it through I grab ahold of icyhot's hand and continue to stomp in the direction of the store.

I continue to drag Shoto until we're caught up with the rest of the group, I look down at our hands... Do I pull away? BUT I kinda don't want too?! SO DO I?!  Before I'm able to decide Shoto seems to make that decision for himself. I feel a tight squeeze embrace my hand and I instantly look up at him to find him smiling at me... WHO TF DOES HE THINK HE IS SMILING LIKE THAT?! cute ass bitch....

"When we get to the shopping district can one of you guys come with me while I check out a couple of the stores there?" Fuyumi asks in a gentle tone now turning to face all of us. " Kitkat can't go, I can't go and Natsuo can't go but Shoto should be able to go with you"  Dabi says now squinting at Shoto god not again... WAIT! DID THIS BITCH JUST CALL ME KITKAT?!

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING KITKAT YOU STUPID RACOON?!" I begin to start stomping my way towards him but there's only one problem... IM NOT MOVING! I look down and spot that I'm floating off the ground due to the large arms around my waist now holding me up. " ICYHOT YOU BASTARD PUT ME DOWN!" Shoto sighs before responding " I'm sorry kitten but you can't murder my brother.... that's a one-man job... and that man is going to be me"

Shoto then starts glaring intensely at Dabi and Dabi flinches " WHY ARE YOU GUYS BEING SO MEAN TO ME!" Natsuo then pats Dabi on the shoulder " It's okay bro.... I'll always love you.... even if you look like you get dressed in the dark" Dabi pushes Natsuo away " You mean it, bro?" Natsuo nods and Dabi fake cries " You're a real one bro...BUT WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LOOK LIKE I GET DRESSED IN THE DARK?!"

Natsuo immediately looks away " Woah... that's a nice tree, FUYUMI LETS GO LOOK AT THAT NICE TREE!!" He instantly grabs Fuyumi's hand and runs away with Dabi yelling not too far behind them " IM NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU YET NATSUOOOO"

In a blink of an eye, they've disappeared and I'm left with Shoto... alone. holding his hand. HAJJWIWKEJJE.

"I'm sorry about them.... this is the first time they've ever so been so carefree... believe it or not Dabi actually doesn't joke around a lot but he seems to be enjoying himself rather well these days" I look up at him and spot the small smile, wow so I guess he and Dabi do get along...

"It's cool... they aren't TOO terrible err I mean... I don't hate hanging out with them" Shoto looks at me and smiles " I'm glad! Since they're going to be your future in-laws" I feel my face go red as I look up at him not ignoring the smirk located on his face " OI DONT GET TO COCKY JUST BECAUSE WE'RE LIVING TOGETHER!" I bring my knee up and knee him in the stomach gently so it doesn't hurt... too much...

He holds his stomach and starts laughing moments later "Katsuki you're so cute when your flustered" I look away and yell " IM NOT FLUSTERED AND IM NOT CUTE!" He continues to laugh while we walk hand in hand in the direction of the store.

-Timeskip to when they arrive at the store -

-3rd person-

After walking for what seemed like forever Shoto and Katsuki had finally reached the store and spotted Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Dabi patiently waiting for them.

"Well, it's about time you guys got here where the heck did you guys go?!" Dabi says now walking up to Katsuki and Shoto. Shoto looks at his brother before turning away and says " Sorry I got lost on the path of life" Katsuki instantly elbows him in the ribs " STOP QUOTING NARUTO!" Natsuo then interrupts the conversation " I told you not to let him binge-watch all 16 seasons of it BUT NOOOO NO ONE EVER LISTENS TO ME!"

The three all turn to face him and say " Huh did you say something?" Natsuo instantly deadpans and mutters " why do I even bother...." Fuyumi walks up to Natsuo and puts a hand on his shoulder and smiles at him.

Natsuo's Energy levels: RESTORED✨

Fuyumi then turns to the others and says " Guys we should get shopping we don't want to wait too late! We still have to go home and talk with Mitsuki-san!" Everyone flinches at the mention of Mitsuki all suddenly remembering that she pulled an all-nighter last night and the person... no.. demon that awaited them would be screaming bloody murder the moment they stepped in the door. Everybody knows a Mitsuki with no sleep is utterly terrifying.

Shoto is the first to move, making his way to Fuyumi and gently letting go of Katsuki's hand " Ill stay with Fuyumi and keep her safe" Fuyumi smiles and thanks her brother until Dabi snorts and interrupts" More like Fuyumi will be protecting you" Shoto's left eye twitches and he points at Dabi " THAT WAS ONE TIME AND I WAS 10!" Fuyumi giggles while Dabi simply shrugs " MHMMM sounds like excuses to me but oh well"

Before the two are able to cause an even bigger scene Katsuki drags Dabi away by the collar now entering the jewelry store with Natsuo. " Sooo what are we looking for again?" Natsuo turns and asks Katsuki. Katsuki sighs and says " She likes red things so maybe ruby's but those are kinda expensive so.." Dabi and Natsuo look at each other and smirk before they both pull out a golden card and say" Never fear daddy's credit card is here!"

Katsuki cringes at the two and gives them a look before Natsuo gags " That sounded way better in my head..." Dabi covers his mouth and says " I'm gonna throw up now..."  Dabi proceeds to stumble around the store. Moments pass and the three of them continue to look around until something catches Katsuki's eyes. There in the display case were two black leather bracelets with silver initials engraved in them and coincidentally there just happened to be one with K ❤︎ S.

Katsuki continued to look at it now becoming intrigued... I wonder if that stupid Icyhot bastard would like something like this... Katsuki thinks to himself completely unaware of the two approaching figures. " How much does this cost?" Katsuki says pointing to bracelets, The store clerk smiles and says "it's $35.99!"

Katsuki feels the air leave his lungs... $35?! FOR THAT LITTLE BRACELET?! It's not that katsuki wasn't willing to spend that much money but he doesn't even know if Shoto would even like something like this and he knew for a fact he would be so fucking embarrassed if he didn't like it.

" OH SHOTO WOULD LOVE THAT!" Dabi yells in Katsuki's ear, catching him completely off guard. " DAMN IT STAPLES DONT SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT!" Katsuki screeches now looking at Dabi. Dabi simply shrugs and continues to look at the bracelet in the display case " soooo are you gonna get that for my Lil bro?"  Dabi questions.

Katsuki instantly turns red " WHAT NO! WHAT GAVE YOU THAT IDEA!?" Natsuo suddenly appears on the left side of Katsuki and says " Ooooo pretty bracelet!" Dabi turns to Natsuo and says " Natsuo Kitkat is going to get that for Sho!"  Natsuo's eyes light up " Awwww Sho would totally love it!" Katsuki stares at the bracelet for a moment before softly muttering " Do you think he would actually like it....?

Dabi and Natsuo look at each other and chuckle " Sho is head over heels for you, you could probably give him a jar of dirt and he would love it" Katsuki sighs " Didn't I tell you guys to stop watching pirates of the Caribbean?!" Dabi and Natsuo shrug " Whattttt you said no such thing?"

Katsuki glares at them before looking at the bracelet once again... he did want to give Shoto something... and I'm sure he won't actually laugh at it....STUPID ICYHOT HERE HE GOES AGAIN MESSING WITH MY HEAD! WHY SHOULD I CARE IF HE LIKES IT OR NOT?!

Katsuki aggressively takes out his wallet and hands the lady $40 bucks and yells " GIVE ME THAT ONE!" He then points to the bracelets and begins to tap his foot impatiently while the store clerk awkwardly smiles and puts the bracelets in a box before putting them on a bag and handing them over to Katsuki.

" Did you guys find anything for my mom?" Katsuki turns to the two behind him and asks. Dabi and Natsuo shake their head before Dabi says " Yeah we finished like 20 minutes ago but you just kept staring at that bracelet so hardcore we decided to just let you be" Katsuki turns red from embarrassment before stomping off "OH SHUT UP! LETS GO THEY'RE PROBABLY WAITING FOR US!"

The minute the three step out of the store they immediately see Fuyumi and Shoto holding shopping bags. Shoto instantly spots Katsuki and flashes him a humongous smile that made Katsuki's heart do backflips but... he would never EVER  admit that!

"Kat! we're over here!" Shoto exclaims happily. Katsuki simply grunts before yelling " IM NOT BLIND YOU IDIOT I CAN SEE YOU JUST FINE!" Shoto continues to smile even after Katsuki's insult excitedly waiting for him to cross the street so he can hug his little kitten. Once the crosswalk light turns green Dabi, Katsuki and Natsuo cross the street to where the other two were at.

Shoto scoops up Katsuki into a tight hug that at first Katsuki was reluctant to return at first but after a while, he gently hugs Shoto back. " Let's start heading back now, I'm sure Mitsuki-san is waiting for us!" Fuyumis claps her hand happily while the others simply nod.

"Icyhot... I can walk by myself you know!" Katsuki yells still slumped over Shoto's shoulder. Shoto simply hums not making any movement to set him down. Katsuki tries his best to wriggle out of Shoto's grasp but after no sign of budging he simply gives up besides... Katsuki didn't exactly hate this (¬‿¬)

-Timeskip to when they get home and are now with Mitsuki-

" MITSUKI-SANNNN I GOT YOU A GIFTTTTTT" Dabi yells running through the door with Natsuo yelling behind him " DUMBASS IT WASNT JUST YOU WHO GOT HER THE GIFT IT WAS ALL OF US!" Dabi and Natsuo rush into the house while the others calmly walk inside the house.

Mitsuki is currently laying on the couch watching.... Gordon Ramsey? " Oh hey, children you're back!" Mitsuki pops her head from the couch and smiles at everyone now in the house. Dabi runs up to the couch and yells " I GOT THIS FOR YOU!" Natsuo pushes him out of the way and yanks the gift bag from his hands and yells " WE ALL GOT IT FOR HER!"

Mitsuki laughs at the sight in front of her " Awww you guys got me something!" Dabi and Natsuo immediately stop fighting and smile " YUP! OPEN IT!!!" The two stare at her eagerly to see if she likes the gift. Mitsuki chuckles and slowly unwraps the gift while Katsuki, Shoto and Fuyumi make their way to the living room also eager to see Mitsuki's reaction

Mitsuki opens the box and gasps " YOU GUYS GOT ME A NECKLACE AND ON TOP OF THAT A RUBY NECKLACE!!" Everyone sees the very happy expression on her face and can't help but smile. Dabi and Natsuo nod now proud they were able to make Mitsuki smile.

Mitsuki gets up from the couch and hugs Dabi and Natsuo tightly before making her way to hug Fuyumi and Shoto. She stops in front of Katsuki and glares intensely while Katsuki does the same exact thing. After moments like this, she slaps Katsuki on the back of the head and pulls him into a hug. Katsuki simply growls but decides he'll let his mother have her moment.

"Oh by the way! I won't be able to go with you guys tomorrow... I have to work more shifts than usual and I can't afford to get behind...BUT I'm sure Dabi can drive you guys and everything is already paid for so you guys shouldn't have any problems!" Mitsuki says pulling away from Katsuki and looking at everyone else.

Shoto and Natsuo begin to scream " DABI CANT DRIVE US! WE'LL DIE BEFORE WE GET THERE!!" Dabi scoffs and crosses his arms " I'm an excellent driver thank you very much!" Shoto and Natsuo look at each other before stating " You once parked in a no-parking zone... AND THEN WHEN THE COP TRIED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE PARKING TICKET YOU PRETENDED TO BE DEAF SO YOU WOULDNT HAVE TO PAY!"

Dabi folds his arms over his chest " well it worked here I am $700 richer since I didn't have to pay for some stupid ticket!"  They turn to Mitsuki and point at Dabi " SEEEEE!" Katsuki simply sighs and then says" The old hag does that all the time... in fact sometimes she and I quote " plays hide and seek with police officers"

Mitsuki awkwardly chuckles " You gotta do what you gotta do!" Dabi smiles and points at Mitsuki " EXACTLY!"  Natsuo and Shoto fall to the ground dramatically they both start mumbling while Mitsuki and Dabi simply laugh.

Fuyumi and Katsuki simply look at each other and sigh this was going to be some road trip. Mitsuki simply turns to everyone and says " You guys should head to bed since you guys are going to end up waking up early! I already packed some snacks and drinks so you guys should be good to go... OH, I also packed your swimsuits while you guys were on your little shopping spree so you're all set!"

They all turned to each other and sighed before saying good night to each other and making their way to their rooms. Katsuki was fast walking up the stairs and now racing to his room. He needed to hide the bracelet in his suitcase so he could find the right time to give it to Shoto because he was simply not ready just yet

Luckily he was able to hide the bracelet before Shoto had entered the room. Shoto was also holding a bag and quickly put it in his suitcase but Katsuki thought nothing of it since he thought that maybe Shoto had bought himself clothes which wasn't entirely the case...

Shoto quickly laid down on the bed and pulled Katsuki down on top of him. Katsuki was simply too tired to pull away or move so he simply closed his eyes and cuddled with his clingy boyfriend. The two exchanged good nights and steadily fell asleep both eager of the trip approaching.

Little did the two know this trip would change their relationship for better or for worse...